Title: Creating a Personal Budget
1Creating a Personal Budget
- Income is any money coming in
- What would be considered Income
- Allowance
- Job
- Investments-interest from a savings account
- Gift money from Birthday, Christmas etc.
- From the sale of an item
3Sample Pay Stub
What will be the Net Pay after all deductions?
4What are Fixed ExpensesThose things that have a
set dollar amount
- Housing
- Utilities
- Telephone
- Electric
- Cable TV
- Water
- Heat
- Car payments
- Insurance payments
- Car
- Health
- Home owners
5What are Variable ExpensesItems that dollar
amount changes and you have control over what you
- Food
- Clothing
- Personal Care Items
- Gasoline
- Entertainment
- Movies
- Dinner out
- Concerts
- Sporting events
6Keeping a Record of Expenses
- Begin with one day of the week and write down
every item you bought. - Write down what money you got for that day
- Was it an allowance?
- Was it a gift?
- Was it from a job?
7Sample sheet of one day purchases
8Sample sheet for Weekly Budget
9Now you have a BudgetLets set some Goals
- Is it a Necessity (essential)
- Food
- Clothes
- or Is it a Want item (something to increase your
quality of living) - Movies
- Concert
- Senior Trip
10Setting Goals
- Short term goals
- Those things that you want to do in the near
future - Concert tickets
- Prom
- Long term goals
- Those things that you want eventually
- Car
- Vacation
- College
11Goal Planning Worksheet Goal ___________________
_________________________________ Begin Date
_______________________________________________ Co
mpletion date ___________________________________
________ Â Â Description of goal _________________
__________________________________________ _______
_______ __________________________________________
______________________ ___________________________
_____________________________________ ____________
__ _______________________________________________
_________________ ________________________________
________________________________ _________________
_______________________________________________ Â
Reasons I want to meet this goal 1.
_________ 2. ____________________________________
_______________________ 3. ____________________
________________________________________ 4.
__________ 5. ________________________________
____________________________ Â Steps I must
follow to meet my goal 1.    Â
_______ 2.     _________________________________
________________________ 3.    Â
_______ 4.     _________________________________
________________________ 5.    Â