RPIA Aragn first achievements: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RPIA Aragn first achievements:


A technical day was celebrated in December 2003 with the participation of fifty ... to recover the way this decoration is produced in the Aragonese ceramic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: RPIA Aragn first achievements:

RPIA Aragón - first achievements
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Sectoral Platforms
  • Strategic Research Structures

17 18 May 2004 Uppsala - Sweden
Aragón View
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
- Aragón, with an area of 47.669 km² and
1.200.000 inhabitants (25 inhab/km²) includes
three provinces Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. -
95 of the Aragonese region is a fragile and few
structured zone (a rural area), and the rest 5,
includes Zaragoza metropolitan area and its
industrial surroundings.
Instituto Tecnológico de AragónManagement
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
The Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón is a
technology RD centre whose main objective is to
promote the technological capacity of the local
industry. This support comprises a wide variety
of tasks, such as identification and support of
the innovation necessities, technology and
innovation management, exploitation of
technological resources, etc.
  • The technical areas are
  • Agro-alimentary and Biotechnology.
  • Electronics and New Technologies
  • Mechanics and New Materials
  • Technological Consultancy
  • Technical Services of calibration
  • Training

Framework of Sectoral Platforms
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
PLASEC. Setting up of sectoral platforms of
innovation support.
COOPERA. Co-operation among the SI agents,
through projects of technological development and
innovation in SMEs
LABORA. Approach of the NICT in the business
sector and in the Aragonese society
  • REDES.
  • Exchange of innovative good practices

PLASEC Measure
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
Kindness of the cooperation in the enterprises
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • The co-operation between companies (specially
    between SMEs) represents a key factor in
    competitiveness with the global economy.
  • It facilitates the presence and visibility in the
    global market of the companies that decides to
  • It allows to accede to new opportunities and new
    challenges difficult to reach in individual form.
  • All the companies that participate in a
    cooperation obtains benefits from it.

PLASEC, a measure to take advantage of
cooperation kindness
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • And to facilitate the co-operation in Aragon by
    means of the creation of Sectoral Platforms
  • To spread the innovation and cooperation culture
    between the sectors of activity of the
    participant companies.
  • To spread the cooperation such as interrelation
    mechanisms that go beyond the strictly mercantile
    relations of subordination and that allow to
    performances and behaviors "win-win".
  • To combine capacities and competitions to
    position itself in segments of greater added
    value within the value chain.
  • To respond to challenges that need the
    concurrence of several companies.
  • To design, to define and to implant shared
    strategies of innovation.
  • To define stable mechanisms of cooperation in
    order to improve the competitiveness of the
    companies of the Platforms.

PLASEC Measure
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Content
  • Setting up of sectoral platforms of innovation
  • Description
  • A Sectoral Platforms is a group of companies from
    the same sector of activity, or present in the
    same supply chain, or with common interests, that
    articulates stable mechanisms of cooperation in
    order to improve its competitive capacity.

Sectoral Platforms
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Objective
  • To Improve competitiveness of the companies
    through cooperation and establishment of an
    agreement about the following issues
  • the challenges companies have to cope with
    related to innovation matters
  • the objectives and strategies to get these
  • the priority actions to be developed by
  • the companies participating
  • the association of these companies

Leader Company
Sectoral Platform
2 years
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Group of Companies

Same value chain
Same sector of activities
Common geographical or social context
Common interests and Innovation necessities
Stable mechanisms of Long Term co-operation
Development of PLASEC
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Identification of possible Sectoral Platforms.
    (Leaders and companies).
  • Definition of cooperation lines between the
  • Animation in proposals presentation to PLASEC
  • Evaluation of proposals received in an
    interactive process between ITA and Sectoral
  • Financing of the best proposals.

  • Agreement between ITA and each Sectoral
  • Platform with the commitment of fulfillment
  • of the objectives and collaboration.
  • Individualized accompanying plan for each
  • according to the particular necessities.

IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
Entrepreneurial Organizations, Big Enterprises,
Universities, Foundations, ...
On going Platforms
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
VITEMAR is a technological and environmental
monitoring platform headed by the Aragonese
Association of Metal Processing Companies and
with the participation of 13 companies. The
objective of VITEMAR is to prepare and equip the
sector to be able to face the increasing
environmental demands. ARCODI Eight companies
specialized in digital communication have joined
force to promote the international
commercialisation of their technology. TECNOVATIO
N This platform, led by APTICE (the Association
for the Promotion of Electronic Commerce) looks
to provide new technological solutions for small
and medium - sized Aragonese companies. EURO-MARK
ET The multinational BSH BALAY is promoting the
development of one group of its suppliers in
Zaragoza so as to be in a position to supply the
BSH group as a whole.
On going Platforms
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
E-METALCOM led by the Federation of Iron and
Steel Companies of Zaragoza, looks to develop the
e-commerce possibilities of a wide range of iron
and steel sector companies. In the beginning, 12
companies are involved in the Platform. CENTROPYM
E.BIZ is a platform whose aim is to create a
market place virtual business centre in order
to speed up the way small and medium-size
companies do business. It is headed by CEPYME
Aragón. GESTINZA is a platform which groups
together companies from various sectors of
activity to improved innovation management
systems in Aragonese companies. CIALCA the
platform has been set up to promote innovation,
research and technological development in the
food and agriculture area, headed by the
Calamocha Development, Construction and Promotion
Society. ARIME TERUEL has brought together five
Teruel-based companies from the dry grains and
non-energy mineral extraction sectors and it
seeks to improve competitiveness through
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
Strategic Research Structures
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Contents
  • To implement cooperation channels among the
    scientific-technological actors in order to
    improve the excellence in Aragón. As a result of
    cooperation, vanguard positions in different
    sectors will be strengthened and the Aragonese
    industries necessities and new challenges will be
    efficiently solved.
  • Description
  • A Strategic Research Structure is formed by a
    group of researchers who establish an
    identifiable cooperation relationship in the mid
    term and with a development or research line
    characterised by a high innovative and strategic
    component for Aragón.

