Title: QPSK Acoustic Software Radio
1QPSK Acoustic Software Radio
- Orr Srour Naftali Zon
- Under the supervision of
- Ami Wiesel
2The problem
- RF Communication systems, and especially MIMO
communication systems are - expensive
- have long development time
- require wide technological knowledge
3The need
- Besides their public use, in the academic world
communication systems are needed for vary of
reasons, for example new algorithms testing. - In many cases, making a real communication system
is simply unreasonable.
4The goal
- Real time communication system.
- Rapid development
- Easy to construct, manipulate and upgrade
- Modular
5The solution
- Using ACOUSTIC waves instead of electromagnetic.
- Fully software implemented - Simple ordinary
computer is enough - We will use the computer as our processing unit
(we use Matlab-Simulink), and ordinary speakers
and microphones as our antennas.
6Systems overview - TOC
- Simple SISO receiver/transmitter system
- Virtually linked SIMO antenna selection
- Fully SIMO system running the Alamouti space-time
7System Parameters
- We use QPSK modulation
- Data frequency 50 symbols/sec 100
bit/sec - Carrier frequency 800Hz
8Communication Protocol
- We send data in packets.
- Each packet is constructed as follows
13 symbols
50 symbols
9Training Packets
- The training sequence are constant predefined
series of symbols. - They allow us to distinguish actual data packet
from random noise. - They allow us to estimate the propagation channel
and reconstruct the data.
10Alamouti Transmit Diversity Technique
- The Alamouti diversity technique allows us to
send data from two antennas to one with the
highest theoretical SNR possible, without the
need of a delay system or pre-knowledge of the
channel. - To do that, the transmission is done using 2
antennas as follows
11Alamouti Transmit Diversity Technique
- Where S0 and S1 are two data symbols after QPSK
12Alamouti Transmit Diversity Technique
- In order to reconstruct the data, the following
mathematical function is preformed
- Here h0 and h1 are the two channels propagation
factors estimated by the detectors (see below)
13Down to Top overview our basic building
- We will now introduce our basic building blocks,
which will later be shown inside the different
type of systems.
14Packets Creator
- This unit simply receives bits and returns them
in packets according to the mentioned protocol.
15M-PSK Modulator/Demodulator
- These units transform between complex phase
symbols and integer symbols
16Raised Cosine Filter
- This unit both upsamples and filters the input
signal, using raised consine filter.
17Amplification Vector Creator
- When the bits of data are being transmitted, each
bit has a unique amplification factor that
determines its amplitude. - These bits are sorted in a vector created in the
"Amplification Vector Creator unit".
18Up Mixer / Down Mixer
- The up-mixer block is in charge of shifting the
incoming (complex) data into a real carrier
signal. - The down-mixer has the opposite functionality.
19Squaring Timing Recovery
- The Squaring Timing Recovery block is in charge
of sampling the incoming signal at the right
time. It uses the knowledge of the number of
constant phase samples in the incoming signal.
20The Estimator
- The estimator block uses the predefined reference
training signal in order to estimate the free-air
channel propagation factor. - We assume here that the channel can be modeled by
a complex number, representing the attenuation,
delay and noise the signal has suffered, and that
this complex number will not change within the
transmission of one data packet.
21The Estimator cont
- All this is done by correlating the incoming
signal with the training sequence. - This block
- rises a trigger flag representing the reference
signal has been discovered and is now over. - samples and holds the conjugate phase of the
correlation result - samples and holds the amplitude of the
correlation result.
22The Detector
- The detector block is in charge of canceling the
free-air channel effect of the incoming data.
23The Signal Output block
- This block is in charge of sampling the actual
data and regrouping the different packets into
one long vector.
24Antenna Selection Amplification For the antenna
selection system only
- This block is in charge of the creation of the
amplification vector for the two antennas, in
accordance to the "antenna selection" parameter
received from the receiver.
25EstimatorFor the antenna selection system only
- This block uses two ordinary estimators blocks
(mentioned in the SISO system), each for
different reference sequence. - In addition to the ordinary estimator outputs, it
also outputs the ID of the antenna which had the
strongest signal in the receiver.
26To AlamoutiFor the Alamouti system only
- This block is in charge of transforming the input
data into 2 antennas input data, transformed by
the Alamouti Diversity Technique mentioned before.
27Solve by AlamoutiFor the Alamouti system only
- This block has the opposite functionality to the
previous mentioned "To Alamouti" block. Its
purpose is to demodulate the input signal using
the Alamouti Diversity Technique.
28Putting it all togetherThe SIMO Transmitter
29Putting it all togetherThe SIMO Receiver
30Putting it all togetherThe SIMO Receiver
31Putting it all togetherThe Antenna Selection
32Putting it all together The Antenna Selection
33Putting it all togetherThe Alamouti Transmitter
34Putting it all togetherThe Alamouti Receiver
35Putting it all together The Alamouti Receiver
36Future Applications
- short-range communication system on a single chip
(using ultrasound waves) - submarine communication systems
- implementation of MIMO sonar system