Title: Having Compassion for the Lost
1Having Compassion for the Lost
2Today, We Have Put a Heavy Emphasis on the Gift
of the Spirit?
3As a Result, We Emphasize the Great Gifted Man of
4What Is the Emphasis of the Bible?
5(1 Corinthians 127) "Now to each one the
manifestation of the Spirit is given for the
common good.
61 Corinthians 12
- To one there is given through the Spirit the
message of wisdom, to another the message of
knowledge by means of the same Spirit,
71 Corinthians 12
- to another faith by the same Spirit, to another
gifts of healing by that one Spirit,
81 Corinthians 12
- 10.to another miraculous powers, to another
prophecy, to another distinguishing between
spirits, to another speaking in different kinds
of tongues, and to still another the
interpretation of tongues.
9(1 Corinthians 1211) "All these are the work of
one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to
each one, just as he determines.
10What is the emphasis here?
- The Gift or the Same Spirit?
11Emphasis is . . .
12We All Have the Holy Spirit
- We ALL can serve the Lord!
13The Key Is 1 Corinthians 13!
14The Key Is . . .
15Without Compassion, Evangelism Is Just a Task
16Purpose-Driven Church or Compassion-Driven Church
17We Need a Compassion for the Lost
- Every Christian Needs to Have a Compassion for
the Lost
18Not Everyone Will Go to Missions
- But Everyone Should Have a Heart for Missions
19Jesus Saw and Had Compassion
- Then Jesus Imparted Compassion
20Impart Passion and Compassion
- To Do This, You Need to Have Passion and
21Lets Have a Look at the World Today
22The World Today
- 1.8 Billion Baptized Believers
- 3.3 Billion have access to the Gospel
- Still 1.6 Billion have never heard of Christ,
Christianity or the Gospel
24The World Today
25Manpower Today
140,000 Protestant Missionaries
How Many of These Missionaries Work Among The
26Only 2-3 of ALL missionaries are actually
seeking to reach Unreached People Groups
27Number of Foreign Missionaries per Million in
Major Cultural Blocs
28Christian Finances Today
Total Income of ALL Christians Globally
Amount Given to Christian Work
1.73 of Total Income
Amount Given to Missions
5.4 of Total Giving
29How is the 5.4 Mission Giving Used?
30Foreign Missions Giving
31Percentage Of Christians Total Income Being Used
to Reach the Unreached
of 5.4
of 1.73
0.001 of Christians Total Income is being
used to reach the Remaining Unreached People
32What Does This Tell Us?
33We Are Too Inward
- Looking at our own frailties
- Sorting out our differences and disagreements
- Nurturing our own people
- Our efforts are mainly spent inside
- We have no energy to think of let alone reach
out to those outside
34Matthew 936
- "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on
them, because they were harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd."
35If Jesus Was in Your City, Whom Will He See?
36If Jesus Was in Your City, How Will He Feel?
37If Jesus Is Running Your Churches, What Would He
- How Would Your Church Be Different?
38What Are Some Of The Needs Of Our World Today?
39The Needs Of The Youth
- 1/2 of the world is under 20 - 1/3 is under 15
- There are 100 million street kids - more than the
population of England and France combined - 620 million kids do not attend school
- 15 million kids die every year from preventable
diseases - over 1 million children (90 of them girls) join
the sex trade each year
40The Needs Of The Urban
- 50 of the world lives in urban areas
- by 2025 the world will be 75 urban
- By 2015 there will be 17 cities with population
over 10 million in the 2/3 world - There are currently over one billion urban poor
- about half of these live in squatter settlements
41The Needs Of The Poor
42The Needs Of The Poor
- There are more poor now than at any time in
history - The poorest 80 have only 15 of the global
income - 85 of the poorest countries are within the
unevangelized world - Women make up 70 of the poor and 2/3 of the
illiterate - Illiteracy is gt50 in the world and rising
43The Needs Of The Poor
- 1.3 billion people live on less than 1 a day
- 1 in 5 people live in poverty so absolute that
daily survival is at stake - Most of those who have not heard the Gospel are
44Some Facts
- The church is generally gravitating out of the
difficult urban areas and away from problem
people - This leaves the Church out of position and ill
equipped to reach a large segment of the lost - Approx. 75 of those between 4 and 14 who hear
the Gospel, respond positively - The poor have always been more receptive to the
Gospel because of a felt need for God
How Has The Church Responded To The Needs Of The
Lost World in the Past?
46This Is A New Millennium
- Are We To Repeat The Way Of The Past?
47We Must Do Church in a New Way!
49What to do with new believers?
Incorporate them into existing churches?
Start new churches?
50Think of the Process as a Whole
51Time for More of the Same?
- Or Something Has to Be Changed?
52If Jesus Is Running Your Church, What Would He Do?
- How Would Your Church Be Different?