Title: Title Text Here
1ESF 6
Mass Care / Emergency Assistance (MC/EA) History
and Evolution
FEMA News Photo
2History and Evolution of ESF 6
3Mass Care Emergency Assistance (MC/EA)
- Mass Care
- Sheltering
- Feeding
- Bulk Distribution
- Basic First Aid
- Disaster Welfare Information
- (e.g. Red Cross, Safe Well)
- Emergency Assistance
- Mass Evacuation
- Family Reunification
- Household Pets and Service Animals
- Functional Needs (Special Needs), Medical and
Non-conventional Sheltering - Voluntary Organization Coordination
- Support for Management of Unaffiliated Volunteers
and Unsolicited Donations
Note While designated as Emergency Assistance
in the NRF, the bullets to the right, represent
the VAL and Donations Mgmt Units role
4MC/EA Transition
- Transition
- Congregate Care
- Emergency Distribution of Supplies
- Federal and State Service provided by ESF 8
- Reunification Services
- Safe and Well, NEFRLS. NECLC
- Mass Care
- Sheltering
- Bulk Distribution
- Basic First Aid
- Disaster Welfare Information
- Feeding remains as feeding
5MC/EA Roles and Responsibilities at the Federal
- MC/EA at the Federal level Primary customer is
the State - Tools and resources are coordinated with the FEMA
Regions - Activities are dependent upon the Stafford Act
requires a Declaration
6MC/EA at the Federal Level Includes
- Supporting States, Tribal and local governments
in coordinating delivery of life-sustaining
services to affected populations - Developing tools to support States, Tribal and
local governments - Identifying and acquiring resources
7MC/EA at the Federal Level Includes
- Developing short- and long-term plans to meet
identified needs during federal declarations - Planning for federal support during catastrophic
events - Assessing existing and emerging needs
- Coordinating with local, State Tribal, private
and NGO partners to ensure the efficient
delivery of MC/EA services - Contracting and monitoring of contractor
8MC/EA Structure - JFO
IA Branch
FEMA Region/Headquarters (Technical Assistance,
Guidance and Resource Support)
Mass Care Emergency Assistance (MC/EA) Group
Congregate Care Coordination Unit (CCCU)
Mass Evacuation Support Unit (MESU)
Reunification Service Unit (RSU)
Distribution of Emergency Supplies Task Force
Functional Needs Support Task Force
Household Pets Support Task Force
Sheltering Services Task Force
Feeding Services Task Force
9MC/EA JFO Units/Task Forces
- Mass Evacuation Support Unit (MESU)
- Reunification Services Unit (RSU)
- Congregate Care Coordination Unit (CCCU)
- Functional Needs Support Task Force (FNSTF)
- Household Pets Support Task Force (HPSTF)
- Feeding Services Task Force (FSTF)
- Emergency Supplies Task Force (ESTF)
10MC/EA Opportunities
- FEMA is committed to providing continued support
while States incorporate MC/EA activities into
their plans and build operational capability - A limited number of FEMA staff are trained and
have the experience to support the Mass Care
Emergency Assistance function - Training tools are in development and nearly
ready for release - Capacity development / collaboration with Regions
and States
11MC/EA Training
12MC/EA Unit Initiatives
- Systems development
- Evacuation Tracking/Manifesting
- Food Inventory Tracking
- Enhancing NEFRLS
- Successor to NSS
- Programmatic Development
- Multi-agency feeding template
- Multi-agency shelter template
- MC/EA assessment teams guidance
- Evacuation Reentry guidance
13Updated November 25, 2008