Title: Poultry.Internet : A Human Pet Interaction System ?????
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2Poultry.Internet A Human Pet Interaction
Pet owners are too busy to interact with pets.
Need a system to bridge the divide between
owners and pets. System must allow owners to
interact with pets from anywhere. Promote
welfare of poultry, one of the most badly treated
animals in the world
Concept of Modern Family Home Everywhere Stayin
g together via remote interaction Playing games
/ interaction with pets
Modern Family Interaction
6Why Human Pet Interaction?
Pets provides social support, makes people feel
unconditionally accepted Pets are used for human
psychological therapy AAT (Animal Assisted
Therapy) Pets satisfy childrens need to
nurture Help in social-emotional development of
7Why Poultry?
In the Gordon Memorial Lecture of the Worlds
Poultry Science Association in 2001 it was stated
that There will always be things that have to be
done to poultry for their own good that will
reduce their welfare. It may be possible to
counter-balance unavoidable negative feelings by
understanding and promoting positive feelings.
8Why Poultry?
Poultry are one of the worst treated animals in
modern society Scientifically proven that
poultry have high levels of cognition and
feelings Chickens capable of observational
learning, have intelligent goal seeking and
declarative mental images C. Nicol and S.
Pope. Social learning in small flocks of laying
hens. Animal Behaviour, 4712891296, 1994. B.
Forkman. Domestic hens have declarative
representations. Animal Cognition, 3135137,
9Why Poultry?
It has been shown that poultry are animals that
experience pleasure. Recent trend of promoting
poultry welfare and keeping poultry as pets. In
a study by Ros, stroking reduces stress level in
humans and animals. It was found that hens that
are deprived of human touch and contact are
likely to be more anxious and prone to poor
egg-laying. I. J. H. Duncan.
Poultry welfare science or subjectivity? British
Poultry Science, 43643652, 2002. Chickens as
pets. http//www.angelfire.com/md3/poultrylovers/p
ets.html. R. Jones, C. Larkens, and B. Hughes.
Approach/avoidance responses of domestic chicks
to familiar and unfamiliar video images of
biological neutral stimuli. Appl. Anim. Behav.
Sci., 488198, 1996.
10Why Remote through Internet?
To feel the presence of pets no matter where we
are Nowadays people are too busy! To allow
people allergic to animal a chance to have
pets Cyber-pets! To allow people to touch
dangerous animals in the zoos Touch a crocodile!
11Previous works
InTouch - remote collaborative and communication
by bringing a greater sense of touch and
physicality to distributed multi-user
interactions Dents Dentata - an elementary hand
holding device that communicates one bit of
information over the phone line to activate a
mechanism that can squeeze a users hand.
12Previous works
Sony Aibo - robot entertainment systems with 4
legs and a head (out of production)
Tamagotchi - a tiny hand-held LCD video game that
comes attached to a key chain or bracelet. The
objective of the game is to simulate the proper
care and maintenance of a virtual chicken
13Previous works
Sekiguchi et al presented a teddy bear robot as a
robot user interface (RUI) for interpersonal
communication. All these systems use
non-living creatures / robots. Definite
differences and advantages in using interactive
research technology with real living animals.
14Overview of Technology
A system allowing human and pet at different
locations to interact in a real time manner
through the Internet.
15Overview of Technology
Backyard System a webcam monitoring chicken
movement, attached to a PC. Also, chicken wears a
jacket with vibrators attached. Vibrates when
detect human touch on Office System. Office
System a doll as the live representation of the
chicken, sitting on a mechanical positioning
system. Doll move according to real chicken.
Also, has touch sensors in body.
16Overview of Technology
17Overview of Technology
18Mechanical positioning system
Motor control board with serial connection to PC
Stepper motor rotational axis
Chicken doll avatar
Stepper motor X axis
Stepper motor Y axis
19Touch sensing circuit
20Mobile wearable jacket with embedded vibrators
Fluffy chicken jacket
Embedded processor with Bluetooth
Bluetooth dongle
21User Studies
There are established scientific tests to prove a
chicken motivation (to pleasure) and avoidance of
bad feelings. Use strength of preference to test
poultry motivation for pleasure Various methods
such as obstruction methods, we use the method of
Duncan (Red/Blue Door) Related to nature,
similar to the push of a chicken through
undergrowth to reach a goal I. J. H. Duncan
and V. G. Kite. Some investigations into
motivation in the domestic fowl. Applied Animal
Behavior Science, 18387388, 1987.
22Red door - Blue door Test
Blue door
Blue door
Red door
Red door
Pet chicken
Pet chicken
Pet chicken chooses to enter the room using
either red door or blue door.
Case 1 Pet chicken chooses blue door.
23Red door - Blue door Test
Pet chicken
Pet jacket
Pet jacket
Pet chicken
The room with blue door has food, water and pet
jacket (reproduce touch)
Pet jacket is worn onto chicken while inside room
with blue door
24Red door - Blue door Test
Pet jacket
Pet doll
Pet chicken
Pet owner touches pet chicken remotely via pet
doll interface.
Pet chicken feels the remote touch through
25Red door - Blue door Test
Red door
Pet chicken
Pet chicken
Red door
Case 2 Pet chicken chooses red door
The room with red door has food and water,
without pet jacket
26Red door - Blue door Test
Test conditions Period 28 days Frequency -
Red door
Results Blue door 73 Red door 25 No
response 2 after 10 mins
Pet chicken
Pet chicken left untouched while inside room with
red door
27Human User Study
Test conditions
28User Study
1. How do you compare this system with other
remote communication methods with a pet such as
webcam and phone? Much better Better 84 2.
How acceptable is the representation of the
pet by a doll for you? Gives a little feeling of
the presence of the pet better 84
29User Study
3. How do you rate the importance of having a
kind of interaction with your pet when you are in
the office or school or on holiday and it is
alone back at home? More than 50 79 4. Do
you like to touch your pet when you are in the
office and it is alone in the backyard of your
house? Yes, I like and I want to 64
30User Study
5. Do you mind if your pet wears a jacket
containing electronic sensors and devices? No, I
do not mind 51 6. Do you think your pet will
have better feeling when you remotely touch
it? Yes, I think it likes it 67
31Future work
Homeland security and rescue work
32Future work
Internet.Pajama Smart Pajama for with
connectivity, hug mechanism and color changing
Changing of color according to state of being
hugged OR how far the parents are Parents
hugging doll remotely causing child to feel
hugging sensation
Child feels virtually hugged
via Internet
Mum hugging a doll embedded with sensors
33Future work
Metazoa Ludens (ISEA 2006, San Jose)
For the first time pet owners will be able to
play computer games with their pets
Our system provides additional media for animals
the Touch Telehaptic Our system involves not
only human and computer, but also pets at the
other end of the Globe Physical and tangible
interaction with remote participants that moves
in front of your eyes.