Title: The Alive Tree of Knowledge
1The Alive Tree of Knowledge
- A new concept in
- Collective Interactive Knowledge Integration
2The basic concept (on which limitations and
amendments have to be performed) unmoderated
collective Christmas tree decoration each
member of the community sits
in front of a branched tree representation of the
field and
makes desired additions / changes, deletions.
3- Kind of material included in the tree
- Spontaneous contributions by community Members
- macro-nodes representing large fields connected
to the subject - Nodes representing subjects with a significant
internal coherence - Sub-nodes representing research groups or
specific issues - Basic unit representing individuals profiles,
- Articles
- Plans for actions
- Opinion papers
- Skeleton materials initiated by the Tree-keepers
- Invited nodes (representations of new / emerging
fields) - Editorial nodes (major issues underrepresented in
spontaneous contributions) - Synopsis Nodes (items facilitating the
exploration of branches by newcomers)
4- This ideal of total freedom of expression is
limited by - technical, social and scientific limitations
- Technical avoid conflict of updating same file
at the same time -
- Social preventing malicious deletions or
junk deposition - Scientific - preserving the profile and
scientific integrity - - Allowing objective tools to discern more from
less relevant entries. - This forest-ranger activity will take much of
- the tree-keeper resources
5Maintenance Eliminate/
update obsolete items / structures
Design pedagogical guided tree-tours for
beginners Design personalized
tree-queries facility
(interactively fit to the enquirer profile)
Provide tree-search Filters
Provide current orientation
highlight new emergent
leader ideas,
leader documents
Provide contributors support (access, interactive