Title: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
1Faculty of Electrical Engineering
The power of tradition, the potential of
2 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Wroclaw University of Technology
Wroclaw University of Technology was founded in
1945. In May 1945 a group of 27 professors from
the University and the Technical University in
Lvow arrived in Wroclaw. In the destroyed
buildings of Technische Hochschule Breslau, which
had existed since 1910, they started the Polish
academic society.
3Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Wroclaw University of Technology
- WUT of this day and age
- follows the standards set by these splendid
institutions and develops close cooperation with
major companies of the Lower Silesia region - is one of the leading higher education
intitutions in Poland, ranked for many years as
the top university in the region - has 32,000 students at 12 faculties in Wroclaw
and three branches in major cities of lower
Silesia taught by more than 2000 academic
teachers - has graduated 80,000 students with M.Sc. or B.Sc.
degrees, and 4,400 with Ph.D. degrees
4 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Fundamental data of the WUT
WUT in numbers
- Employees 3 745, half of which are academic
teachers - Male students 23 500, female students 8 400
(26) - The number of full professors - 148
- The number of doctors habilitated - 245
- The number of doctors 1 125
5Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Fundamental data
Faculty of Electrical Engineerning is one
of the 12 faculties of WUT.
Some numbers
- 2000 students
- 105 academic teachers
- Including 27 professors and associated
professors - 70 assistant professors
- 8 assistants
6 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Short history
On 15th November 1945 professor Kazimierz
Idaszewski hold the first lecture on electrical
machines for the students of then Electrical
Department. This day is believed to be the day of
the inauguration of higher education in Wroclaw
and the very beginning of activity of the Faculty
of Electrical Engineering of the Wroclaw
University of Technology.
7Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Structure of the Faculty
- Institute of Electrical Engineering and
Technology Fundamentals
- Institute of Electrical Power Engineering
- Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and
8Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Outof-Wroclaw branches
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering educates
students in three out-of-Wroclaw branches located
in the main cities of the region - Jelenia Gora
- Legnica
- Walbrzych
The students study in the out-of-Wroclaw branches
for the first five semesters and then, after
choosing their specialization, continue their
education in Wroclaw.
9 Faculty of Electrical
Studies offered by FEE
- Full - time studies
- B.Sc. studies
- M.Sc. studies
- Extramural studies
- Extramural B.Sc. studies
- Extramural Supplementary M.Sc. studies
- Ph.D. studies
- Post - graduate studies
10Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Full time studies
Field of study Electrical engineerning
Specialization Industrial and Municipal
Electrical Power Systems
11Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Full - time studies
Field of study Electrical engineerning
M.Sc. studies
- Fields
- Theory of Electrical Engineering
- Technology and Diagnostics in Electrical
Engineering - Measurement Instruments and Systems
- Electrical Machines and Drives
- Specialization
- Electrical Engineering
- and Technology
12 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Full - time studies
Field of study Electrical engineerning
M.Sc. studies
Specialization Electrical Power Engineering
- Fields
- Power System Control and Protection
- Electrical Power Systems
- Industrial and Municipal Electrical Power
Systems - IT and Management in Power Systems
13Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Full time studies
Field of study Automation and Robotics
M.Sc. studies
- Automation and Control in Power Systems
- Automation of Machines, Vehicles and Devices
14 Control in
Electrical Power Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- a four-semester M.Sc.-programme with all the
courses taught in English
- devoted to candidates with the B.Sc. diploma as
well as to the students of the FEE (as one of
the specializations)
15Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Control in Electrical Power Engineering
- The four-semester duration
- is split up into three theory
- semesters and finally a master thesis semester.
- The 4 week industrial
- placement is a part of
- the studies as well.
