Title: The NorduGrid Collaboration
1Part I 1315 - 1500 - Welcome and EPF news
Alex read (ALR) - EPF-related projects Farid
Ould-Saada - Instrumentation project Steinar
Stapnes (SS) - Round table presentation of all
EPF members - Next meetings / seminars -
discussion about the form and duration -
proposal for seminars - do we need one extra
meeting? - Future Planning - travel - Web Page
Revolution - ... - Nordic LHC Physics KnowARC
and NGN conference - AOB ? Disk space for
data Part II 1515-1700 - Room Ø393 (ex
LHC lab, ex Grid lab, ...) needs similar
revolution as Ø392! - Idem for Corridor (maybe
another time but we can start) posters and
plants will replace the cupboards ... sorry for
nostalgic people - Idem for Room 391 (maybe
another time) printers will move out, where?
Part III 1700 - ?? - Test of Room Ø393 with
Pizza Kjell Martin will order them, Esben
makes sure we have things to drink, other
personal contributions are welcome.
2Join the High Energy Particle Physics
Project, Work with the ATLAS experiment at
LHC, Discover New Physics ... ... and maybe take
part in a Revolution.
Particle physics or High Energy Physics is the
activity which seeks to discover and understand
the basic constituents of matter and the
interactions among them. The present state of our
knowledge is contained in the Standard Model
(SM). The SM is however incomplete. The Large
Hadron Collider LHC at the CERN laboratory in
Geneva will be the first particle accelerator to
explore directly a new energy frontier, the TeV
scale. By colliding beams of protons at 14 TeV,
the LHC will probe deeper into matter than ever
before, reproducing conditions in the first
picoseconds in the life of the Universe.
Starting in 2007, four experiments, among them
ATLAS, will collect data that might reveal new
physics phenomena. Among the open questions,
LHC may reveal the origin of particle masses,
explain dark matter, investigate extra space
dimensions, and help understand the origin of
matter in the Universe. Several aspects of LHC
physics touch on the interface between particle
physics and cosmology. In a sense, particle
physics is the science of matter, energy, space
and time.
You joined the Experimental Particle Physics
Group, ... Have fun!
Links HEPP BigBang Machine EPF
3- The CERN-related High Energy Particle Physics
Research Project - more info
- ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) - Main HEPP Activity within this project
- High Energy Particle Physics Theory
- Theoretical particle physics aims to relate
experimental facts to theoretical frameworks, as
well as to study the internal consistency of such
frameworks, and finally to suggest phenomena that
can be experimentally investigated at present and
future high-energy particle accelerators. - BABAR experiment at the SLAC B-factory
- Continue buid up expertise in B-physics with real
data as preparation for ATLAS and allow the
present students to finish their theses.
? EPF also involved in and leads (S. Stapnes)
the CERN-related Instrumentation project ?
FI-UiO also involved in the CERN-related High
Energy Nuclear Physics project (D. Röhrich,
UiB) ? EPF is involved in and leads several Grid
4The Norwegian High Energy Particle Physics
Project 2006-11
5The Norwegian HEPP06-11 Project?
- A group of eager people from Bergen, Gjøvik and
Oslo who want to continue, and even improve, the
very good work done during the now finished
project period - Analysis Project ? Lars Bugge
- Delphi, Babar, HeraB, WA102,
- ATLAS Project ? Bjarne Stuggu
- pilot Grid Project ? FOS
- Members of the Norwegian High Energy Particle
Physics Project have already made significant
contributions to the field ... - (Check the cupboards in the corridor for more
details!) - They have plans for the future,
- see application document for more details
- I will not say anything about the large amount
of resources needed to do the work in good
conditions ... at least not today. - What are the challenges? Very briefly
6 Hardware challenge. Contribution to development,
prototyping, construction, commissioning,
operation and maintenance of of components for
the ATLAS detector, SiliConTracking detector,
and construction and delivery of cryogenic
tanks. Computing challenge. Both in terms of
processing and distribution of huge amounts of
data of unprecedented complexity, as well as in
terms of software for tracking, reconstruction
and analysis. A huge effort has been devoted to
the development of the NorduGrid/ARC middleware,
maintaining of hardware, running of ATLAS data
challenges, porting of production and analysis
software, as well as preparation of tracking
software. Physics challenge. Studies of ATLAS
relevant physics performed by students and
physicists from the whole particle physics
community, with important input from
theoreticians. Expertise from past and current
experiments. More detailed and precise
simulations of the ATLAS detector, more
statistics through NorduGrid, improvement of
analysis methods, and inclusion of new
theoretical ideas. Ready for Real Data.
