Title: The Observability of some regular graphs
1The Observability of some regular graphs
- Janka Rudaová
- Institute of Mathematics
- Faculty of Science
- P. J. afárik University, Koice
- Budmerice 2005
2Observability of graph
- Let G be a simple graph. An edge coloring f of a
graph G is - an assignment of colors from the set 1, 2, , k
to the - edges of G.
- We denote nd the number of the vertices of
degree d. - For vertex v we denote by Ff (v) the set of
colors assigned to the - set of edges incident to v. We can say that the
colouring is - regular, if no two adjacent edges have the same
color. - We call coloring the vertex-distinguishing, if
Ff (u) ? Ff (v) - for any two distinct vertices u, v.
3- if the graph consists of two isolated vertices
or an isolated edge, then for this graph does not
exist vertex-distinguishing coloring. To the
contrary, there is always at least one regular
vertex distinguishing coloring (eg. coloring
binding different color to each edge).
4For the graphs which do not consist of two
isolated vertices nor isolated edge the
observability is defined as a minimal k for which
there are regular vertex-distinguishing coloring,
using exactly k colors. The observability of
graph G is represented as obs(G). (obs(G)
8, if for the graph G does not exist the vertex-
distinguishing coloring.) Indpendently of each
other, this notion was established by Burris and
Schelp (vdi(G) or ?s(G)), and Cerný, Hornák and
Soták (obs(G)).
5Lower bound
6Known results
7- Open questions
- case of regular graphs of low degree
- arbitrary number of copies of some graphs
- ...
8 Some 3-regular graphs
9Theorem Let k be a minimal integer for which
6p is valid. Than obs( pK3,3) ? k 1. Idea
of proof proof is by induction on the p 1.
p1, k 5 2.
10Notice obs(2K3,3) 6, obs(3K3,3) 7
If obs(3K3,3) 6 so there are not used exactly 2
different 3 elements color sets. Each color is in
10 color sets, so that if is in unused set so it
is shown only on 4 edges in the graph and it is
represented in both missing sets. So the missing
sets are equal.
11Theorem Let G be 3-regular graph at the most of
8 vertices. Let k be the smallest integer for
which the following pV(G) is valid.
Than obs( pG) ? k 1. Theorem In addition if
3-regular graphs consist of just components to
maximal 8 vertices the mentioned hypothesis is
valid again. Theorem The hypothesis is valid
for nK4,4, nK5,5, nK6,6, nK7,7, nK6.
12- The modifications of the coloring
- If the regularity is not needed then we get ?0(G)
the vertex-distinguishing index (Harary,
Plantholt 1985). - If the regularity is needed but we want to
distinguish only nieghbour vertices so we get
?a(G) the adjacent vertex-distinguishing
proper edge coloring number (Zhongfu, Liu, Wang
2002). - If we suppose the coloring of the vertices and we
want to distinguish the edges so we get next
13Thanks for your attention.