Title: IT 215
1IT 215
- Analysis and Design Techniques
2Chapter 5 Development Strategies
- Overview
- Web-Based Software Trends
- Outsourcing
- In-House
- Role of Analyst
- Software Acquisition
- Completion of Analysis Tasks
- Transition to Design
- Design Guidelines
- Prototyping
- Codes During Design
- Choices Today vs. Yesterday
- Packages vs. Custom
- In-House vs. Outsource
- On-Shore vs. Off-Shore
- Other
4Web-Based Software Trends
- Software as Service
- Changing Marketplace
- Internet Impact
- Growth
- Fees
- Issues
- Concerns
- Make vs. Buy
- In-House Development
- Package Purchase
- Customization
- User Applications
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9Role of Analyst
- Company Decisions
- Make/Buy
- In/Out
- Package/Custom
- Mix
10Software Acquisition
- Evaluate Requirements
- Identify Options
- Evaluate Alternatives
- Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Recommendation
- Implement
11Financial Analysis Tools
- Payback Analysis
- Return on Investment
- Net Present Value
12Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis Checklist
- List each development strategy being considered
- Identify all costs and benefits for each
alternative. Be sure to indicate when costs will
be incurred and benefits realized - Consider future growth and the need for
scalability - Include support costs for hardware and software
13Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis Checklist
- Analyze various software licensing options,
including fixed fees and formulas based on the
number of users or transactions - Apply the financial analysis tools to each
alternative - Study the results and prepare a report to
14A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 1 Evaluate the Information System
Requirements - Identify key features
- Consider network and web-related issues
- Estimate volume and future growth
- Specify hardware, software, or personnel
15A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 1 Evaluate the Information System
Requirements - Prepare a request for proposal or quotation
- Request for proposal (RFP)
- Evaluation model
- Request for quotation (RFQ)
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18A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 2 Identify Potential Vendors or Outsourcing
Options - The Internet is a primary marketplace
- Another approach is to work with a consulting
firm - Another resource is the Internet bulletin board
systems that contains thousands of forums, called
19A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 3 Evaluate the Alternatives
- Existing users
- Application testing
- Benchmarks
- Match each package against the RFP features and
rank the choices
20A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 4 Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Identify and calculate TCO for each option you
are considering - When you purchase software, what you are buying
is a software license - If you purchase a software package, consider a
maintenance agreement
21A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 5 Prepare a Recommendation
- You should prepare a recommendation that contains
your recommendation and lists the alternatives,
together with the costs, benefits, advantages,
and disadvantages of each option - At this point, you may be required to submit a
formal system requirements document and deliver a
22A Software Acquisition Example
- Step 6 Implement the Solution
- Implementation tasks will depend on the solution
selected - Before the new software becomes operational, you
must complete all implementation steps, including
loading, configuring, and testing the software
training users and converting data files to the
new systems format
23Completion of Analysis Tasks
- Requirements document
- Presentation
24Transition to Design
- Preparation
- Logical vs. Physical Design
25Design Guidelines
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- Methods
- Tools
- Limitations
- Other Modeling Tools
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34Codes During Design
- Overview
- Types
- Development
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36Using Codes During System Design
- Overview of Codes
- Because codes often are used to represent data,
you encounter them constantly in your everyday
life - They save storage space and costs, reduce
transmission time, and decrease data entry time - Can reduce data input errors
37Using Codes During System Design
- Types of Codes
- Sequence codes
- Block sequence codes
- Alphabetic codes
- Category codes
- Abbreviation codes
38Using Codes During System Design
- Types of codes
- Significant digit codes
- Derivation codes
- Cipher codes
- Action codes
- Self-checking codes
39Using Codes During System Design
- Developing a Code
- Keep codes concise
- Allow for expansion
- Keep codes stable
- Make codes unique
- Use sortable codes
- Avoid confusing codes
40Using Codes During System Design
- Developing a Code
- Make codes meaningful
- Use a code for a single purpose
- Keep codes consistent