Management challenge. Project leader for the
Inner Detector (ID) system. Deputy spokesperson.
Involvement in various GRID computing boards (LHC
Computing GRID, ATLAS and NorduGrid), in ATLAS
software (production, tracking), in physics
working groups, and in publication and
authorship committee. Clearly, outstanding
contributions that also fulfil the collaboration
requirements that institutes and individuals be
involved as much as possible in the full chain,
and not just in the analysis of a given physics
channel. ATLAS organisation and operation model
for the data-taking era at the LHC with the aim
is to guarantee an efficient delivery of
high-quality physics results. Commissioning
challenge. Operation and Data Taking.
Publication, Dissemination, Outreach Challenge
Situation exactly 1 year ago
7- Detector operation
- Involvement in operation of the Atlas Inner
Detector - continued ID responsibilities, overall
operation - significant amount of time at CERN and travel
- Data preparation
- Support of key people at CERN and/or at home
- to carry central responsibilities related to
- SCT / ID software and pattern recognition /
tracking - Simulation and offline software.
- Computing and Grid
- GRID and other computing activities
- Secure excellent data, CPU and mass storage
capasity - Distribution of data and analysis
- Trigger (Presently no activities but might start)
- Physics Participation in 4 physics 1 combined
performance groups. - ? Outreach
ATLAS Norway 4 out of 5 activities
TOB Trigger and Offline Board
8Operation Model for the data-taking
phase (Details can be found at
nModel )
9A research collaboration that develops and
supports Advanced Resource Connector middelware
and coordinates the various inputs to the ARC code
- Provides middleware to research groups, national
Grid projects - ARC on 50 sites in 14 countries
10NorduGrid yesterday, today, tomorrow
- From ... ... To
- 4Nordic gt14 countries
- Tesbed gt50 sites
- 20cpus gt5000 cpus
- HEP gt Bio,Chem.,...
- 2001 gt2003
- ... from a research project to a research
collaboration - ... from a Grid testbed to a major middleware
provider - ... Now several related projects ?
11Bottom-Up approach ...
NG at Super Computing 05 (S. Haug)
SC 2004
12HEP vs Non HEP Example of applications run
simultaneously on NorduGrid
13Nordic Grid Neighbourhood NGN Year 2, 3?
DENMARK University of Copenhagen (NBI,
DIKU) Southern Danish University, Dep. of
Computer Science Aalborg University, Dep. of
Computer Science ESTONIA National Institute of
Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB) Estonian
Educational and Research Network (EENet) Tartu
University, Institute of Technology FINLAND
University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of
Physics LITHUANIA Vilnius University, Institute
of Materials Science and Applied Research NORWAY
University of Oslo, Physics institute University
of Bergen, Department of Physics University of
Tromsø, Department of Computer Science NTNU,
Trondheim, Department of Computer and Information
Science NTNU, Trondheim, IT division (ITEA)
RUSSIA St. Petersburg State University, Dep. of
Physics Petrodvorets Telecommunication
Center Dubna? SWEDEN Lund University, Department
of Physics Linköping University, National
Supercomputer Center Umeå University, Department
of Computing Science and HPC2N Uppsala
University, Department of Radiation
Sciences Royal Institute of Technology, NADA/PDC,
KTH Stockholm University and KTH, Department of
Project , NO27, Nabo 05-06, Nordic Grid
Neighbourhood Project no. 172724/V11 We have
read and approved your final academic and
financial project report for the funding period
2005-2006. We are pleased that most of the
planned goals of the network have been reached
through, i.a. workshops, conferences and
tutorials. We are impressed by the number of
partners and partcipants in the various
... 9 countries, 24 institutions
