Title: Office of Charter Schools
1Office of Charter Schools 2008-09 FALL VISIT
2- Focus Areas reviewed in this years Fall Visit
- Staffing Vacancies, Teacher Credentialing, TB
clearance, and Fingerprinting - Governance Open Meeting Practices and
Provisions of the Brown Act, and Inspecting
Governing Board Agendas and Minutes. - Facilities Lease Status, Building Occupancy
Status, Fire and Safety Inspections - Supplemental Hourly Instruction compliance,
Student Eligibility, Documentation and Reporting - SARC Reporting Deadlines and Site Contacts
- Admissions Enrollment Application, Public
Lottery Process, Waiting List Procedures,
Recruitment Strategies - Parent Involvement Practices, Home / School
Communication, Complaint Procedures - Discipline Policies, Suspension Expulsion
Procedures, Student Exit Processes - Health Screening Food Program Overview,
Reflection on Monthly Charter Meetings
- Measurable Pupil Outcomes Preview of Spring
Visit Focus on Progress Towards Outcomes
3- Take-aways
- Transparency
- Many schools policies such as complaint
procedures, suspension expulsion and enrollment
were detailed, in writing, in the handbook or
distributed widely - Many schools lacked clearly defined policies, in
writing, in the handbook or distributed widely in
at least one or more areas - ISSUES
- Some schools do not have all staff with required
certification, TB, or DOJ clearance - Most schools not in school buildings lacked
evidence of occupancy status, permits - Some schools use contracts that could be
construed to incur expulsion for reasons other
than those in policy - Some schools do not perform required health
4Staffing Governing Text Education Code, NCLB,
Health Code, Charter Terms
5- Compliance Form
- To be created for use by OCS during Fall Visits
- 1. School Responses to Inquiry
- 2. Non-Compliance Record
- - Instances of Self-Reported Non-compliance
- - Instances based on Record Review
- Revised Spreadsheet
- (to be completed by school prior to visit
submitted electronically) - - Type of Credential including subject matter
authorized - - Add Middle Name (CTCC online review)
- - Expiration date of TB Clearance
- - Remove Date of Birth Request
6RESPONSE STEP 1 NOC (Notice of Concern)
Required documentation of compliance by
deadline. gt Credential non-compliance provide
minimum 20 calendar days to provide documentation
of compliance gt TB/DOJ non-compliance Require
immediate action to remove non-compliant staff
from workplace provide a minimum 10 calendar
days to provide documentation of
compliance Compliance timeline recognizes that
the date of the Fall Visit has likely occurred
after some period of non-compliant
employment. STEP 2 NOV (Notice of Violation)
Spell out violation, cure date, possible
remedy. gt Credential non-compliance dependent on
case-by-case analysis of circumstances gt TB/DOJ
non-compliance may result in initiation of
immediate revocation due to imminent health and
safety risk to students.
RESPONSE Evaluate practice through Fall Visit
Document Review and Inquiry Grade Schools
(letter grade) Based on Lottery, Preferences,
recruitment, admissions
- Admissions Grade Sheet
- Y) Meets Standard N) Not Meeting Standard
- Lottery
- Preferences
- Recruitment
- Admissions
8Lottery Governing Text Education Code, Charter
- Seek to ensure schools maintain records of
- Number of applications received
- Results of Lottery
- Waiting Lists
9- Preferences
- Governing Text Education Code, Charter Text
- Current Students
- Students living in the jurisdiction of OUSD
(Oakland) - Approved charter terms
- Preferences permitted to all schools by
authorizer - Allow sibling as second only to current
students. - Allow children of Staff (provisional with 3 yr.
review of impact) - Additional preferences permitted on a case by
case basis and ONLY if essential to fulfill the
mission of the school. - Preferences STANDARDS
- In writing, widely distributed
- Provided with application for admission
- Require information within application to
determine preference eligibility
10Recruitment Governing Text Education Code,
Charter (Racial and Ethnic Balance) STANDARDS Eva
luated through Fall Visit inquiry
11Admission Requirements Governing Text Education
Code, Charter (Admissions Requirements) STANDARD