Title: Mextram
- Overview
- New Mextram in Verilog-A Revision 504.6.1
- Revised Beta Release of the Mextram in Verilog-A
Subversion 504.7.0 - A New Web Site
2New Mextram in Verilog-A Revision
504.6.1(November, 2006)
- Operation point (output) variables implemented
following NXP Mextram 504.6 documentation. - The units and descriptions for parameters and
operation point variables according to LRM 2.2. - A potentially dangerous initial_step event is
eliminated. - LRM 2.2 implementation of the correlated noise.
- The temperature and exponential function limiting
Planed but postponed for future releases.
- Realizing thermal nodes by thermal disciplines.
3Operation Point (Output) Variables
ifdef __VAMS_COMPACT_MODELING__ define
OPP(nam, uni, des) ( desc"des", units"uni" )
real nam else define OPP(nam, uni,
des) endif
OPP(OP_ic, A, External DC collector
current) OPP(OP_gx, S, Forward transconductance)
OP_ic I(ltcgt) ddxInVb2 ddx(In, V(b2))
OP_gx ddxInVb2 - ddx(In, V(e1)) .print dc
x1OP_ic x1OP_gx
4Eliminating initial_step Event
ifdef insideADMS _at_(initial_model) begin
else _at_(initial_step or
initial_step("static")) begin endif include
"initialize.inc" end // initial_step
begin initializeModel include
"initialize.inc end
5LRM 2.2 Implementation of the Correlated Noise
real w_n_1 w_n_1 white_noise(1.0)
I(c2, e1) lt powerCCS w_n_1 I(c2, b2)
lt white_noise(powerII) twoqIavl w_n_1
electrical w_n_1 I(w_n_1) lt V(w_n_1)
I(w_n_1) lt white_noise(1.0) I(c2, e1) lt
powerCCS V(w_n_1) I(c2, b2) lt
white_noise(powerII) twoqIavl V(w_n_1)
6Temperature and Exponential Function Limiting
define TMIN 20.0 define TMAX 600.0
7Thermal Network Implemented Using Thermal
module bjt504t_va (c, b, e, s, dt) thermal
dt Pwr(dt) lt Temp(dt) / RTH_Tamb_M Pwr(dt)
lt ddt(CTH_M Temp(dt)) Pwr(dt) lt -1.0
8Revised Beta Release of the Mextram in Verilog-A
Subversion 504.7.0
- Revision 504.6.1Proposal for reverse BE
junction tunneling current. - Update documentation will be available on the web
site in December.
9A New Web Site
- http//mextram.sourceforge.net
- To support the releasing of the Mextam in
Verilog-A for CMC. - Integrate model releases, documentation and
development with source code version control. - The existing Mextram User Group
continue to address topics of general users
interest independently of the model