Title: Kaiser Permanente: A Journey in In-Situ Medical Simulation
1Kaiser Permanente A Journey in In-Situ
Medical Simulation
- Stanford University, 2008
- Paul Preston, MD
- Permanente Medical Group
- Regional Safety Educator
2Thanks for the Invitation!
- Without your leadership, we wouldnt have a
program - You keep sending us great people who ask for this
- I hope we can deliver
- Ever bring coals to Newcastle?
- Simulation - its role in safe, reliable care
- Simulation outside of Kaiser Permanente
- Adapting Simulation to Kaiser Permanente
- How this is relating to our other systemic goals
- How we may be able to measure this (Help!)
- Our vision for the future
- Have fun!
4The Start of a Journey
- What you need here is a Doctor who thinks like
an Engineer - Sometimes I wonder if were training exotic fish
then putting them into the same polluted pond
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6Why is he wearing a tie?
7Kaiser Permanente Program
Founded 1945 Largest non-profit HMO 8.3 million
members Headquarters Oakland, CA 30
hospitals 431 medical offices
Northwest Region
Northern California
Ohio Region
Colorado Region
Mid-Atlantic Region
Southern California
Georgia Region
Hawaii Region
141,909 employees, 12,012 physicians
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9Accident Causation
Latent Failures
Attention Distractions
Incomplete Procedures
Deferred Maintenance
Inadequate Training
Clumsy Technology
Psychological Precursors
Unsafe Acts
Modified from Reason, 1990
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12- Core Mission- Prepaid, Non-Profit, Comprehensive
Healthcare - Great Health Maintenance, World Class Hospitals
- NOT Research, Teaching, Cutting Edge
- Interesting History- Why does Kaiser have
13Sim Champion Building Support....
14The Latest Crisis
- Report criticizes Kaiser for lack of action
- Federal inspectors fault its Fresno hospital's
response to complaints about a doctor who
allegedly fatally botched two deliveries. - CARMICHAEL, Calif. -- A Kaiser Permanente plastic
surgeon remained in jail Wednesday accused of
inappropriate sexual contact with his patients
and keeping a cache of weapons at his Carmichael
home, police reported. - Sacramento County Sheriff's Department officials
went to the home of ... looking for evidence of
alleged sex crimes. - But officials found a rocket-propelled grenade
and at least five machine guns at the Empire
Court residence, said R.L. Davis, spokesman for
the sheriff's department.
15Other High Priority (and worthwhile) initiatives
- Electronic Medical Record- 4 Billion- data
potential? - New and seismic facilities
- Service and access goals
- Efficient throughput, well designed facilities
- Mandate to ensure and oversee competencies of
providers - Multiple efforts to teach CRM and Human Factors
in multiple settings - Some question about how to get these behaviors to
take root - Domain based safety initiatives
- Perinatal Safety
- Med/Surg Rescue
- Surgical Team Communications
16Life on Med/Surg Ward
- How often is there a process failure?
- Every 70 minutes
- 94 of these, RN tries to work around
- 6 of these the problem is reported
- ? How often it is fixed
- This is deeply programmed into healthcare
providers - The Problem is NOT careless people messing up a
perfect system.
17Journey So Far.
- Several Stages of Denial-Acceptance-Action
- Better understanding of the problem
- Systems
- Communications
- Fundamental skill and judgment deficits
- What Do We REALLY Need To Do to become Reliable?
- Consistent, reliable processes for the things we
can anticipate - (Highly Reliable Surgical Team Briefings, Pure
CRM) - Anticipate, detect and manage the unexpected
- By the way, we better get some data to show
- Frequency and cost of harm
- Progress
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19Demings Lenses for Simulation
- System
- Great Probe for systemic learning
- Psychology
- Works very well for frontline
- Data
- Excellent PDSA... Less well established for
systems - Variation
20Recent Sim Observations....
- It Works!
- It Works Better if Everyone Actually Does It!!
- Amazing growth in the field
- It addresses safety and competency issues that we
cant get to otherwise, and this matters to KP - It will be required?!?
- It only takes 3 days to do this
- It doesnt have to be super hi tech
- We have unique opportunities in KP
21Simulation- How do we answer these questions?
- How many times have you done this before?
- Do You have to manage emergencies?
- Do your teams have to manage emergencies?
- Do you practice as teams for these emergencies?
- Do you routinely debrief your drills and your
real events? - Would you learn from a near miss? Would your
systems change?
22What Is Our Aim at Kaiser?
- If mistakes happen (and they will) we can trap
them by working together as a Team - We can build systems that are safer
- Everyone becomes the expert on Safety
- We cannot become error free, but we can create a
system that is harm free- and this will require
testing of systems and training of providers
23Error Reduction and TrappingA Cultural Change
- Ask for help when overloaded
- Get a second opinion when in doubt.