16 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Scientific research
- Most of the works of the academic staff of the
Faculty were crowned by plenty of reckoned
publications in Poland and abroad. -
- Scientific achievements were presented not only
at international and local conferencesorganized
by the Faculty, but also at a range of
prestigious conferences organizedby
international scientific centres. - Series of technical solutions and achievements,
proved by many patents, are the basis for
innovations to be applied in industrial machines
employed in electrical engineering and power
engineering industry. -
17Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Scientific research
Institute of Electrical Engineering and
Technology Fundamentals
- advanced methods of signal processing in
electrical engineering - electromagnetic fields analysis
- material engineering of dielectrics
- high voltage electroinsulatory systems
- high temperature superconductivity
- acoustic emission technique in material and
diagnostic technology - electrical and magnetic fields application to
technological processes - impulsive electromagnetic exposure
18Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Scientific research
Institute of Electrical Power Engineering
- automation and control in electrical power
engineering - power system protection
- electrical installations and devices expertises
and advisory - services connected with planning and designing
- electrical safety
- power system networks
- energy consumption of industrial processes
- power system management and economy
- influence of electromagnetic fields
- exploitation of power system devices
19 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Scientific research
Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and
- Electrical drives systems systems
- Measurement systems and devices
- Energoelectronics
- Accredited laboratories of the Institute
- The Testing Laboratory for Low-Wattage
Electric Machines - The Testing Laboratory for Electric Machines
and Compatibility in the Low- and Medium-
Frequency Range -
20Faculty of Electrical Engineering
International cooperation
In the field of research the Faculty cooperates
with the educational institutions from the
following countries
Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, France,
Great Britain, Irland, USA, Canada,India, Egipt,
China and South Korea.
21 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
European Union programmes
- Socrates-Erasmus
- Students and employees exchange with England
(Bath, London), Irland (Cork), Germany
(Darmstadt, Magdeburg, Dresden, Cottbus, Siegen),
Austria (Graz), Portugal (Porto), Denmark
(Copenhagen) and France (Nancy)
- Leonardo da VinciThe programme of internship
inEuropean companies for students and young
22Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Double diploma
- Joined project of Wroclaw University of
Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty
of Electrical Engineernig and Information
Technology, Institute of Electrical Power
The programme offers obtaining two M.Sc. diplomas
in Electrical Engineering at the same time.
23 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Double diploma
- Fields of studies
- Wroclaw
- Electrical Power Automation
- Electrical Power Networks and Systems
- Magdeburg
- Renewable Sources of Energy
- Power Electronics
- The opportunity to work on Master Diploma in
Wroclaw or in Magdeburg - Students placement in partner companies in
First graduates of the Double Diploma, May 2005
24In 2005 the celebrations were held to commemorate
the 60th anniversary of foundation of the
Wroclaw University of Technology.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
60th anniversary of the FEE
Jubilee meeting of the Graduates
- was held on July 4, 2005 on the occasion
of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty.
25Faculty of Electrical Engineering
60th anniversary of the FEE
During the 60 years the Faculty has been
graduated by 9 thousand students. 423 doctors,
72 D.Sc. (habilitated doctors) and 32 professors
have been promoted so far.
26 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
60th anniversary of the FEE
27 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Inauguration of the academic year 2005/2006
During this celebration the matriculation of the
first semester students took place as well as
presenting the graduates with the diplomas of the
Faculty, awards and distinctions.
28Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Inauguration of the academic year 2005/2006
The Dean proclaimed the inauguration of the new
academic yearwith the traditional formula"Quod
Felix Faustum Fortunatumque sit".
29Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Students research teams
- Energetyk
- Synchron
- Strimer
30Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Rally of Electricians
An oustanding, traditional event each year
academic staff and students participate together
in two away-weekends in the mountains.
31 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Electricity is a mysterious incomprehensible
entity which is invisible and visible both at the
same time. It is a mysterious force which looks
like blue-white fire, and yet cannot be seen. It
moves forward at the speed of light... It
determines the evolution of the world. Come to
study Electrical Engineernig. With this diploma
you will always find a job.
Prepared by Alicja Ziubrzynska