Title: Literacy Rich Waiting Areas
1Literacy Rich Waiting Areas
2The Pediatric Associates
Montrose, CO
3Denver Health- Westside (pre-renovation)
Denver, CO
4Denver Health- Westside(Details After Renovation)
Wall Border- Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar
Wall Mounted Bookshelf
Waiting Areas can be a great way to honor a
longtime provider at your clinic. This is the
Magdalena Aguayo Reading Corner to honor the
sites recently retired site coordinator.
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5Sunrise Health Care
Loveland, CO
6Pediatric Associates of Durango
Durango, CO
7Uncompaghre Medical Center
Norwood, CO
8Western Colorado Pediatric Associates
Grand Junction, CO
9Clinica Family Health Centers Formerly Clinica
Denver, Thornton, Lafayette, CO
10Northeast Colorado Health Department- Yuma County
11Northeast Colorado Health Department- Logan
12Northeast Colorado Health Department- Fort Morgan
13Salud Family Health Center- Brighton
14Rocky Mountain Youth- Thornton Clinic
15High Plains- Lamar
16Denver Health- Immunization Clinic
17Bruner Family Medicine