- Michael Philbin
- Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
- 400 Worcester Road
- Framingham, Ma.
- (508) 820-2000
- www.magnet.state.ma.us/mema
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
1 10/25/01
2The Plan is nothing, planning is everythingD.
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops 2 10/25/01
3- The planning process is critical sharing
- information.
- Establish relationships needed in times of
- emergency.
- Amendments to 1950 Civil Defense Act in 1980s
authorized all natural and technological hazard
planning. - E.O. 242 1984 specified Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plans. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
3 10/25/01
- MGL Chapter 639 - Massachusetts Civil Defense
Statute - Executive Order 144 - Required all Commonwealth
Agencies to prepare for emergencies and
disasters, and to provide emergency liaisons to
MEMA for coordinating resources, training and
operations - Emergency Liaisons make up the MEMT
- MEMT train together, at least, monthly
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
4 10/25/01
- LEVEL 1 Day-to-Day Emergency. Local response
capability can handle situation. No state
assistance required. Situation monitored by
State. - LEVEL 2 Minor Emergency. Situation intensifies.
Some state assistance may be required. EOPS/
Governors Office notified. - LEVEL 3 Major Emergency. Local response
capabilities inadequate. Situation requires
state response EOC activated. Governor
declares State of Emergency. - LEVEL 4 Catastrophic Emergency. Widespread
threats to public safety exist. Large scale
State and Federal response and recovery
assistance required. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops 5 10/25/01
- ESF 1 - Transportation
- ESF 2 - Communications
- ESF 3 - Public Works Engineering
- ESF 4 - Firefighting
- ESF 5 - Information
- Planning
- ESF 6 - Mass Care
- ESF 7 - Resource Support
- ESF 8 - Health Medical
- MEMA - DPH Regional Workshops
- ESF 9 - Search Rescue
- ESF 10 - Hazardous Materials Environmental
- ESF 11 - Food Water
- ESF 12 - Energy
- ESF 13 - Military Support
- ESF 14 - Public Information
- ESF 15 - Volunteers
- ESF 16 - Law Enforcement
- 10/25/01..
7Comprehensive Emergency Management
Plan(CEM)CEM Plan is the basic All-Hazard plan
for 351 MA municipalities.
- CEM Covers
- Earthquake
- Flooding
- Hurricane
- Dam Failure
- Radiological
- MEMA - DPH Regional Workshops 7
- Civil disturbance
- Tornado
- Winter Storm
- Hazardous Materials
- Terrorism
8Risk Analysis
- MEMA developed a Risk Analysis for the state and
municipalities. - Results factored into CEM plan.
- Most common results for MA
- Flood Hurricane
- Tornado
- Rank order varies from place to place
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops 8 10/25/01
9Four Phases of Emergency Management in CEM Plan
- Mitigation Prevention or lessening repeated
impacts - Preparedness Maintaining, improving plans.
Training - Exercising plans.
- Response Coordination and managing emergency
- response.
- Recovery Damage Assessment. Restoring damage
to - pre-disaster condition. Decontamination.
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops 9
10CEM Defines Roles Responsibilities of Local,
State, Federal, and Private Relief Agencies
- Chief elected officials Admin. Emergency
Management-EOC - Police Department Communications
- Fire department Transportation
- Highway/Public Works Public Information
- Health Medical Shelter
- Emergency Medical Services
Evacuation/traffic control - Schools
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
10 10/25/01
- Nursing homes Group homes
- Elderly housing Hospitals
- Licensed day care centers Jails Prisons
- Public water, utilities, fuel, pharmacies etc.
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
11 10/25/01
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops 12 10/25/
- A terrorist incident may occur at any time with
little or no warning -
- The incident may include secondary or multiple
devices. The devices may be intended to injure
responders, impede response actions, or divert
attention and resources from other activities. - Terrorists may employ, or threaten to employ,
WMD. - The FBI, FEMA and other federal government
agencies will become involved however, their
response may be delayed. Local and state
agencies must be prepared to respond to the
situation for at least 24 hours without
significant levels of federal assistance. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
13 10/25/01
- Terrorism is federal issue, and is defined as
the implied or unlawful use of violence,
committed by a group of two or more individuals
against persons or property to intimidate or
coerce a government, the civilian population, or
any segment thereof, in the furtherance of
political or social objectives. (Combating
Terrorism Federal Agencies Efforts to
Implement National Policy and Strategy. GAO.
September 1997). - In June 1995 the White House issued
presidential Decision Directive 39 (PDD-39),
United States Policy on Counterterrorism. This
policy directed measures to reduce the Nations
vulnerability to terrorism, to deter and respond
to terrorist acts, and improve capabilities to
prevent and manage the consequences of terrorist
use of NBC weapons and WMD. - To support PDD-39, FEMA added the Terrorism
Incident Annex to the Federal Response Plan
(FRP). In this annex, FEMA addressed crisis
management and consequence management and some
basic policies concerning counterterrorism
responsibility (Figure 2). - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
14 10/25/01
- Crisis Management, as defined by the Department
of Justice and the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), is composed of Measures to
resolve the hostile situation, investigate, and
prepare a criminal case for prosecution under
Federal Law. - Crisis Management includes measures to
identify, acquire, and plan the use of resources
needed to anticipate, prevent, and/or resolves
threat or act of terrorism. It is predominantly
a law enforcement response. - Crisis Management is a federal government
responsibility as outlined in Presidential
Decision Directive 39 (PDD-39). Specifically,
the Department of Justice has responsibility for
counterterrorism. For threats or acts of
terrorism in the United States, authority is
delegated to the FBI in order to resolve all
terrorist incidents involving employment or WMD
and provide assistance as required. Local and
state consequence management agencies requested
by the FBI and notified by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) will provide liaison to
advise on decisions which may have implications
for consequence management and to provide
continuity if a federal consequence management
response becomes necessary. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
15 10/25/01
- Consequence Management includes measures to
protect public health and safety, restore
essential government services, and provide
emergency relief to governments, businesses, and
individuals affected by the consequeces of
terrorism. - In order to prepare for potential terrorist
incidents in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - a. Each municipality should assess the local
terrorist threats, determine their vulnerability
to terrorist attack, and obtain or deploy
resources accordingly. - b. MEMA will work with other state and federal
agencies to assess terrorist threats and
vulnerabilities for the state. When local
authrities responsible for counterterrorism
planning request, MEMA will provide advice on
local threat and vulnerability assessments. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
16 10/25/01
- During responses to and recovery from incidents
which involve terrorist use of WMD, local and
state agencies must - a. Contact MEMA and prepare to conduct and
support extended - operations.
- b. Use local resources and activate mutual
assistance agreements to - contain the situation, protect the
population, care for the ill and - injured, control possible contamination,
and prevent harm to - community infrastructure, private
property, or the environment. - c. Employ the Incident Command System to
control operations and - smooth integration of all responding
forces. - MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
17 10/25/01
18Emergency Management Guide for Business Industry
- May be modified for most workplaces.
- Four Step planning process
- 1. Establish Planning Team
- 2. Analyze capabilities and hazards
- 3. Develop the plan
- 4. Implement the plan
- Train exercise the plan!
- MEMA-DPH Regional Workshops
18 10/25/01
Information and communication are the best
antidote available without prescription. MEMA
DPH Regional Workshops 19