Title: Delivering Clinical Services
1Delivering Clinical Services Rural Practice
Dr Peter Rischbieth Vice President Rural Doctors
Association of SA
- West Lakes
- Saturday 8th November 2008
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3Rural Communities Health Needs
- Locally based services
- Health professionals with a broad range of skills
in Primary health care - Members of the Health team also have a depth of
skills in - Secondary care
- Emergency care
- Maternity and Surgical services
- Mental Health, Aged care, Palliative care
4The Big Cs for rural communities
- Challenges of Country Living
- Capacity - service delivery teaching
- Co-location Coordination Services
- Computerisation- IT opportunities
- Communication-local networks, metro
- Country specific issues distance
- Canberra - commitment of resources
- Capacity of Workforce
- Costs patients and families
- Change opportunities
5Building a better Rural Health System
- Good Primary Health Care produces Better health
outcomes - Prevents disease complications
- Decreases rate of hospitalisation
- Decreases Health Costs to Community and
Governments - Well trained and better resourced
- Rural
- Health Workforce needed
6 Estimated Rural GP shortfalls by 2012
275-410 - RWA Vict RRMA 3-7
311 - WACCRM Rural
230 - HW Qld RRMA 4-7
79-178 - Rural
Workforce agency Data - Why?
- Increased demand for services
- Decrease in hours worked Gen Y ,feminisation
- Ageing GP workforce , average age 54years
- Need 1200 workforce entrants/year 2007-2013
- Currently 800applicants for 600 places 2009
7Rural Doctors in Australia
- RDAA estimates 1,600 rural doctors needed in
2008 - 2008 GPET intake 23 of medical graduates
choose general practice (cf 50 20 years ago) - IMGs 45 of workforce 4 x increase over 10
years outnumber Aust graduates in rural
Queensland - Average age rural doctor 54 years
- 70 of rural GPs are VMOs for local Emergency
Dept - 22 provide traditional procedural services
- 2007 1913 medical grads
- 2012 3367 medical grads- Where will they go?
8Aust medical graduates actual/projected,19702016
9Where the bloody Hell are you?
10Factors that increase the odds of medical
students transitioning to become a rural doctor
- Rural Origin - 2.5 x
- Rural Schooling - 2.5x
- Rural Spouse - 3.5x
- Rural student experience - 2x
- Rural Intern - 3x
- Rural Postgraduate education
- gt50 of the training time 4x
- Only 5 Queensland/NSW graduates over the last 15
years chose to work in RRMA 4-7 - Only 2 Tasmanian graduates in past 10 years
chose rural career path
11Rural Doctors Workforce Agency
2006 RDWA Rural Doctors Survey
- 430 rural doctors in SA (70 health
units/hospitals) - 326 respondents (76 response rate)
- 42 doctors aged 55-79 yrs
- 48 practices had vacancies
- 26 doctors intend to leave within 5 yrs
- 47 Registrars - 12 of workforce
- On call average - 13
- 86 rural GPs emergency A/Hrs work
- 75 had students/ 42 registrars/ 12 interns
- 1 in 8 practices have practice nurse
- 38 procedural skills obs, anaesth, surgery
12Capacity to increase GP numbers
- Challenges of ? teaching/training demands
- To deliver positive experiences for
registrars/interns/students in general practice - To maximise utilisation of available teaching
time - To provide medical practice infrastructure
supports - consulting area, practice equipment
- computer facilities/access IT/IM
- accommodation
- social recreational opportunities
13Purpose-built rural clinic model Murray Bridge
South Australia
- 4 Consulting/examination rooms
