Euanglion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. ... Christian discipleship is about what you rely upon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Euanglion

  • What it really means to be a disciple of Jesus
  • Mark 114-15

What is Marathon?
  • Marathon village of ancient Greece
  • Location where in 490 BC the Greeks won a victory
    over the Persians
  • 26 miles, 385 yards / 41.3 kilometers
  • The type race is named after this village
  • A runner arrived in Athens with the euangélion of
    the Greek victory

Mark 114-15
  • Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into
    Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and
    saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom
    of God is at hand repent and believe in the

The Gospel
  • Euangélion (u-on-gellee-on) the good news
    (Greco-Roman terminology, a political term)
  • A message that indicates a great victory and the
    establishment of a new governing order
  • Is usually accompanied by great joy Isaiah 527
  • Was sometimes used of the birth of a new emperor
    Luke 28-10

Luke 28-10
  • And in the same region there were shepherds out
    in the field, keeping watch over their flock by
    night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them,
    and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and
    they were filled with fear. And the angel said to
    them, Fear not, for behold, I bring you good
    news of a great joy that will be for all the
    people. For unto you is born this day in the city
    of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Believe in (not that)
  • Pisteuo to be convinced in such a way as to
    rely upon
  • Dont just believe IN Jesus, trust in the
    euangelion the good news that Jesus is Lord,
    King of a Kingdom
  • Romans 109-10 Jesus is Lord is a political
    term (swear a new allegiance to king Jesus),
    resurrection is proof of Gods dominion (trust in
    the Kingdom)
  • Christian discipleship is about what you rely
  • We rely upon nothing other than the Kingdom rule
    of God

  • Metánoia to completely change direction
    through a change of heart and mind
  • A total reorientation on what you rely upon
  • Your reliance is no longer on yourself, but on
    the Kingdom of God
  • Life is not lived in your power, but in His
  • Heart, mind, priorities are now reformed around
    the Kingdom Matthew 633

The Kingdom of God
  • Baselia royal dominion, sovereignty, right to
    rule, over a specific territory
  • Jesus came into this world to retake what was
    lost 1 John 38b
  • His kingdom is transcendent not of the fallen,
    corrupt universe John 1833-38

John 1833-38
  • So Pilate entered his headquarters again and
    called Jesus and said to him, Are you the King
    of the Jews? Jesus answered, Do you say this of
    your own accord, or did others say it to you
    about me? Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Your own
    nation and the chief priests have delivered you
    over to me. What have you done? Jesus answered,
    My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom
    were of this world, my servants would have been
    fighting, that I might not be delivered over to
    the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.

John 1833-38
  • Then Pilate said to him, So you are a king?
    Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. For
    this purpose I was born and for this purpose I
    have come into the worldto bear witness to the
    truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my
    voice. Pilate said to him, What is truth?
  • After he had said this, he went back outside to
    the Jews and told them, I find no guilt in him.

The time is fulfilled
  • Kairos specially appointed moment in time
  • There was a fullness of time for the Kingdom to
  • We are still in that kairos time
  • The time for the Kingdom to emerge in our life is
  • There is a future point in time when the Kingdom
    will come in its fullness Revelation 1115

Revelation 1115
  • Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and
    there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The
    kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of
    our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign
    forever and ever.

What Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ is ALL About
  • There is a new governing order emerging in our
  • You must surrender to it and rely upon it
  • To come to this reliance on the new order you
    must release your reliance on the old order,
    which was ruled by self
  • To do this you must completely change your
    direction, your heart, your thinking, your way of
    life, your priorities, your perception of reality
    you must be remade

What Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ is ALL About
  • The only way that can happen is to embrace this
    new order of Gods dominion even unto death,
    surrendering everything to this King of Kings.
    The territory he wants is your heart, and
    ultimately, all of the created order
  • Now is the time for us to surrender to the
    Kingdom rule of God in our lives

How This Gets Lived Out
  • Some of you are disciples of Jesus, seeking the
    Kingdom daily press into the Kingdom!
  • Some of you have recently encountered the love of
    Jesus, and are seeking Him earnestly learn to
    rely on the Kingdom rule of God
  • Some of you eagerly desire the demonstration of
    the Kingdom through the Holy Spirits power
    seek first the Kingdom rule in your life, and
    this will be given to you as well
  • Some of you say you are a Christian, but you live
    like a child of this world, like a child of hell
    repent, metanoia, flee your rebellion

How This Gets Lived Out
  • Some of you have grown tired in serving the Lord,
    ask the Lord to fan your desire for the things of
    the Kingdom again
  • Some of you have been wounded by the church
    forgive, repent of any anger and receive the
    Kingdom blessing of healing and wholeness
  • Some of you are deceived thinking by just
    believing in Jesus you will be saved. Belief
    alone is not enough surrender your life or lose
  • Some of you desperately want to be transformed,
    youre sick of your life, you know your need
    surrender to King Jesus, and let Him bring His
    love and power into your life

How This Gets Lived Out
  • The life of a disciple of Jesus Christ is a life
    of surrender to and reliance upon the new order
    of the Kingdom, having faith that when we give
    the territory of ourselves over to Him, that the
    Kingdom blessings of His rule come into our lives

Isaiah 611-2a ESV
  • The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
  •           because the Lord has anointed me
  •      to bring good news to the poor
  •           he has sent me to bind up the
  •      to proclaim liberty to the captives,
  •           and the opening of the prison to those
    who are bound
  •      to proclaim the year of the Lords favor,
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