Title: Less is More
1Less is More
- M-Learning with Cell Phones
Lucy Haagen, Program in Education CIT Showcase
April 24, 2009
2Todays Workshop
- Introduction to M-Learning with Mobile Phones
Rationale and Resources - Mobile Phones and Civic Engagement
- Local and Global Examples
- From Margin to Mainstream Future Possibilities
3What is M-Learning?
Use of mobile devices to produce an anytime,
anywhere learning experience
4M-Learning in Context
5Why Mobile Phones?
- Ubiquitous
- Web 2.0 compatible
- Platform of choice for under 30s
- Compatibility
- Portability
- Eco-friendly
- Promotes multiple modes of interaction
6Rationale and Resources (USA)
- Horizon Report (http//www.nmc.org/pdf/2009-Horizo
n-Report.pdf) - New interfaces, the ability to run third-party
applications, and location-awareness have all
come to the mobile device in the past year,
making it an ever more versatile tool that can be
easily adapted to a host of tasks for learning,
productivity, and social networking.
7Mobile Phone Use Explosion
Source lTU World Communications Database, 2009
8China Mobile Phone Use Outstrips Web Use
9Millennials Use of Cell Phones
- SMS text messaging outstrips phone calls
- ,
10 Source Harris interactive, January, 2009
11What functions do you currently use?
- Phone Call
- Email
- Web Browsing
- Camera for images
- Camera for video
- Voice recorder
- Video player
- Text Reader
- Music/Audio Player
- Games
12Free/Affordable Mobile Phone Applications
- Polling (ex polleverywhere.com)
- Google Maps
- Speaking Dictionaries China2go
- Adobe Reader
- MP3 file translator
- Gcast (podcasting)
- Jott (audio to print memo)
- Free SMS Messaging
- Twitter!
13Mobile Phones and Civic Engagement Southern
High School, Durham NCSpring, 2008
- Service Learning Seminar Teaching ESL
- Ranked bottom 10 percent of NC High Schools
- End of Course Test Passage Rate for LEP (Limited
English Proficient) 16.7 percent - Cooperating English and World History Teachers
14M-Learning Goals
- Increase oral presentation skills
- Write personal essay
- Research world-historical figure (One of
historys troublemakers) - Develop multimedia Powerpoint Presentation
15Project Activities
- Voice Message Board Duke Student Response
- Ask an Expert link between Southern students
and Duke professors - Old Fashioned Call your Coach link between
Southern Students and Duke learning coaches. - Voice Recording Audio Narration
- Podcasting This I Believe (Sample Podcast)
- Incentives Extra Cellphone Minutes for
16What Didnt Work
- Southern Students and Duke Students did not talk
by phone
- Southern Students did not make productive use
of phones outside of school
- Incentives didn't work as motivators
17What Did Work
- Audio Recording
- Ask the Expert Message Board
- Personalized Podcasting
- Project-Based Learning in Small Groups
- Team-Teaching
18Indicators of Success
- Project Completion Rate
- Student Attendance During Project Period
- LEP Student Test Results (16.7 percent to 30.1
percent passage rate) - Student and Teacher Satisfaction
19Mobile Phones and Civic EngagementNorth Vietnam
Summer, 2008
20Mobile Applications and Purposes
- Group Text Messaging
- Free English-Vietnamese Dictionary
- Photo Images of Key Locations
- Photo Log of Students
- Maximize Mobility and Safety of Students in
Foreign Environment
21Community Building Documentation
22SMS Poetry
When I vIsted the orphanage, I went with
balloons, hard candies, Old National
Geographics The children grabbed for everything.
I gave one a candy, others screamed Until seven
or eight were clawing at my legs. They popped the
balloons, Choked on the candies Shredded the
magazines I looked over to the nun for help. She
stopped ladling gruel into the communal
trough Next time, if you come, Bring enough for
everyone, or bring nothing. Wendy Wilder Larson
23Direct Service
- Oral English Assessment
- Electronic Alphabet Book
- Personal Audio Dictionary
- Literacy through Photography
24Project Documentaton
25In the Works
- MUbuntu Mobile
- Phones Empowering
- Primary School Teachers
- to Address South Africas
- Literacy Crisis
26Mobile Phones in Your Course
- Share a specific example of how you could use of
mobile phones in one of your own courses or
projects. Be sure that the mobile phone is not a
just a possible technology but actually a
preferable one. - Course ..Application/Feature..Purpose
- Try calling and leaving your suggestions through
SayNow 919-521-4775