Title: Starting a Healthy School Team
1Starting a Healthy School Team
2Why is Health Important?
- Good health is necessary for academic success
- It is difficult for students to be successful in
school if they are - Depressed
- Stressed
- Tired
- Being bullied
- Sick
- Hungry
3Why is Health Important?
- A childs physical, emotional, social, mental
health directly affects capacity to learn
4Health Risk Behaviors of Young People
- Behaviors that may result in unintentional
injuries and violence - Sexual risk behaviors
- Alcohol and other drug use
- Tobacco use
- Unhealthy dietary behaviors
- Inadequate physical activity
5Florida Statistics High School Students 2005
- 1 in 4 is overweight /or at risk for overweight
- 14.5 of students seriously considered suicide
during the past year - 1 in 6 students are current cigarette smokers
- 2 of 5 students reported current alcohol use
- 40 of students report 3 hours daily TV on
school day
6Obstacles to Academics
- Poor health
- Food insecurity
- Physical condition of a school
- Absences
- Discipline problems
- Mental health issues
7Why Schools?
- Most young people enrolled in school
- School health programs can improve students
- Health knowledge, attitudes, and skills
- Health behaviors and health outcomes
- Social outcomes
- Educational outcomes
8What is Coordinated School Health (CSH)?
- Systemic method of promoting health that brings
together teams of people in eight areas who are
able to address all aspects of student health - Healthy students are fit and ready to learn
- Schools deliver consistent health messages
- Schools coordinate existing resources
- Individualized means to wellness
9What is Coordinated School Health (CSH)?
10CSH A Solution to Problem
- Keeping kids healthy over time
- Supporting a students capacity to learn
- Help students develop knowledge and skills to
make smart choices for life - Reinforcing positive behaviors throughout the day
- Making it clear good health and learning go hand
in hand
11Benefits of CSH Approach
- Reduced school absenteeism
- Fewer behavior problems in classroom
- Improved student performance
- More positive spirit among educators and students
- Reduced duplication between schools and community
12Steps for Healthy School Team Success
- Gather team members
- Identify school needs
- Identify local school resources
- Write a School Health Action Plan
- Manage and monitor implementation
- Market success
13Step 1 Gather Team Members
- Seek faculty/staff who have a commitment to the
cause - Look for community partners to join team
- Secure administrator support
- Set time for regularly scheduled meetings
14Step 2 Identify School Needs
- Investigate state local survey results
- Florida Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
- Local YRBS in Broward, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade,
Orange, and Palm Beach - Identify health issues concerns of students,
families, school staff by completing the School
Health Index A Self-Assessment and Planning
15School Health Index
- Uses a coordinated school health approach
- Identifies strengths and weaknesses of their
health promotion policies programs - Develops an action plan for improving student
health - Involves teachers, parents, students community
in improving school programs, policies, services
16Step 3 Identify Local School Resources
- Look up your districts Wellness Policy posted in
the Food and Nutrition section of district
website - Contact your districts School Health Advisory
Committee (SHAC) for support - Work with your School Advisory Council (SAC)
17Step 4 Write a School Health Action Plan
- Use results of needs assessment to develop action
plan - Consider short long-term goals for team
- Document actions, steps to complete actions, and
person date responsible - Sponsor/promote projects for students, parents,
18Step 5 Manage Monitor Implementation
- Reflect on action plan to monitor progress
- Meet regularly with team members
- Recognize members for accomplishments
19Step 6 Market Success
- Celebrate successes
- Spread the word about successful healthy school
team accomplishments - Remind key stakeholders about benefits of healthy
students staff, which in turn affect
educational success
- Coordinated school health approach can
- increase healthy behaviors
- impact students academic achievement
- Empower students with knowledge, skills,
judgment to help them make smart choices in life - Creating a Healthy School Team manual available
from Florida Department of Education