14CHEP 2006 Poster
CHEP 2006 Article
15Goals of KnowARC
- The mission of KnowARC is
- to create a novel, powerful Next Generation Grid
middleware - extend and re-design ARC
- ARC in major Linux distributions
- New platforms Windows, Solaris, Mac OS-X
- to promote Grid standardization and
interoperability - interoperability with other Grid solutions (EGEE
and OGF compliant grids) - possibilities to include (or to be included in)
other infrastructures. - to prove usage in Health care, Industry and
Science - Bioinformatics Autoimmune Diseases
- Medical Informatics Lung Diseases
- Automotive industry
16Official Project information
Title of Contract Grid-enabled Know-how Sharing
Technology Based on ARC Services and Open
Standards Acronym KnowARC Contract
Nber 032691 Instrument STP - Specific
Targeted Research Projects (aka STREP) Thematic
priority/domain Information Society Technologies
(IST) Call title IST Call 5 Call identifier
FP6-2005-IST-5 Activity IST-2005-2.5.4 -
Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services
Program FP6 Duration 36 month Start
date June 1, 2006 Community Contribution EUR 2
899 494- Resources 17.5 FTEs in total, 12.5
financed Coordinator University of Oslo
Contact Prof. F. Ould-Saada_at_fys.uio.no ,
1710 partners from 7 countries
NorduGrid members and research teams in medicine,
bioinformatics, physics, engineering, automotive
industry apps, IT
- Oslo University Norway
- Lund University Sweden
- Copenhagen University Denmark
- Uppsala University Sweden
- NIIF Hungary
- Geneva Uni. Hospitals Switzerland
- Kosice University Slovakia
- Lübeck University Germany
- sciencecomputing ag Germany
- SUN Microsystems Hungary
18Nordic DataGrid Facility
- Goal create a Nordic Grid infrastructure,
- primarily for LHC Grid computing (Tier1)
- 2003-2005 pilot project
- NorduGrid/ARC middleware chosen as the basis
- June 1st 2006 NDGF 2006-2010 is launched
- Funded (2 MEUR/year) by Nordic National Research
Councils (NOS-N) - Operates a Nordic storage facility for major
scientific projects - Develops Grid middleware (ARC contributor with 6
middleware positions) - Single Point of Entry for international
collaborations (LCG, ...) - Represents the Nordic Grid community
internationally - NDGF coordinates activities - does not own
resources or middleware - Tier1 computing and storage resources provided by
Nordic HEP community - Middleware provided NorduGrid
- Interoperability with gLiTe
19Nordic DataGrid Facility
Distributed Nordic Tier1
20Nordunet3 Internet Research Programme
- Innovative services and tools for NorduGrid. PI
Farid Ould-Saada, University of Oslo.
- 4-year Grant
- Oslo, Lund, Uppsala, Copenhagen, Helsinki,
Reykjavik - Mainly
- Data Management storage, indexing and movement
- Education and expert training in Grid computing
- ? 5 PhD grants starting October 2006
- ? Grid school
- ? call for collaboration with Baltic and Russia
21Nordic Grid activities strengthen the WLCG
CERN Courier 46/7
Nordic countries have participated in Grid
developments at CERN since the beginning,
although at the early stages they already opted
for developing their own middleware. Most Nordic
Grid projects now use the Advanced Resource
Connector (ARC), developed by NorduGrid, while
some also use the gLite middleware deployed by
the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project.
Several sites are involved both in NorduGrid and
in projects such as EGEE, and therefore deploy
both ARC and gLite.
22I will now spend the next 5 hours to summarise
some Norwegian Contributions to ATLAS at LHC ...
(Case study Bergen and Gjøvik and theory groups
- ....
- Building, testing, assembly of part of Semi
Conductor Tracker - STEP software that provides a track estimator for
ATLAS, ... - Atlas simulation and analysis software,
distribution, .. - Grid middleware, data management system, Logging
and accounting - Data Challenges, ...
