Title: Workforce Investment Act Board Orientation
1Workforce Investment ActBoard Orientation
- Center for Workforce Learning
- 6361 Timberbluff Circle
- Avon, Indiana 46123
- Phone 317/838-5487
- Email MALaw528_at_aol.com
- www.workforce-learning.org
2Table of Contents
- WIA Key Concepts.
- WIA Information - The Foundation.
- Changing Roles.
- Leadership Changes from JTPA.
- Management Changes from JTPA.
- Front-Line Changes from JTPA.
- Support Changes from JTPA.
- Workforce Board Challenges and Community
Leadership. - WIA Reauthorization.
3WIA Key Concepts
- Customer Satisfaction.
- Business Results.
- Enhanced Partnerships.
- Accountability.
- Changing Roles.
Continuous Improvement
5Customer Satisfaction
6Why do we need it?
Its the LAW!
- The Workforce Investment Act
- WIA Section 136(b)(2)(B) the customer
satisfaction indicator of performance shall
consist of customer satisfaction of employers and
participants with services received from the
workforce investment activities authorized under
this subtitle.
7The Workforce Investment Act
- The legislation Section 136(b)(3)(A)(I) also
requires that there be state-adjusted levels of
performance for customer satisfaction that - Can be expressed in an objective, quantifiable,
and measurable form and, - Show the progress of the state toward
continuously improving in performance.
8Why do we need it?
Its the Right Way to Do Business!
- Our customers are demanding it.
- Our competitors are doing it.
- We must become high-performing organizations that
work with customer needs and expectations to
achieve business results!
9Organizational Impact
- Identify WHO the customers are.
- Find out customer needs and expectations.
- Review what services and products you have
available. - What are the gaps?
- How do you fill the needs?
10Operational Impact
- Segment customers.
- Find out customer needs and expectations.
- Review processes for each function.
- Identify customer steps in each process.
- Revise process to address concerns and
inefficiencies. - Test changes.
- Revise as appropriate.
11Board Impact
- Create the opportunities and environment to make
all of these things happen. - Establish Mystery Shopping.
- Require Surveying.
12Business Results
13Business Results
- Field of Dreams
- If you build it, they will come!
- Performance Standards do not go away.
- In a customer-driven system, however, they should
be considered the floor and not the goal.
1417 Measures for WIA Title I
Adults, Dislocated Workers, Older Youth Entered
Employment Rate Six Month Retention Rate Average
Earnings Change in Six Months Credential
Attainment Rate
Customer Satisfaction of Employers of Participants
Youth Skill Attainment Rate Diploma or Equivalent
Attainment Rate Retention Rate
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
- Innovative and creative approaches to addressing
business results. - Rural?
- Metropolitan?
18Enhanced Partnerships
19Mandated Partners
- Title I of WIA
- Adult.
- Youth.
- Dislocated Worker.
- Native American Programs.
- Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers.
- Veterans Workforce Programs.
- Job Corps.
20Mandated Partners
- Employment Service.
- Title V, Older Americans.
- Unemployment Insurance.
- Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Welfare-to-Work.
- HUD Employment and Training.
- Community Services Block Grant.
21Mandated Partners
- Adult Ed and Literacy.
- Post Secondary Vocational Education.
- Trade Adjustment Assistance.
- NAFTA Assistance.
22Mandated Partners
- One-Stop must be the front door for mandated
partnerships. - Mandated partners must deliver core services
through the One-Stop.
23Non-Traditional Partnerships
- Faith-Based.
- Clothing Closets.
- Food Shelters.
- Economic Development.
- Chambers.
- Manufacturing Associations.
- . . .
24Enhanced Partnerships
- In a customer-driven, business results
environment partnerships must be meaningful to
create ownership and buy-in. - Seamless is the key to customer satisfaction.
- Shared goals are key to business results.
- Innovative and creative approaches to addressing
enhanced partnerships. - Rural?
- Metropolitan?
26Accountability to the Public
27Increased Accountability
- Consumer report cards will provide detail to the
general public, Congress, and investors. - Communicating business results will be essential.
- Organizational success will require skilled
- Innovative and creative approaches to addressing
accountability. - Rural?
