Title: Department of the Premier and Cabinet
1Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Recruiting a Skilled Workforce Indigenous
Employment Programs
2Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC),
Public Sector Management Division (PSMD)
facilitate the following Employment Programs - Entry Level Employment Program
- General
- Indigenous
- People with Disabilities
- Business Traineeship Program
- General
- Indigenous
- People with Disabilities
- School Based Traineeship Program
3Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Our Role
- Assist WA Public Sector agencies to fill Level 1
and Traineeship vacancies, quickly and
efficiently - To recruit candidates for each Program and each
stream on behalf of the WA Public Sector - Provide a referral service for agencies so
there is no need to advertise your Level 1 or
Traineeship positons.
4Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment
- WA State Government Initiative aimed at
developing and promoting a diverse and skilled
WA Public Sector workforce - PSMD recruits Indigenous candidates for both the
Entry Level Employment Program (ELEP) and the
Traineeship Programs - Indigenous candidates can register with ELEP and
Business Traineeship Program at anytime during
the year
5Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Indigenous Placements Facilitated 06/07
6Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Entry Level Employment Program
- PSMD coordinate the Entry Level Employment
Program (ELEP) -
- Currently a number of Indigenous candidates
registered with the Program, who are interested
in Level 1 administration work within the WA
Public Sector agencies - ELEP candidates have a range of experience and
skills to offer - The ELEP registration process for Indigenous
people has been altered to encourage
applications for WA State Government positions
7Department of the Premier and Cabinet
How Can Your Agency Source Candidates from the
Entry Level Employment Program?
Its Simple!
- You can specifically request Indigenous
Candidates to be referred to a position - No need to advertise Level 1 positions
- Simply ask your HR area to submit an Entry Level
Request via RAMS - We will then send you at least 3 resumes per
position - All you need to do is interview and select the
right candidate!
8Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Recruiting Young Indigenous People
- Attracting and recruiting skilled and qualified
young Indigenous people is a challenge faced by
all WA State Government agencies. - So why not train them yourself? HERES HOW
- PSMD can assist your agency to recruit young
Indigenous people, as well as young people from
the General and People with Disabilities stream.
9Department of the Premier and Cabinet
The Programs
- DPC administer two (2) Traineeship Programs the
Business Traineeship Program and the School Based
Traineeship Program. - These Programs are for people under 25 years of
age, with an opportunity to gain their first
qualification and learn a range of business and
administrative skills while working in a State
Government agency. - Available to all WA Public Sector agencies to
access - These programs can assist your agency in the
recruitment, employment and training of young
Indigenous people.
10Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Business Traineeship Program
- Complete a Certificate III in Business
- Trainees can commence at anytime during the year
so your agency can employ a Trainee at
anytime. - 12 Month Duration full time or part time
- Trainees are paid a training wage
- 236.00 528.40 per week
- Wages depend on age, years out of school and
highest year of schooling completed - Over 200 candidates registered with all three
streams, including 80 Indigenous candidates
11Department of the Premier and Cabinet
School Based Traineeship Program
- Students commence in February of each year (in
Year 11) - 2 Days Per Week, over 2 years
- Complete a Certificate II in Business
- Trainee wages
- Year 11 97.20 per week
- Year 12 104.00 per week
- Agencies can recruit students from October
December each year.
12Department of the Premier and Cabinet
How Can Your Agency Employ a Trainee?
Its Simple!
- You can specifically request Indigenous
candidates only - No need to advertise the Business Traineeship
opportunity - Simply ask your HR area to submit a Business
Traineeship or School Based Traineeship Request
via RAMS - We will then send you at least 4 resumes per
position - All you need to do is interview and select the
right candidate!
13Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Any questions?