3rd Grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3rd Grade


Closets where the students will store their coats and book bags. The door ... Bookshelves. On the one to the Front left will be where I store textbooks. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 3rd Grade

3rd Grade
Classroom Management
  • By Jennifer Trewatha

General Description
  • I foresee my 3rd grade classroom having around 30
    students with 6 of them having a wide variety of
  • I will arrange my classroom to best accommodate
    for all students.
  • I will start off the school year in rows with my
    desk to the back.

(No Transcript)
Classroom Layout
  • Students desk where they will keep their school
  • My desk where I will store all my personal
    stuffs. On the right corner of my desk their will
    be an IN file where students hand in their
  • Trash can
  • Bookshelves. On the one to the Front left will be
    where I store textbooks. The front right
    bookshelf will be classroom books and games for
    the students to access. The one behind my desk
    will contain my supplies and books.
  • Closets where the students will store their coats
    and book bags.
  • The door
  • Tables for activities and work areas.
  • Blackboards/Marker boards to use for
    demonstrations. I will be placing some of the
    students work surrounding the board.

Classroom Rule Matrix
  • On the next page is my Classroom Rule Matrix. It
    contains four of my classroom rules running down
    the side and three different settings in which
    those rules apply.

Classroom Rule Matrix
Class Routines
  • Arrival
  • When students arrive, they will place their bags
    and coats in proper assigned place in the closet,
    place their classroom materials in assigned spot,
    hand in any homework in the IN File, and go to
    their desk and work on any remaining work, write
    in their journal, or read quietly.
  • During Instructions
  • During classroom instructions, students will be
    expected to pay attention to the instructors and
    keep all body parts to themselves unless
    instructed to do otherwise. Feet shall remain on
    the floor as well as all chairs. Students will be
    expected to listen and take notes.
  • In Seatwork
  • Individual
  • When working on individual in seatwork, students
    will be expected to work on their assignment
    silently. If the they finish early they can write
    in their journals, read their books, or work on
    other work.
  • Group work
  • When working on group work, students will be
    expected to talk quietly in hush tones. They will
    also be expected to be an active participant in
    the group.
  • Transitions
  • During transitions, the students will have two
    minutes to put away their stuff and get ready for
    the next subject. During this time they will be
    allowed to sharpen their pencils, throw stuff
    away, or talk quietly to a neighbor once they get
    their stuff out. If the noise level becomes a
    problem, the students will know that the
    privilege of talking will be taking away and they
    will be expect to do the task without talking.
  • In Line
  • Students will walk in a straight line following
    the line leader. They will keep their hands down
    at their sides all time. Students will walk
    silently making sure to keep about an arms length
    between the person in front of them and behind
  • When Leaving
  • When its time to leave, students will place all
    materials going home on their desk, retrieve
    their book bags, place all belongings in bag,
    then sit quietly in desk till dismissed.

Teaching Class Rules/Routines
  • Lesson Plan

Class Policies
  • Homework
  • Homework shall be complete and turned in on time
    in the proper IN file.
  • Late work shall be accepted but at reduced point
  • Missing Class/Make Up
  • The student shall take responsibility of finding
    out about missed worked
  • If you know you are going to be gone a head of
    time, all work shall be made up ahead of time.
  • Missed homework shall be turned in the following
    day. Exceptions will be made if the students have
    missed several days in a row.
  • Bathroom
  • Students shall raise their hands and ask to go to
    the bathroom.
  • Only one boy student and only one girl student
    shall be allowed to go to the bathroom at a time.
  • Students shall be given three minutes to go to
    the bathroom. (For the first few weeks, I will
    keep a close eye on the clock to make the
    students believe I am timing them.)
  • Pencil Sharpening
  • Students shall be expect to have two sharpened
    pencils at the beginning of each class.
  • Students shall be allowed to raise their hand and
    ask to use the pencil sharpener on my desk if
    both their pencils break
  • Trash
  • Students shall keep trash at their desk until the
    subject is over. Then during transitions, they
    may get up and throw their trash away.
  • As there are many trash cans around the room,
    students shall go to the closest trash can.
  • Talking to Others
  • Students will be allowed to talk to other during
    transitions times as long as their stuff is ready
    for the next class and the volume of the
    conversation doesnt impede on others ability to
    get prepared.

Encouraging Proper Behavior
  • To encourage proper behavior, I plan to use the
    group contingency of the marble jar. For each
    subject that there is active participation, most
    rules are followed, and seatwork is completed, a
    marble will be placed in a glass jar. Once the
    glass jar is completely filled, the class will
    get to choose from a good behavior list, which
    they will create the first few days of class. Ex.
    Class Party, getting to go for a walk, and having
    class outside.
  • Also to encourage that homework gets brought back
    from home and handed in, for certain random
    assignments, I will place the letters JB on their
    paper. If the student chooses he/she can bring
    the paper back to me to redeem one Jelly Bean
    from my candy jar.
  • I also believe reading is important, so to
    encourage pleasure reading, I will set up a
    policy that for every ten books the student
    reads, they will get a chance to choose one book
    from the book box. I plan to use the free books
    from the book order companies to supply the book

Discouraging Disruptive Behavior
  • To discourage disruptive behavior, I will first
    give one warning and let the student know what
    rule they are breaking and that they were
    receiving the first warning. After the warning,
    if they still continue to be disruptive, I will
    write their name on the board. Students will know
    that writing their name on the board means that
    they loose five minutes of their recess time to
    have me explain the rules to them again. The 1st
    checkmark, the student will loose 10 minutes of
    recess and have to explain the rule to me and
    write a short paper how he/she will try not to be
    disruptive again. On 2nd checkmark, he/she will
    go and sit outside the class room for the
    remainder of the period, also he/she will loose
    his/her recess. During recess he/she will have to
    explain to me why he/she sat outside, write a
    paper on how he/she will not try to be
    disruptive, and write a letter to his/her parents
    explaining what they did, why he/she sat outside,
    and explain the rule to them. The 3rd checkmark
    means, the student will sit outside for the
    remainder of the period. When I get a chance the
    student and I will go and phone the parents of
    the student. The student will then have to
    explain why he/she are calling. The student will
    also have to write a paper. The 4th check mark
    means the student will get sent to the office to
    deal with the principal. On the following page
    there is a list of my Disruptive Demerits.

Ms. Trewathas Disruptive Demerits
  • Name on the board
  • Loose 5 minutes of recess
  • 1st Checkmark
  • Loose 10 minutes of recess
  • 2nd Checkmark
  • Sit outside and loose Recess
  • 3rd Checkmark
  • Call to Parents
  • 4th Checkmark
  • Sent to the office
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