Title: Dr Ang Wai Hoong
1Curriculum Development and Textbooks in Singapore
- Dr Ang Wai Hoong
- Singapore
2Evolution of Curriculum and Textbook Development
1965 to present
3Syllabuses to Teaching Materials
MOE Syllabuses Teachers Students Provide
Objectives Select, prepare Use
learn Content topics teaching materials
teacher-prepared Approach Teach
4Importance of Textbooks
- Transmit knowledge, skills, attitudes, values
- Shortage of qualified and well-trained teachers
- Lack of relevant teaching and learning resources
- High stakes examinations influence placement in
good schools, scholarship/bursary award, job
prospects -
5Phase I 1965 - 1969
- Vernacular Schools
- showed strong orientation to migrants
motherland - MOE set up Education Publication Bureau (EPB)-
publish textbooks for Civics and Mother Tongue
6Phase II 1970 - 1979
- Commercial publishers supplied textbooks
- MOE provided textbooks for innovative projects to
improve teaching and learning - Education for Living
- Integration of Civics, History and Geography in
Mother Tongue languages - Primary Pilot project
- Integration of English, Mathematics and Science
7Phase II 1970 - 1979
- Chinese Language Project
- Emphasis on oracy and literacy
- Lower Secondary Science
- Emphasis on concepts, scientific skills and
Both projects joined CDIS and were successfully
implemented in schools
8Phase III 1980 - 1996
- Implementation of New Education System (NES)
- Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore
(CDIS) set up to develop quality textbook
packages - On time for sale and use in schools
- Affordable prices
9Structure of CDIS
10Organizational Structure and Functions of CDIS
11Main Functions of CDIS
- Administrative Department
- Human Resource
- Staff
- Production
- Specification
- Time lines
- Work with Publishers
- Tenders
- Publication dates
- Costs/pricing
- Project Team
- Develop conceptual framework
- Write materials
- Trial material in Schools
- Assist in evaluation by NIE
- Conduct dissemination workshops
Department of Education Technology Develop Audio
Visual materials Produce Educational Television
Programs Provide imported AV materials for loan
to Schools Conduct workshops on the use of
Education Technology for teachers
12Requirements of Textbooks
- Generally one textbook and work/activity book per
grade per subject in primary and secondary levels - Each textbook and work/activity book published in
two parts for two semesters a year
- preserve better
- lighter to carry
13Phase IV 1997 to present
- CDIS closed in 1996
- Curriculum Planning and Development Division
- Prepares syllabuses (except Civics and Moral
Education and Mother Tongue languages) for
commercial publishers - Controls authorization process to ensure quality
and affordable prices of textbooks - Lists all approve textbooks and prices on website
14Available Teaching Resources
15Singapores Experience
- Scarce resources - textbooks important
- Plentiful resources - textbooks useful
16Singapores Experience
- Textbooks transmit
- National values nation building
- Knowledge and skills national
development -
17Singapores Experience
- CDIS (MOE) collaboration with commercial
publishers produced - Quality textbook
- Affordable prices
18Singapores Experience
- Dissemination workshops to model effective use of
textbooks for teachers to -
- adopt teaching approaches
- teach content
- prescribed by MOE syllabuses to achieve
- desired outcomes
19Singapores Experience
- MOE authorization process ensures
- Quality textbooks
- Affordable prices
20Singapores Experience
- Textbooks for all students
- Parents to buy textbooks
- MOE free textbook scheme for needy students
- Assistance from schools and other organizations