- 2 Nurse treatment rooms (including immunisation
fridge), emergency/retrieval equipment, ECG,
Spirometry (defibrillator/oxygen) - 3 Work-station reception area
- Office manager work area
- Waiting room for 20 patients
- Staff room
- Student / doctor resource area
- Public and staff toilets
- Storage
- Car parking for 18 vehicles
- Metro clinic comparative cost approx
50,000/room - to add on to existing clinic
14 New Rural Clinic consulting rooms Southside
Clinic 2007
- 2 GP Supervisor rooms, intern/student room 2
practice nurse rooms, pathology collection room - Cost to lock up/fit out with floor coverings,
cabinetry, 720,000
- Demolition/asbestos removal of existing
structures 40,000 - Air conditioning units
45,000 - Security system
5,000 - Cabling/phones
10,000 - Fire hoses extinguishers
5,000 - Landscaping/irrigation
15,000 -
- TOTAL CASH INVESTMENT 840,000 interest on 8
borrowings over 10 years - 1,100,000
15Training Rooms
16Rural GP intern placements (PGPPP)
- Income
- Program payment to cover the 5 placements/yr
82,500 - Income from the Intern consultations approx
57,000 - Annual income
2,790 - Costs
per week - Coordinator (6 consult/week)
300 - Supervisors (24 consult/week)
1,000 - Room rental 20.00/hr
- Specialist rate 28/hr
700 - Admin (orientation)
20 - Computers
10 - Utilities (power, phone, security,
insurance) 50 - Reception, nursing, typing, scanning, cleaning
800 - (based on 1.9FTE support staff per F/TGP
17Registrar Training Program
Sturt Fleurieu RTP
Per Week - Registrar generated fees
3,500 - Program teaching (3hrs/wk)
300 - On-costs subsidy (rent/admin)
400 - Residential rent subsidy (50)
100 -
4,300 - COSTS
- Registrar salary (according to level
1,600 - Super _at_ 9
150 - Relinquished consults by supervising GPs (8)
400 - Rent paid (100)
200 - On-call/SIP 100
- On costs-support staff, facilities, equipment
450 -
2,900 - Net Financial gain per week
18Additional Patient Service Providers In Rural
- Specialist medical practitioner
- Allied health professional
- eg mental health worker, psychologist,
counsellor - SA average 3.5/practice
- Practice nurses 1.4 FTE per practice
- Nurse practitioner
- Physician assistants?
- RDWA South Australian survey 2006
19Potential Income/Service Comparisons
- NURSE (per 4hr session)
- Nurse prepares assessment/measurements/advice
- 4 patients _at_ 1hr each
- Hypertension-assessment/advice (dietary/lifestyle)
- GPMP Review (725) 4 _at_ 65 260
- DMMR (900) 4 _at_ 140 560
- 45 yo health check (717) 4 _at_ 104 416
- SIP Mental Health 4 _at_ 150 600
- PRACTICE NURSE COSTS per session 233
20Practice Nurse Costs
- Salary 4 hrs _at_ 25 30 (on cost) 148
- Room rent _at_ 20/hr (as per students) 80
- Provision of equipment/IT/utilities
5 - Total cost/session
21Service Delivery vs Teaching Opportunities
Cost / Benefit
- Medical Student Loss/week 600
- Intern Loss/ week
40 - PRCC student Profit / week 2,200
- Registrar Profit/week
1400 - Specialist rent Profit/week
1,120 - Psychologist
??? - Practice nurse
22Getting it right for RuralGeneral Practice ?
- Recognition of true costs benefits of teaching
- Formal costing/modelling project needed by
Universities/RTPs/GPET/Commonwealth -
- Revised remuneration for teaching practices
- Choices -Service delivery vs Training
opportunities - Increased IT/IM linkages for General Practice
- Commonwealth / State Government commitment (AHCA)
to training including hospital/procedural posts
23An impossible dream or achievable reality? Are
there any practical ways to achieve sustainable
general practice ?
