Title: Tools to Organize Your Time, Your Office,
1Tools to Organize Your Time, Your Office, Your
Rachelle Vettern Leadership Volunteer
Development Specialist-NDSU Extension Service
2Pitney Bowes Study
- The average U.S. worker receives 204 messages
daily through e-mail, voice mail or hard copy. - 75 regular phone messages
- 48 voice mails
- 6 cell phone messages
- 50 e-mails
- 18 interoffice dispatches
- 15 letters
- 10 faxes
- 8 pager messages
- Getting more messages every year, but were less
bothered by them. - Number of people who say they are overwhelmed by
messages dropped from 31 in 1998 to 25 in 1999,
23 in 2000. - -- from The Zweig Letter
3Time Management
- Creating a balance leads to a happier,
well-rounded life - If work crowds out your personal life its time
to look at your time management - Reevaluate your priorities
4WorkIts All About Attitude
- Managing your time at work will lead to a better
attitude about your job - If you take pleasure in the work you do you will
have a better attitude about the time you spend
5Get Your Things in Order
- This is one of the keys to time management
- Make time to know where everything is
- Dont feel guilty about taking time to organize,
it will save you time in the end
6Activity Diagnose Your Clutter
- Look at the Diagnose Your Clutter handout
- Star the one that is most like you
- Review the solutions
- Be prepared to discuss with the large group
7Diagnose Your Clutter
- Need for Abundance
- Unclear Goals, Priorities
- Fear of Failure or Success
- Need to Retreat
- Fear of Losing Creativity
- Need for Distraction
- Sentimental Attachments
- Perfectionist Tendencies
- Just in Case Clutter
8Tips for Taming Clutter-Handout
- Know your organizational/clutter style
- De-clutter on your terms
- Start small
- Ask for help
- Use box system
- Give useful items home
- Use mantra
- One room at a time
9Paper Trail
- Paper can be worse than termites on a log cabin
- Handle paper only once-figure out what needs to
be done with it, and move it along (take care of
it, file it or recycle it) - Use a file tray or desk file holder
10Resist doing things that have no meaning for
11How Do You Say NO?
Jot down way you say NO.
1210 Ways to Say NO!
- 10) NO, thank you.
- 9) NO, but thank you for thinking of me.
- 8) NO, but Id love to get together another time.
- 7) NO, but Im sure youll have fun.
- 6) NO, thank you, Im not interested.
- 5) NO, Id rather not.
- 4) NO, I dont want to.
- 3) Im sure you understand, but I cant
- 2) Im sorry, but Im just not available to do
that now. - 1) NO, I wont change my mind.
13Keys to success
- Plan your time wisely-map out your day the day
before (Dont forget fun!!!) - Make a distinction between which tasks are urgent
which will have the most impact on your future.
Urgent tasks are not always the most important.
(handout) - Plan low energy tasks for low energy times of the
- Avoid the Morning Rush
- Go to bed earlier get up earlier
- Place items you need in one location
- Make clothing choices for the next day
- Give yourself 11/2 hours before work
- Schedule some alone time-get up first
- Take time for breakfast
- Nutrition Are you thinking about it?
By Deb Gebeke
- Plan-failing to plan is planning to fail
- Convenience-have the things you use most close to
you (dont break your concentration by getting
up) - Use bulletin boards, desk files, calendars to
manage upcoming events - Multi-task-do easy work while listening to a news
program - Manage your procrastination worries (handout)
- Do tough tasks first (10 min. rule)
- Learn to delegate
- Dont schedule every minute-plan for
interruptions - Subtract an old activity when you add a new one
16Office OrganizationPrioritizing Tasks
- Not all tasks are created equal
- Maintenance vs. Progress Tasks
- If you get bogged down with maintenance tasks you
wont find time for progress tasks wont reach
your goals - Urgent vs. Important Tasks
- If you focus on urgent tasks you will be very
busy but not moving towards your goals
17Time Killers at Work
- Telephone/e-mail
- Surfing the web
- Interruptions
- Socializing
- Procrastination
- Personal disorganization
- 7. Cleaning your desk
- 8. Inability to say no
- 9. Lack of delegation
- 10. Indecision
- 11. Unimportant paperwork reading
- 12. Poorly planned meetings
- 13. Television video games
From The 26 hour Day How to Gain at Least 2
Hours a Day with Time Control by Vince Panella
18Drive Time
- Safety first?
- Listen to CDs/tapes ex Good to Great
- Practice your presentation for upcoming meeting
- Catch up on the news/current events
- Make your mental to do list
- Take a mental break
19Activity Take Control of Your Time
- List 3 main priorities in your life
- Everyone gets 168 hours a week no more no less
- 168 hrs in a week __hrs asleep __awake hrs.
- Add up how many hours you spend
- ___on work
- ___with family
- ___on spiritual reflection
- ___on physical activity/wellness
- ___on personal/professional development
- ___with friends/social
- ___on leisure Is your life balanced?
20Stress Busters
- Communicate
- Work on good health-eating
- Exercise!!!
- K.I.S.S.
- Initiate positive self-talk. Believe in yourself!
- Guard integrity
- Use humor wisely
- Nurture good relationships by Sue Vineyard
21More Stress Busters
- Celebrate success
- Never confuse worth with work
- Avoid score keeping
- Keep play mates close!
- Correct for balance
- Be kind to yourself
- Remember we are human beings not human doings!
- Work smarter not harder
- Finally, stressed is desserts spelled backwards
- by Sue Vineyard
22Manage your time so you can spend more time at
- Strategies for Organizing Your Office and Your
Life presentation by Denise Hellekson-The
Village Business Institute - Vineyard, S., (1996). Stress Busters. Handout.
- Adams, B., (2001). The Everything Leadership
Book. Holbrook, MA Adams Media Corporation. - Gebeke, D. (1993). Balancing Work and Family.
NDSU Extension Publication FS-513.
24Contact Information
- Rachelle Vettern
- Leadership Volunteer
- Development Specialist
- Center for 4-H Youth Development
- 219 FLC, Box 5016
- Fargo, ND 58105-5016
- Phone (701) 231-7541 Fax (701) 231-8568