Strategic Research Structures
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Objectives
  • To develop innovative and strategic research
    lines in Aragón.
  • To promote participation of the
    scientific-technological actors in Aragón in
    national and international networks of
  • Main features
  • Participation of at least one scientific-technolog
    ical actor together with one or more RD
    departments of SMEs.
  • The research lines to be developed must fulfil
    the specific necessities of one or more business

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Optical Communications Working Group (I)
  • It comprises the participation of Fibercom as
    well as the Applied Physics Department and
    Electronics and Communications Department of the
    University of Zaragoza (members of I3A).
  • This working group aims at developing a stable
    cooperation frame in the optical fiber and
    communications field.
  • The main research lines are
  • DWDM systems. Development of measurement
    procedures for optical communication networks
    with dense wavelength division multiplexing
    (DWDM). The DWDM systems are the most advanced
    solution for high transmission communications.
  • Non-linear effects on fiber. Development and
    exploitation of BOSA, a metering unit for
    high-resolution optical spectrum.
  • Linear sensors. Research of the applications of
    optical fibers such as sensors distributed in

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Optical Communications Working Group (II)
  • Activities to highlight
  • Implementation of the pre-industrial phase for
    the development of BOSA, whose first prototype
    was submitted in February 2004 in the Optical
    Fiber Conference in Los Angeles. This prototype
    will be available in the market at the end of the
    present year.
  • Creation of a web page with information on ETCO,

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Food quality and safety. Development of new
    diagnostic tests (I)
  • Members
  • Zeu-Inmunotec.
  • Food Technology Department. Food Technology and
    Microbiology Group. Faculty of Veterinary.
    University of Zaragoza.
  • Food Technology Department. Biochemistry and Food
    Analysis Group. Faculty of Veterinary. University
    of Zaragoza.
  • Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Department. Animal Immunity and Food Quality
    Group. Faculty of Sciences. University of
  • Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Department. Group of Cyanobacteria and Chemistry
    of Proteins and Peptides. Faculty of Sciences.
    University of Zaragoza.

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Food quality and safety. Development of new
    diagnostic tests (II)
  • The objective of this research structure is to
    develop new analytical tools to guarantee food
    quality and safety.
  • The research lines are focused on the development
    of new diagnostic tests for
  • Detection of antibiotics and wastes in food.
  • Identification of food allergens.
  • Detection of pathogens and toxins in water.
    Development of legionella and cyanotoxins tests.
  • Evaluation of the quality of milk.
  • Activities to highlight
  • A technical day was celebrated in December 2003
    with the participation of fifty researchers in
    this sector.

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Industrial virtual reality (I)
  • Members
  • Group of Advanced Graphic Computing. Department
    of Informatics and Systems Engineering of the
    Polytechnics School. University of Zazagoza.
  • Department of Software Technologies and
    Multimedia Systems of the Technological Institute
    of Aragón.
  • With the collaboration of the following
  • Construcciones Auxiliares de Ferrocarril, CAF.
  • Tecnoluz, Ensayos y Calibraciones.
  • Formación y Tecnología, Fortec.
  • Going Investment.

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Industrial virtual reality (II)
  • Description
  • Development of systems, applications and tools of
    virtual reality and enlarged reality for
    industrial processes.
  • Activities to highlight
  • Technology prospective about virtual and enlarged
  • Agreement between ITA and the University of
    Zaragoza for the installation of VR in the
    technology park WALCA (interactive CAVE) for the
    development of lighting and visualization

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Aragonese traditional ceramic (I)
  • Members
  • Laboratory of Materials Processing by Laser of
    the Institute of Materials Sciences of Aragón,
  • Group of Applied Inorganic Chemistry of ICMA,
  • Department of Analytical Chemistry of Sciences
    Faculty. University of Zaragoza.
  • Ceramics School Workshop of Muel.
  • Gres Aragón.
  • Description
  • The structure deals with the application of laser
    technology on the Aragonese traditional ceramic
    with the objective of improving production and
    competitiveness of the artisans in Aragón.

Strategic Research Structures Developed
IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
  • Aragonese traditional ceramic (II)
  • Research lines
  • Development of new processes of digital engraving
    and titling on ceramic tiles.
  • Analysis of the surface composition of metallic
    reflection in order to recover the way this
    decoration is produced in the Aragonese ceramic
  • Development of new composites used in the
    production of metallic surfaces.
  • Activities to highlight
  • Titling of 2.000 streets in villages of Zaragoza

IRE meeting Industrial Regions Group
e-mail innovaragon_at_ita.es
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