- Models of practice
- Range of financial and administrative structures
- GP, nursing,midwife,allied health teams- sharing
and delegation of work - Rural generalist
- Community education capacity to deliver
24Future Workforce Needs (AMWAC 05)
- Initial estimates are that every year the GP
workforce in Australia will need - An additional 316 new entrants to cover workforce
exits - An extra 365 GPs to cover changes in the patient
population due to growth and ageing - Possibly some additional GPs to cover any decline
in average hours worked this is expected to be
between 198 and 386 - Additional GPs to cover areas of current shortage
this is expected to be between 131 and 245 - 1200 now
25Rural Health Outcomes
- Rural Life expectancy 3yrs less of urban
population (avoidable death rate 40 ) - Mortality rates up to 20 higher
- Survival rates lower- Cancer ,cardiovascular
disease - Higher incidence -mental illness, domestic
violence, sexual abuse, alcohol, cigarette
related diseases - Significant financial and social costs,
travelling to access health services - PATScheme
26Rural Health Obligation
- The Rural Doctors Association of Australia
calls upon Governments -
- to set
- An Absolute minimum Standard of Access to
Rural primary Health care professionals and
Health services
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28Threat of Increasing Corporatisation
- City Practice Incentives to join up to 500,000
per GP-commit to 5 years - 50 hrs a week - 5 x 10 hr shifts
- ? after hours commitment
- ? holiday/leave availability entitlements
- ? continuing professional development
- ? increasing buy out of rural doctors
- ? teaching training and supervising capability ?
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31Medical Clinic Building Costs
- 420 sq m structure on 1400 sq m land site
- 4 consulting rooms
- 2 GP supervisor 2 training
- (med student/intern/registrar rooms)
- 2 treatment rooms
- Clinic Costs to construct 1,700 per sq m
- (Standard house cost in SA1,000 sq m
brick veneer) - University funds contribute 1,500/ sq m
- (i.e. funding 1 room 15 sq m)
- University do not consider extra costs of
corridors, waiting room, - study areas, parking areas etc
32Medical Clinic - required Building Standards
- Additional costs
- Fire rated walls / compartments
- Sleuce plumbing
- Commercial grade fixtures/fittings/floor
coverings - Security
- Access (e.g. width of corridors)
- Disabled access/toilets
- Sound dampening on doors
- Extensive signage
33Rural Health resources under spend
- GP services per capita per year
- Remote areas 3/yr Capital city 5.5/yr
- Medicare benefits per capita per year
- Remote 120 Capital city 195
- Rural Medicare Underspend 160million
- Public hospital admission days per year per 1000
residents - Remote 301 Capital city 193
- Limited access to services under private health
insurance (100million)
34Impact of Increasing Corporatisation
- Incentives to join up to 500,000 per GP
- 50 hrs a week - 5 x 10 hr shifts
- ? after hours commitment
- ? holiday/leave availability entitlements
- ? continuing professional development
- ? increasing buy out rural doctors
- ? teaching training and supervising capability ?
35Our patients , our communities
- 400,000 live in rural areas others work,
travel, invest, holiday, families - Poorer Health Outcomes than urban counterparts
- Life expectancy 3yrs less. Cancer ,cardiovascular
disease higher - Cigarette, alcohol related illnesses ,mental
illness, domestic violence, sexual abuse - Rural health underspend, both public and private-
250M/yr - Access to health services an issue up to 6 weeks
to see a see GP - 50 of Australian rural maternity units have
closed over the last 15 years -
- SA 20 hospitals (approx 1/3) now have no
birthing services - Risk taking by mother and child in order to
travel to service - PATS are quite inadequate dont even cover
petrol costs often, let
alone accommodation(50.00/night) and
basic living expenses
36Medical Clinic - required Building Standards
- Additional costs
- Fire rated walls / compartments
- Sleuce plumbing
- Commercial grade fixtures/fittings/floor
coverings - Security
- Access (e.g. width of corridors)
- Disabled access/toilets
- Sound dampening on doors
- Extensive signage
37Workforce Barriers
- Inadequate student and doctor numbers
- Inadequate rural medical student intake
- Financial commitments of graduates
- Lack of clear rural path PGY 12
- Lack of explicit financial workforce drivers
- Negative image of rural practice
- Societal trend to Specialization