- Metropolitan?
29Changing Roles
30System Opportunity
- WIA provides opportunity to create world-class
system. - Managing Programs ? Managing a System.
- High-Performing, Results-Oriented,
Customer-Driven System. - Need to Build Quality in Up-Front.
- Leadership is the Key to Success.
31Creating Alignment
- Alignment in WIA achieved through
- System-wide understanding of goals.
- Planning strategies for execution.
- Leading staff, partners in same direction.
32Leadership Changes From JTPA
- Workforce Investment Boards/Board Staff.
- Community Issues.
- The Big Picture.
- Policy.
- Labor Market Analysis.
- Strategic Plan.
- Lead Meaningful Change.
- Diverse.
- Business Connection.
34Management Changes From JTPA
- One-Stop Operators/Partnership Executives/Board
Executive Staff. - Cross-Functional Teams.
- Shared Goals.
- Continuous Improvement Teams.
- Fact-Based Decisions.
- Human Resource Development.
- Communication.
- Business Results.
36Front-Line Changes From JTPA
- Direct Customer Contact.
- Integrated Case Management.
- Cross-Cutting Knowledge.
- Process Review.
- Customer-Focused.
- Accountability.
- Decisions Related to Customers.
38Support Changes From JTPA
- Support to Direct Customer Contact.
- Knowledge of Operations.
- Process Review in Conjunction with Front-Line
Staff. - Communication Flow.
- Problem-Identification.
- Problem-Solving.
- Integrated Systems.
- Tracking.
- Not business as usual!
- Business community leads.
- Supply and demand.
- Understanding the need to attract and retain
employers by upgrading skills of the local
workforce. - Helping workers get and keep good jobs.
- Universal access.
- Customer choice.
- Integration.
- Performance-driven outcome-based.
- Cross-cutting funding.
- Establish a comprehensive plan to meet community
workforce development needs. - System focused rather than program focused.
- Attention to community goals.
- Customer base job seekers AND businesses.
- Board MUST be the place people look to for
workforce investment guidance. - Equal partners to economic development.
- Create a mainstream system where people go first
job seekers plus and businesses.
45Community Leadership
- Identify your local community workforce
development issues. - Community planning.
- Respond to and manage community issues.
- Establish accountability measures for community
issues. - Advocate.
- Align multiple partners,
resources, plans strategies.
46WIA Reauthorization
47WIA Reauthorization
- State Board
- No business majority required
- Chair still from business community.
- Governor may expand membership.
- Cannot grandfather in state or local boards.
48WIA Reauthorization
- State Board
- Develop criteria for, and the issuance of,
certifications of one-stop centers. - Criteria for allocation of one-stop center
infrastructure funding under section 121(g), and
oversight of the use of such funds. - Approaches to facilitating equitable and
efficient cost allocation in one-stop delivery
systems and - Such other matters that may promote statewide
objectives for, and enhance the performance of,
one-stop delivery systems within the State.
49WIA Reauthorization
- Local Boards
- Membership should be streamlined by eliminating
the One-Stop partner programs from the local
boards. - Partner officials would retain involvement
through MOU process. - Local Board has option of creating an Operating
Committee comprise of One-Stop partners to
provide advice on operational issues. - Local Board has option of creating a Youth
Council to provide advice on operational issues.
50WIA Reauthorization
- Local Boards
- Membership Business, Worker Advocates, Economic
Development, Faith Based, Superintendents of
Local Schools, Presidents of Community Colleges. - State has sole authority to designate areas.
Eliminates local area appeals of non-designation
to the Secretary of Labor. Appeal rights would
end at the state level. - 2 year planning cycle rather than 5 year.
51WIA Reauthorization
- Resource Sharing
- Operational cost of system to be financed through
One-Stop infrastructure funding where each
partner program contributes a portion of their
funds either at the federal level or as a
set-aside at the state level. - New Partners Disability Organizations, Ticket
to Work, Child Support Enforcement.
- Customer-Driven.
- Business Services.
- Outreach and Recruitment.
- Performance/Business Results.
- Universal Access.
- Menu of Options.
- Life-Long Learning.