Title: Idaho Public Health
1Idaho Public Health Health CareMental Health
Preparedness Needs Assessment
- Randal Beaton, PhD, EMT
- NWCPHP Faculty
2Overarching Goal
- Enhance the networking capacity and training of
State of Idaho healthcare professionals to
recognize, treat and coordinate care related to
behavioral health consequences of bioterrorism
and other public health emergencies. - HRSA critical benchmark 2-8
3Overview and Caveats
- This session will repeat
- some of the material covered
- in the June 2004
- Hot Topics presentation
- Mental Health Are We Ready?
Archived at URL http//www.nwcphp.org/htip/2004
4A bite of approach
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Overview and Caveats (continued)
- This session will help guide later iLinc
trainings to be offered on a district-by-district
basis - This and subsequent trainings are not designed to
give participants disaster mental health
counseling skills.
10Specific objectives of these trainings
- To facilitate the integration of
behavioral/mental health with overall disaster
preparedness and response
11Specific objectives of these trainings
- To facilitate the integration of
behavioral/mental health with overall disaster
preparedness and response - To assist ID state health professionals in
planning for individual and community mental and
behavioral reactions to disasters
12Specific objectives of these trainings
- To facilitate the integration of
behavioral/mental health with overall disaster
preparedness and response - To assist ID state health professionals in
planning for individual and community mental and
behavioral reactions to disasters - To identify partners and resources for public
health, EMS and hospital responders in ID for
disaster mental health preparedness and response
13References mentioned today
- Reference List is online at
- www.nwcphp.org/edu/idaho_mh_prep.html
- most reference materials are from online sources
14Mental Health Are we ready?
15Public Health Preparedness Competencies
Links to competency sets at www.nwcphp.org/comps
16Public Health Preparedness Competencies
- Columbia Public Health Competency 7 indirectly
addresses mental health preparedness--- - Identify limits to own knowledge/skill/authority
and identify key systems resources for referring
matters that exceed these limits
17Mental Health Preparedness Competencies
- Competencies for mental health preparedness and
response for health professionals have not been
defined at the national level to date - A CDC Mental health exemplar group is likely to
address this deficit over the coming year
18Some Training Issues to Consider
- Training needs of Public Health Workers, EMS, and
Hospital Personnel are likely to be
(considerably) different - Educational and experiential backgrounds of
participants in this content arena are also
likely to differ. - I have elected to initially cover some basic
material for all trainees.
19 iLinc QA tool using the following definitions
for a 4 point response
How well collect your feedback
- High Topic should definitely be included
- Medium Topic could be included, but lower
priority - Low Topic is relevant, but need not high
- None Topic not relevant
20Polling Results
- We will display the aggregate results for all
participants anonymously - But Dr. Beaton will know who (i.e. which
district) votes for each answer so that he can
customize future trainings for the needs of each
Idaho health district
21After collecting feedback on the prepared list of
topics, a whiteboard will be used to create a
list of any additional training needs any
district-specific needs
Using the Whiteboard
22Training Topics
23Topic 1 Psychological Phases of a Disaster
From Zunin Myers (2000)
24Topic 1 Psychological Phases of a
- Pre-disaster threat/warning
- Impact shock and recoil
- Rescue heroic (lasts days)
- Early recovery honeymoon (lasts 1 to 2 weeks)
25Topic 1 Psychological Phases of a
- Mid-term recovery disillusionment (weeks to
months) - Working through grief grief/set-backs
(months to years) - Reconstruction (years)
26Topic 2 Temporal Patterns of Mental/Behavioral
Responses to Disaster
27Topic 3 Resilience
- Definition ability to maintain relatively
stable physical and psychological functioning
(not the same as recovery) - Risk factors that deter Job loss and economic
hardship, loss of sense of safety, loss of sense
of control, loss of symbolic or community
28Topic 3 Resilience (continued)
- Protective factors that promote social support
and core ties, sense of self-efficacy, problem
solving approaches to coping, positive belief
system and successful search for meaning
29Topic 4 Signs and symptoms of Disaster Victims
(and Rescue Personnel) who need a psychological
- Suicidal or homicidal thoughts or plan(s)
- Inability to care for self
- Signs of psychotic mental illness hearing
voices, delusional thinking, extreme agitation
30Topic 4 Signs and symptoms of Disaster
Victims(and Rescue Personnel) who need a
psychological evaluation (continued)
- Problematic use of alcohol or drugs
- Marital problems, domestic violence
- Hypersomnia or insomnia
- Disorientation dazed, not oriented X 3
31Topic 5
- Mental Health Risks of Disaster workers including
EMS and Rescue personnel
32Topic 5 Exemplar PTSD Rates
Modified from Corneil Beaton, 1999
33Symptoms of stress that may be experienced during
or after a traumatic incident(from NIOSH
Publication 2002 107)
Topic 6
Topic 6 Symptoms of stress that may
be experienced during or after a traumatic
- Chest pain
- Difficulty Breathing
- Shock symptoms
- Fatigue
- Seek medical attention immediately
35Topic 7
- What are CISM and CISD? What are the risks and
36Topic 7 Critical Incident Stress Management
- A multipart program that works to decrease the
effects of Critical Incident Stress such as that
stemming from a disaster - CISMs benefits
- emergency service peer-driven process
- monitored by mental health professionals
- Peers and mental health professionals are
37Topic 7 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
- Debriefing
- Debriefing is a complex process led by specially
trained personnel and typically occurs 2-14 days
after the event - Debriefing takes approximately 2-3 hours
- This peer-driven process focuses on psychological
and emotional aspects of the event.
38Topic 8
- Role of the Red Cross in Disaster Mental Health
39 American Red Cross
- American Red Cross Counselors do not provide
treatment - Make Mental Health referrals
- Several Thousand American Red Cross Counselors
are available - Serve as a support Agency
40Topic 9 Federal Response for MentalHealth
- Captain Andy Stevermer
- Emergency Coordinator
- Office of Emergency Preparedness
- U.S. Public Health Service, Region X
41Topic 9 Federal Response for Mental Health
SupportBlueprint for Disaster Response
Declares a federal disaster
42Contact for Federal Response Mental Health
Captain Andrew C. StevermerEmergency
Coordinator CDCRegion X ATSDR1200 Sixth
AvenueRoom 1930 (ATS-197)Seattle, WA
98101 Telephone (206) 553 1698Cell (206) 396
1180Fax (206) 553 2142E-mail