Title: Selected Data from
1Selected Data from A Public Trust at Risk The
Heritage Health Index Report on the State of
Americas Collections
2The Heritage Health Index Surveyed
- Archives, historical societies, libraries,
museums, archaeological repositories, and
scientific research organizations - Collecting institutions of all sizes and from
every U.S. state and territory - The full range of collections from art to
vertebrate paleontology
3Heritage Health Index Background
- The Heritage Health Index was developed with the
input of 35 national associations and federal
agencies that represent collecting institutions - The survey questionnaire was written in
consultation with more than 100 leading
collections and preservation professionals - Survey and analysis was conducted by RMC Research
Corporation, a firm experienced in government and
non-profit sector studies.
4Heritage Health Index Background
- In August 2004 the survey was sent to a sample
group of 15,000 institutions representing all
types and sizes of institutions in every U.S.
state and territory - The data collection ended December 2004
- Report released December 6, 2005. Final report at
5The Results of the Heritage Health Index Have
Been Featured In
- The New York Times
- San Francisco Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer,
Columbus Dispatch through Associated Press story - National Public Radios All Things Considered
- Christian Science Monitor
- Readers Digest
- American Libraries
- The Art Newspaper
- KJO-ABC TV in San Francisco
- among other publications
6Heritage Health Index Response Rate
- Overall, 24 response rate with 3,370 surveys
returned - 90 response rate from 500 of the nations
largest and most significant collections
7Heritage Health Index Data Projections
- Data has been projected to a study population of
30,827 collecting institutions and represents the
condition and preservation needs of all U.S.
collections held in the public trust
8Representation by Specific Institutions
9Representation by Size of Institution
10Representation by Region
11U.S. Institutions Have Taken Responsibility to
Preserve 4.8 Billion Collections Items
124.8 Billion Collections Items Are Held by U.S.
Institutions - by type -
Includes items for which institutions take a
preservation responsibility
134.8 Billion Collections Items Are Held by U.S.
Institutions - by size -
Includes items for which institutions take a
preservation responsibility
14Condition of U.S. Collections
15Most Institutions Care for More Than Six Types of
- Collections types
- Books and bound volumes
- Unbound sheets
- Photographic collections
- Moving image collections
- Recorded sound collections
- Digital material collections
- Art objects
- Historic and ethnographic objects
- Archaeological collections
- Natural science specimens
16Institutions Use of Environmental Controls for
the Preservation of Collections
17Institutions Using No Environmental Controls for
the Preservation of Collections- by type -
Including temperature, relative humidity, and
18Institutions Reporting Causes of Some and
Significant Damage to Collections
19Institutions Collections Stored in Areas Large
Enough to Accommodate Them Safely and
20Institutions Percentage of Collections
Accessible Through a Catalog- by type -
21Institutions With No Emergency Plan With Staff
Trained to Carry It Out- by type -
22Institutions With No Emergency Plan With Staff
Trained to Carry It Out- by size -
23Institutions with a Written, Long-range Plan for
the Care of the Collection
24Institutions Staffing for Conservation/Preservati
Multiple responses allowed
25Institutions Staffing for Conservation/Preservati
on- by type -
Multiple responses allowed
26Institutions Staffing for Conservation/Preservati
on- by size -
Multiple responses allowed
27Average Number of Internal Staff Who Perform
Conservation/Preservation Activities
Includes conservation/preservation professional
and support staff and volunteers
28What Institutions Conservation/Preservation
Program Includes
Multiple responses allowed
29Institutions with Funds Allocated for
Conservation/ Preservation in Annual Budget
30Institutions Annual Budget for
Conservation/Preservation - most recently
completed fiscal year -
Includes funds for staffing, supplies,
equipment, surveys, treatment, preservation
reformatting, commercial binding, consultants,
contractors, and other preservation costs
31Institutions that Used Income from Endowed Funds
for Conservation/Preservation- last three years -
32Institutions that Have Received External
Conservation/ Preservation Funding - last three
years -
Multiple responses allowed
33Institutions that Have Appliedfor
Conservation/Preservation Funding - last three
years -
Includes from private or public funding sources
34Institutions Reasons Why They Have Not Applied
for Conservation/Preservation Funding - last
three years -
Multiple responses allowed
Includes from private or public funding sources
35Heritage Health Index Recommendations
- Every institution recommits to providing safe
conditions for the collections they hold in trust - Every collecting institution develops an
emergency plan to protect its collections - Every single institution assigns responsibility
for caring for collections to members of its
staff - Individuals at all levels of government and in
the private sector assume responsibility for
providing the support that will allow these
collections to survive
36For more information, contact Heritage
Preservation at 202-233-0800 or survey_at_heritagepre
servation.org Heritage Health Index report
available at www.heritagehealthindex.org.