- Honor others who call for help
- Wisdom, not weakness
- It is more important for my patient to do well
than for me to look slick
24Simulation its role in providing safe reliable
- Improve patient safety without endangering actual
patients and to practice high risk, low volume
situations where error is more likely to occur - Practice without risk, curricular
standardization, and pedagogic efficiency - Imitates reality, offers almost limitless
opportunities to have things go wrong, and
provides corrective feedback as a guide to future
action - Migrate the basic training of hazardous
procedures from the patient until skill is
attained - Address skills, communication issues that will
not be fixed (and may get worse) with automation
25Simulation its role in providing safe reliable
- How do we do this better?
- Appreciate that highly skilled people, trying
hard to do the right thing, will make mistakes
in complex environments how do we manage those
errors and keep everyone safe? - Shift our focus from who did it to how do fix
it so the same problem will not reoccur? - Create an environment of psychological safety
where everyone and anyone feels comfortable to
raise a concern - NEVER assume safety, always take a minute to
assure it
26Simulation its role in providing safe reliable
- Proven Training Techniques Human Factors
- Skills that build teams, improve communication,
reduce and trap the errors that will always occur - Briefings, Assertion, Situational Awareness
- Very trainable
- Measurable
- Reduce accidents
- Improve Staff Retention
27Causes of accidents in medicine
- 70 due to Human Factors (preventable?)
- Not lack of medical knowledge
- But problems with transferring theoretical
knowledge into actions under the real world
conditions of a hospital setting - Problems with complexity
- Team, Communication
28Perinatal Patient Safety Project
- Focus
- Human factors training
- Multidisciplinary team for problem solving
- Recurring clinical problems
- Recurring organizational systems problems
- Just Culture statement
- Provider and staff support
- Transfer successful practices
- Critical Events Team Training (CETT)
29Reoccurring Clinical Problems
- Inability to recognize and respond to fetal
distress, - Inability to effect timely cesarean birth for
fetal distress, - Inability to resuscitate a depressed infant,
- Inappropriate use of pitocin, leading to uterine
hyperstimulation, uterine rupture, fetal
distress. - Inappropriate use of forceps / vacuum leading to
fetal trauma and shoulder dystocia. - If you get these things right, you eliminate 80
of perinatal liability claims- Eric Knox - MMI Company data of 250 hospitals over 10 years
30High Reliability Organization
- Safety is the highest priority
- Preoccupation with what could fail
- Open environment to discuss error
- Everyone encouraged to speak up about hazards
- Rewards for safe actions
- Training for hazardous situations
- What high risk industry would expect great team
performance, free of errors, without practice?
32Can Simulation Help Us become Harm Free?
- Team based emergency Fetal Heart Rate and
emergency training- entire care team - Apgars less than or equal to 6 at 5 minutes 86.6
/10,000 births to 44.6 /10,000 births - Hypoxic encephalopathy 27.3 /10,000 births to
13.6/10,000 live births - 70 reduction in brachial plexus injuries with
shoulder dystocia - Draycott, T. et. al., BJOG 2006, 2007
33Patient Safety Program/simulation started in
Roll out dates by KP Region
Q1 2004
Q1 2006
Q2 2005
Q2 2003
Q3 2005
Q1 2004
Q3 2006
Q3 2004
34More on Kaiser
- Risk data as driver of simulation
- Remarkable front line support
- Systems approach
- Training of entire team, in situ
- Probe for systems weakness, strengths
- Linkage to operations
35Unique to Kaiser just this month
- Roseville- 30 new trainers, plan to test new
Mom/Baby facility before opening - Used to test new facilities, services
- Cardiac Cath Lab and North Valley
- Santa Clara- exhaustive testing of new cardiac
cath and surgical capabilities - I couldnt believe how much we found on the
first day, and how much better we look now.