- Preparation for physics
- Searches
- SM and SUSY Higgs
- Supersymmetry Squarks, Lightest Supersymmetric
Particles - New gauge bosons Z'
- Extra dimensions
- Graviton
- Mini blackholes
- .........
23We were really worried that we can't keep even
our bright students ...
24- gt Activities
- Subdetector construction and installation
- Detector Operation, Data Preparation
- Computing Grid, Software Data distribution
- Physics Analysis, Interpretation
- Theory vs Experiment
- Outreach, Education
CERN-related Norwegian High Energy Particle
Physics Project 2006-2011
Permanent staff members (Uni) Lars
Bugge UiO Torleiv Buran UiO Kjell Martin
Danielsen UiO Ole Dorholdt UiO Jan Olav Eeg
(theory) UiO Gerald Eigen UiB Hallstein
Høgåsen (theory) UiO Egil Lillestøl UiB
Anna Lipniacka UiB Carsten Lütken (theory) UiO
Per Osland (theory) UiB Farid
Ould-Saada UiO Alex Read UiO Steinar
Stapnes UiO Are Stranlie HiG Bjarne
Stugu UiB
Pot-Doc / Researchers NN UiB NN UiB Yuriy
Pylypchenko UiO Ole Røhne UiO Bjørn
Samset UiO Adrian Taga UiO PhD Esben Lund
UiO Trygve Buanes UiB Ola Øye
(X) UiB Katarina Pajchel UiO Bjarte Mohn
UiB Arshak Tonoyan UiB Liang Sun UiB Theory
PhD Abdel Wahab El Kaffas UiB Are
Raklev UiB Alexander Vereshagin UiB
Master Students Yngve Andersen UiO Håvard
Gjersdal UiO Eirik Gramstad UiO Gunn K. H.
Larsen UiO Maiken Pedersen UiO Johannes
Rekkedal UiO Lillian Smestad UiO Theory Lars
Erlend Leganger UiO Alex Kastanas UiB
Mohammad Furqan (X) UiB Therese Berge
Sjursen UiB Hilde Skjerdal UiB Oyvind
Satre UiB Babar Kjetil Follesø UiB Theory Asmund
Blitzner UiB
Grid _at_ EPF Aleksandr Konstantinov Thomas Frågåt
A.Taga NN (KnowARC) NN (N3) NN (NDGF)
Instrumentation _at_ EPF O.Røhne O. Dorholdt Erik
Adli S.Steinar NN (engineer) 2 from
electronics workshop
25Instrumentation for High Energy Particle and
Nuclear Physics
See Steinars Brief summary
26Prosjektbeskrivelse, Erik Adli (EPF)
Status Stipendiat ved Fysisk Institutt, EPF,
siden 1. juli 2006. Utstasjonert på CERN i
forbindelse med CLIC-prosjektet. CERN er derfor
min hovedbase, men jeg er tilstede ved UiO ved
behov. Arbeidsoppgaver Arbeid på
CLIC-prosjektet. I tillegg kommer noe
undervisning (akseleratordelen av FYS4550), noe
ATLAS-relatert arbeid (ex-prosjektansvarlig for
ATLAS vakuumkontrollsystemer), samt
formidlingsoppgaver på CERN. Beskrivelse av
CLIC-prosjektet Etter LHC vil det høyst
sannsynlig være behov for en 1 TeV lineær e
e- akselerator. En slik akselerator vil
nødvendigvis bli den største verden har sett
(opptil 30-40 km lengde trengs for å oppnå
tilstrekkelig energi). CLIC (Compact LInear
Collider) er en av akseleratordesignene som kan
bli valgt for en fremtidig akselerator. I
laboratoriet CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) ved CERN
testes de viktigste nye ideene ved CLIC.
Prosjektarbeidet ved CLIC vil i første rekke være
knyttet til beam-dynamikk studier, men også
omhandle andre aspekter av CLIC som
synktrotronstrålingseffekter, samt inkludere
arbeid med operasjon av CLIC Test Facility 3. I
prosjektet vil også inngå en gjennomgang av
fysikkmuligheter ved CLIC, og forskjeller ved
LHC-fysikk og CLIC-fysikk.
