The Mental Health Act - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Mental Health Act


Allows for a period of assessment in hospital lasting up to 28 days. Section 3 ... Ensures treatment can commence under observation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Mental Health Act

The Mental Health Act
  • Tim Maddocks
  • Approved Mental Health Practitioner

The Mental Health Act 1983
  • 25 year old law amended by Mental Health Bill
  • New laws implemented on November 3rd 2008
  • Long standing concerns at public and political
    level about the perceived risk of people with a
    mental disorder who require treatment
  • Only occasion you can be locked up without
    suspicion of having committed a crime!

Some Definitions
  • In order to be detained under the Act someone has
    to be deemed to be suffering from a Mental
  • any disorder or disability of the
  • Mental Health Act 1983, Section 1 (2)
  • In theory this could embrace a broad range of
    conditions and behaviour ..

Examples of Mental Disorder
  • Affective disorders such as depression and
    bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia/psychoses and delusional disorders
  • Neurotic stress related such as anxiety, phobic
    disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, post
    traumatic stress disorder
  • Organic mental disorders such as dementia and
  • Personality and behavioural changes caused by
    brain injury or damage
  • Personality Disorders
  • Mental and behavioural disorders caused by
    psychoactive substance use
  • Eating disorders, non-organic sexual disorders
    and sleep disorders
  • Learning disabilities

Can anyone be detained?
  • The fact that someone has a mental disorder is
    never sufficient grounds for any compulsory
    measure to be taken under the Act.
  • Compulsory measures are permitted only where
    specific criteria about the potential
    consequences of a persons mental disorder are
  • There are many forms of mental disorder unlikely
    ever to require compulsory measures
  • Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice

Those involved in the initial assessment
  • A psychiatrist - who receives additional
  • Another medical practitioner
  • One of the medical practitioner to have had
    previous knowledge of the person ideally their GP
  • An Approved Mental Health Practitioner - usually
    a social worker but can now be a nurse,
    occupational therapist or psychologist
  • All three have to agree before anyone can be

Some of the challenges
  • Gaining access to the person
  • Managing peoples safety eg should police attend?
  • Establishing a clear picture of what is going on
    eg client wont talk, family have different
    perspective etc
  • Assessing and managing risk of detaining/not
  • Fear and anxiety on part of person
  • Family often frightened and exhausted
  • Conveying the person into hospital
  • The implications of in patient care particularly
    for younger people eg stigma, strange and
    unsettling environment

The two most common Sections
  • Section 2
  • Allows for a period of assessment in hospital
    lasting up to 28 days
  • Section 3
  • Allows for a period of treatment in hospital
    lasting up to 6 months

Grounds for making an application for detention
under Section 2
  • A person can be detained under Section 2 only if
    both the following criteria apply
  • The person is suffering from a mental disorder
    of a nature or degree which warrants their
    detention in hospital for assessment (or
    assessment followed by treatment) for at least a
    limited period
  • and
  • The person ought to be so detained in the
    interests of their own health or safety or for
    the protection of others
  • Section 2 (2) (a) and (b)

Section 3 Criteria
  • A person can be detained under Section 3 only if
    the following criteria
  • The person is suffering from a a mental disorder
    of a nature or degree which makes it appropriate
    for them to receive medical treatment in
  • and
  • It is necessary for the health or safety of the
    person or for the protection of other persons
    that they should receive such treatment and it
    cannot be provided unless the patient is detained
    under this section
  • and
  • Appropriate medial treatment is available
  • Setion 3 (2) (a) (c) and (d)

Additional considerations
  • The least restrictive alternative always to be
  • The assessing team will need to explain why the
    patient ought to be admitted to hospital and why
    informal (voluntary) admission is not appropriate
  • The persons wishes and needs
  • The persons social and family circumstances
  • The effect of a decision to admit or not to admit
    under the Act

Implications for the detained person
  • Forcibly taken to hospital
  • Kept in a controlled ward with their movement
  • Forced to take medication if they refuse
  • Subject to constant observation, at least
  • No leave without written agreement
  • If AWOL, police have powers to return to
  • Will be recorded in health records
  • Future implications eg work, travel abroad

Safeguards for the Sectioned patient
  • Can appeal against decision to a Mental Health
  • Access to independent advocacy
  • Role of nearest relative to request discharge
  • To have a second opinion review of their medical
    treatment automatically after 3 months
  • Visits and complaints procedure by the
    independent Mental Health Act Commission

The nearest relative
  • Identified in law husband/wife/partner, child,
    parent, grandparent or other relative, or
    nominated by service user
  • Can request that the local authority consider
    undertaking a MHAct assessment
  • Can make an application themselves for detention
    (very rare)
  • Right to be consulted by AMHP re potential
    compulsory admission
  • Power to block a Section 3 admission if they
    voice their objection
  • The right to order the discharge of detained
  • Right to certain information from Hospital re the
    detained person
  • His/her views to be made known at an appeal to
    the Tribunal

Some other key features of the Act
  • New Supervised Community Treatment requiring
    the person to comply with treatment plan
    including medication or risk being recalled to
  • Section 17 allows planned controlled leave
    while an in patient
  • Section 117 Aftercare
  • Section 136 police can arrest someone in a
    public area if they believe them to be suffering
    form a mental disorder
  • Large range of legislation covering those in
    Criminal Justice System

The benefits
  • At times people need this level of containment
    for their own health and/or safety
  • Allows for a period of observation to help in
  • Ensures treatment can commence under observation
  • Opportunity for change and potential to commence
    on road to recovery
  • Relief for families and carers
  • Allows plans to be made for the future
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