36Roseville Recent Critical Events Training
37Santa Clara Recent Critical Events Training
38Unique to Kaiser just this month
- Sim Demonstration to Board of Directors
- A Pilot is one of our Directors
- Sudden VFib arrest, in the Boardroom
- You cant die now, we have Valentines dinner
reservations.... - Sim at 60th TPMG Anniversary
- Working Simulation into future inpatient EMR
39Best Practice Learned from CETT Team Roles
- 1 Airway Manager
- Anesthesiologist/CRNA
2 Airway Assistant RT draw ABGs
6 Chest compressions
3 Bedside Nurse/Floor RN briefs team, IV, labs,
dispense items, CPR
7 Procedure MD chest tubes, ABGs, etc.
4 Critical Care RN prepare
defib., ID monitor rhythm
8 Recorder RN
5 Team Leader
40 Back Counter/Cupboards
Back Counter/Cupboards
Baby Warmer
RN 3
Back Table
Bucket/Lap Bags
OR Table
RN 1
RN 2
OR 1
41Some Considerations at Kaiser
- We loved (and have greatly benefited from) what
YOU and colleagues were doing - Multidisciplinary- target the entire team
- Single discipline efforts less likely to be
funded or change the culture - Tight linkage to organizational needs
- Places where communication, lack of training lead
to measured harm - Align with other efforts
- CRM, Human Factors for Routine Communications
42Some Considerations at Kaiser
- Limited Resources
- Work In Situ, no dedicated lab
- Intermediate Fidelity of Simulation Gear, but
- Great fidelity of environment
- Not the final validation study of simulation as
a modality - Fix the Problem using a lot of interventions at
43Critical Event Team Training ( CETT) Training
- Training on
- Human factors and team skills
- Reality and types of Human Errors
- Orientation to Simulator
- Intermediate fidelity, in-situ simulation
training - Actual occurrences used as basis for scenarios
- Focus on apparent weaknesses in our system
- Situations where assessment, communication are
important - Blame free, confidential training
44Other Key Crisis Management Skills
- Declaring emergency
- Early
- Clearly
- Leadership, optimal team structure
- Attention allocation
- Task prioritization and distribution
- Effective, efficient resource use
- Clear orders, cross check and verification
45Make Routine Debriefing Part of Team Culture
- Look at routine and critical operations every day
- Recognize how regular debriefing is key to unit
safety - Practice skills on the CETT day
- Learn a constructive, blame free approach
- This is working in Crash Cesareans, Rapid
Response, shoulder dystocias- structured tools
are being developed to capture and report data
46Link to Operations, Other Efforts
- Start with human factors
- Build a multidisciplinary team
- Charged to improve their unit
- Train entire teams
- All providers and staff a few confederates
- Experienced providers
- Direct linkage to unit leaders
- Purpose Find and fix system problems- The Unit
Manager records the debriefings
- Lifelike
- Real time
- Normal noise - confusion - resources
- Situation must be diagnosed and managed by team
exactly as in real life - You will be doing your usual job at all times
- Rare and common scenarios
- Long and short
- Fast or slow evolving
- Everyone has a key role
- But not in every scenario!
- Confederates as family, patients
- Carpet pad, pea soup as low tech aids
- Cover this in briefing.
- Actual environment REALLY adds credibility
49How To Look Great (and rescue your patients)
- Optimum Location, people and equipment
- Brief the Team
- Know the environment, clearly delegate tasks
- Clear Leader- (This may change!)
- Regain Situational Awareness
- Chaos is Never OK
50Future Vision
- Expansion into other clinical departments
- Highly Reliable Surgical Team and Reliable
Emergency Departments - 2008 National Quality and Brand Conference
- Simulation Minicourse and KP Medical Simulation
kick-off - Simulation available, funded and required
throughout career
51Future Vision- continued
- Link performance improvement with simulation
activities - Kaiser Simulation Collaborative
- Network/collaborative of simulation experts and
users - Toolkit to support simulation implementation
within Kaiser - Library of simulation scenarios
- What is our aim?
- How will we know the change is an improvement?
- What will we try?
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57Our IDEAL Data Set
- About 8 measures
- 2 outcome, 5 process, 1-2 balancing
- Improvement and Accountability
- Run over time, rapid cycle, feedback to front
line teams and leadership - Sustainable- forever!
- Anyone can see how we are doing
58What Might We Have In Perinatal?
- Outcome
- Med Mal- Has Limits, but CAN strongly argue for
Simulation - We seem to be gaining ground here...
- Physiologic Intermediate Data
- Complications- Bleeding, brachial plexus injury,
encephalopathy, infection, Retained Objects,
Infxn - Current Benchmarks- C/S rate, 3d degree
laceration, infant death, VBAC- why these? - Process
- Trigger Tools Concepts- Ascension, IHI, AHRQ, AOI
scores-ADT, labs, pharmacy-Higher Capture than
Reporting! - General Anesthesia
- IHI type bundles- compliance with these
- Induction EGA, Pelvimetry, FHR (NICHD), hyperstim
59What Might We Have In Perinatal?
- Process
- FHR Documentation/ Review/Action/Training
- Evidence Based Training Programs
- Instrumental, Shoulder Dystocia, Stat C/S
- Selected Chart Reviews, timing of Stat C/S
- Human Factors, Safety Attitude Surveys
- Active Safety Team, Board Rounds
- Surgical Counts, Briefings
- Observational Data
- Time on divert, cancelled inductions
- Systems Problems Found and Fixed
- Glitch Book Data
60Process Measure Results
61Perinatal- Balancing?
- Care Experience
- Cesarean Rates!
- Timeliness of Cesarean Sections
- Really 2 very different processes
- STAT C/S Rescue
- Elective C/S Throughput
- Staffing
62Unique Kaiser Opportunities
- Extraordinary Leadership from National and
Regional Risk- equipment, time, support - Appreciation for systems- role of simulation in
testing facilities, fixing systemic problems,
training new teams, hospital and tech design - Unified systems
- Outcome data that others truly envy
- Which we need to use much more!
- A remarkable cadre of trainers