Title: The Arnett Hills Jigsaw
1The Arnett Hills Jigsaw
- We are all pieces of the Arnett Hills Year One
Year One is like a jigsaw puzzle. When we are
altogether, the puzzle is complete. When just
one of us is missing, the puzzle is incomplete.
We always work together to do our best and we
always work best when we are together!
- We wrote letters to the Red Hen from the Little
Yellow Chicken.
This is our role play area. This half-term we
are running a café.
Role play plays an important part in a childs
development. It encourages imagination and
language development.
We made watches to help us learn about telling
the time.
We wrote number sentences on apples to add to the
4Science Light and Dark
- We have been exploring dark and light. We made a
dark den. We had to use our touch and hearing to
discover what the objects were inside. Then we
used the light from a torch so we could see the
We looked at light sources that are used in
different religious celebrations.
We made collage pictures out of reflective
5History Toys
- We have been learning about old toys and new
toys. We had a visitor who showed us some of his
old toys.
6PSHE Important People
- We have been learning about people who help us
in the community. We had a policeman visit us
and we asked him lots of questions about his role
in the community.
7Birthday Bugs Which month is your birthday in?
Elmer the Elephant
We all made a patch for Elmer using patterns
and colours.
8Art Self-Portraits
We explored colour mixing and careful
observational drawing. We studied some famous
artists portraits, like Van Gogh.