EM-felt indusert av partiklene, wakefields, må
studeres inngående for å sikre stabilitet for
CLIC - Compact LInear Collider - en e e-
lineær partikkelakselerator. Drivstrålekonseptet
gjør CLIC kompakt og elegant i forhold til
standard klystronbasert akselerering.
27Adrian Taga, Post-doc, ATLAS Grid-related I
will not be present at today's meeting (I'm at
CERN now). I'm sending this short summary of my
work so far, as I'm not sure I'll manage to join
via teleconference. -Improving the interface of
ARC middleware to compute clusters. So far I've
done work on the Condor and SGE interfaces. For
Condor, I've extended the interface to support
multiple Nordugrid queues, which is now used at
the Oslo condor cluster. As for the SGE
interface, I've helped to make it work on the new
Titan cluster, and made improvements to the error
reporting and accounting parts. -Integrating
Nordugrid with other ATLAS sites. Nordugrid has
elegant features that other grids lack, but ATLAS
production needs a whole different
infrastructure. Nordugrid is not yet integrated
into the the Distributed Data Management system
of ATLAS. Making Nordugrid data accessible is
something I'm working on here at CERN. In the
near future, I will participate in setting up a
Nordic Tier1, which will be responsible for
storing the large amounts of data streamed from
CERN. Cheers, Adrian.
28Yngve Andersen (Master Student) Hello,
regretfully I can't attain the meeting tomorrow
because I am attaining a swimming lifeguard
course at that time (in connection with my work).
This was already booked a couple of weeks ago. (
I might come later, when the course is finished
3 or 4 pm ) Short presentation of myself I am
working full time in a special school in Oslo for
children with conduct disorders, learning
disabilities and other difficulties in relations
with other peoples. This is quite different from
the theoretical work with university studies, but
I think it is interesting, and of course it is
varying working experience. Having been working
full time for several years, I have been used to
see my studying as more of a spear time activity
and a hobby. I know that this isn't quite the
ideal, but that is at least economical secure,
the disadvantage is of course the time, but
having it as a hobby, it really keeps up the
interest. I am thinking of working with the
master thesis in the EPF-group on part time
beside working if it is possible. Here is a short
report on my studying I have the former cand.
mag. degree from this department of physics (UiO)
Earlier courses after this degree FYS 3240, FYS
3120 and FYS 3320 Last semester I finished the
following course FYS 3510 This semester I am
working with the following courses FYS 3110 and
FYS 4170 Next year, I am planning to follow FYS
4550 and FYS 4560 I am also planning to look
briefly in the following books "Particle
Physics" by Martin Shaw "Introduction to High
Energy Physics" by Donald Perkins "Quarks
Leptons" by Halzen Martin "Data Analysis
Techniques for High-Energy Physics" by Frühwirth
et.al. "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
by Peskin Schroeder I have also bought "String
Theory" vol I II by Joseph Polchinsky, but
before I start on that I guess I have to read
through "Gravitation" by Misner, Thorne and
Wheeler. As a start, I would now write an
introduction on the standard model which would
fit in the master thesis when I begin working
with that. I have applied for the master program
this autumn, so then I would start spring 2007.
Best regards Yngve
29Part I 1315 - 1500 - Welcome and EPF news
Alex read (ALR) - EPF-related projects Farid
Ould-Saada - Instrumentation project Steinar
Stapnes (SS) ? Round table presentation of all
EPF members - Next meetings / seminars -
discussion about the form and duration -
proposal for seminars - do we need one extra
meeting? - Future Planning - travel - Web Page
Revolution - ... - Nordic LHC Physics KnowARC
and NGN conference - AOB Part II 1515-1700
- Room Ø393 (ex LHC lab, ex Grid lab, ...)
needs similar revolution as Ø392! - Idem for
Corridor (maybe another time but we can start)
posters and plants will replace the cupboards ...
sorry for nostalgic people - Idem for Room 391
(maybe another time) printers will move out,
where? Part III 1700 - ?? - Test of Room
Ø393 with Pizza Kjell Martin will order them,
Esben makes sure we have things to drink, other
personal contributions are welcome.