Title: Childrens Services and the Children Bill
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- Sure Start Cheshire is committed to delivering
high quality services for the children, parents
and childcare providers of Cheshire. The
following information gives you background to the
Childrens Act 2004 and the focus which Sure
Start Cheshire will take in order to achieve the
necessary outcomes for Cheshire. - Sure Start Cheshire
- where children and families come first
4Every Child Matters
- The Children Act 2004 is an important part of the
Government's response, known by the title of the
Green Paper Every Child Matters, to the inquiry
into the death of eight-year old Victoria Climbié
in 2000. Victoria's great-aunt and her partner
were subsequently convicted of Victoria's murder.
The inquiry found a gross failure of the child
protection system to safeguard Victoria resulting
from organisational malaise. - Responding to the inquiry headed by Lord Laming
into Victorias death, the government are
proposing a range of measures to reform and
improve childrens care crucially, for the
first time ever requiring local authorities to
bring together in one place under one person
services for children, and at the same time
suggesting real changes in the way those who do
this work carry out their tasks on childrens
6Every Child Matters
7Every Child MattersConsultation
8Past FailingsThe common threads which led in
each case to a failure to intervene early enough
- Poor coordination
- A failure to share information
- The absence of anyone with a strong sense of
accountability - Frontline workers trying to cope with staff
vacancies - Poor management
- A lack of effective training
9 Every Child Matters
- Overall, this country is still one where life
chances are unequal. This damages not only those
children born into disadvantage, but our society
as a whole. We all stand to share the benefits of
an economy and society with less educational
failure, higher skills, less crime, and better
health. All agencies share a duty to ensure every
child has the chance to fulfil their potential.
10The Aim
- To ensure that every child has the chance to
fulfil their potential by reducing - Levels of educational failure
- Ill health
- Substance misuse
- Teenage pregnancy
- Abuse and neglect
- Crime and anti-social behaviour
- among children and young people.
11The Every child matters Green Paper consultation
endorsed five outcomes which children and young
people said they cared most about
The outcomes are mutually reinforcing. For
example, children and young people learn and
thrive when they are healthy, safe and engaged
and the evidence shows clearly that educational
achievement is the most effective route out of
12Every Child Mattersthe visionRadical
improvement in opportunities and outcomes for
children, driven by whole-system reform of the
delivery of childrens services.Systemic change
- Build services around the child, young person and
family - Support parents and carers
- Develop the workforce, changing culture and
practice - To integrate
- Universal and targeted services
- Services across the age range 0-19
13How will this be achieved?
- Delegating Local Leadership to the local
authority. The act requires all authorities to
appoint a Director of Childrens Services and
also to designate a Lead Member for Childrens
Services. - Inter agency Information Sharing to ensure
Childrens Services practitioners will follow
clear guidance on information sharing covering
Health, Education, Social Services and Youth
Offending. - Creating Sure Start Childrens Centres initially
in the 20 most deprived neighbourhoods. Combine
nursery education, family support, employment
advice, childcare and health services on one site - Promoting full service extended schools
facilities which are open beyond school hours,
providing breakfast clubs, after-school clubs and
childcare, and have health and social care
support services on site and other facilities
which may be required by the wider community. - Increasing the focus on activities for children
out of school through the creation of a Young
Peoples Fund with an initial budget of 200
14How will this be achieved cont?
- Improving speech and language therapy
- Increasing investment in child and adolescent
mental health services (CAMHS) - Tackling homelessness. By March 2004, no homeless
family with children should be placed in bed and
breakfast accommodation, unless in a short term
emergency - Reforms to the youth justice system building on
the success of the Intensive Supervision and
Surveillance Programme which is an alternative to
custody. New range of community sentences - wider
range of residential placements such as intensive
fostering for young offenders, including for 10
and 11 year old persistent offenders.
15The Children Act 2004underpinsEvery Child
Matters Change for Children
16What Does Every Child Matters Change for
Children mean for Sure Start Cheshire?
- Development of Childrens Services within
Cheshire County Council. Driving reform forward
and ensuring local partners work together
effectively. - Free early education places for every three and
four year olds who wants it - More Childrens Centres. With the first
Childrens Centre in Ellesmere Port due to
officially open in May 2005, Cheshires vision
for childrens centre will encompass the whole of
Cheshire - The introduction and development of of Extended
Schools - Ensure all childcare providers have access to
quality training and support for their
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18Childrens Centres
19Childrens Centres
- Childrens Centres will contribute towards the
Governments commitment to - the best start in life for every child
- better opportunities for parents
- affordable, good quality childcare
- stronger and safer communities.
20The Core Offer
- All Childrens Centres must offer access to the
following core services - Early education integrated with child care
- Family support and outreach to parents
- Child and family health services
- Act as a service hub within the community for
parents and providers of childcare services for
children of all ages (childminders, other day
care, out of school, extended schools) - Links with local training and education
providers, Jobcentre Plus, Childrens Information
21Other services
- Links with further and higher education, and
local training providers - Training for parents and carers eg. English as
additional language, Basic Skills, parenting
classes - Specialist services for children with
disabilities - Benefits advice including maternity benefits
- Services for older children
- Toy libraries
22Location and Integration
- Located in or serve families from 20 most
disadvantaged wards / pockets - Bring together services but not necessarily on
one site. However, if not on one site must be
closely linked and easily accessible. - All services to be fully integrated no
signposting - Education and childcare integrated to provide
continuity of staffing for children - Shared management ethos
- Workers from all agencies who have contact with
families living with catchment area to be
considered as part of Childrens Centre hub of
local provision
23Change for Children through Childrens Centres
and Integrated Services in Cheshire where Every
Child Matters
24SureStart Cheshire Where Children and Families
Come First