Title: UFR Unmeasured Flow Reducer
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3The Problem Unaccounted-for Water
Pipeline Losses Theft Unmeasured Flow Authorized
4The Problem Unaccounted-for Water
Pipeline Losses Theft Unmeasured Flow Authorized
5The Problem Unaccounted-for Water
Water meters are not designed to measure volumes
of water at very low rates.
6The Problem Unaccounted-for Water
14 of a households total usage is unmeasured
and attributed to leaks. Source 1999 Study by
the American Water Works Research Foundation
7The Solution UFR (Unmeasured Flow Reducer)
8The Solution UFR (Unmeasured Flow Reducer)
The UFR captures low flow water and forces it
through the meter in a way that causes nearly
every drop to be registered by the water meter.
9The Solution UFR (Unmeasured Flow Reducer)
UFR can increase the measurement of billable
water between 5 and 10
10Graph of Volumetric Water Meters
Actual flow (GPM)
Measured Flow( gpm)
11Where Does The Water Go?
Ever wonder where all the water goes in a typical
home? Most of it goes down the toilet.
Surprisingly, very little of it is used for
actual drinking. These statistics do not account
for water used outdoors. 1) Toilets 28 2)
Clothes Washers 21 3) Showers and Baths 17
4) Kitchen and Faucets 20 5 ) Leaks 14
Source 1999 Study by the American Water Works
Research Foundation
12Household leaks below 1/16 GPM can slip by the
meter undetected
13Small leaks add up over time!
Gallons per Minute Loss 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64
Gallons per Hour Loss 7 1/2 3 3/4 1 7/8 1
Gallons per Day (20 HOURS) 150 75 37 1/2 18
Gallons per Week (7 DAYS) 1050 525 262
1/2 131 1/4
Gallons per Year (52 WEEKS) 54600 27300 13650
14Monthly Charges
1000 ft³ more than 40 a month
15Water Rate per 7500 Gal 18.170 18.170 18.170
Sewer Rate per 7500 Gal 18.390 18.390 18.390
Total Rate per 7500 Gal 36.560 36.560 36.560
Gallons per Minute Loss 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64
Gallons per Hour Loss 7 1/2 3 3/4 1 7/8 1
Gallons per Day (20 HOURS) 150 75 37 1/2 18
Gallons per Year (52 WEEKS) 54600 27300 13650
Total Loss per year 266.16 133.08
66.54 33.27
Times 30 Services 7,984.75 3,992.38
1,996.19 998.09
Times 300 Services 79,847.50 39,923.75 19,961
.88 9,980.64
16How does the UFR work?
17UFR Principle of Operation
The UFR begins to operate at very low flow rates
and creates pulses of flow that the water meter
can measure.
Due to the change in the mode of water flow to
pulses, the UFR enables the water meter to
measure low flow rates.
4 3 2 Actual flow (gph)
4 3 2 Actual flow (gph)
18The UFR Operating Cycle
UFR Closed
UFR Still Closed
UFR Opens
UFR Closes Again
19Head Loss on the UFR
20Product Offering
21Product OfferingUFR Meter Coupling
201-3JM 431 5/8 x ¾ of ¾ Meter Female
Meter Swivel Nut ¾ Male Iron Pipe
Thread 201-3JM 431x001 5/8 x ¾ of ¾ Meter
¾ Female Meter Swivel Nut ¾ Male Iron
Pipe Thread
Non Check Valve
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23Product OfferingUFR Dual Check
212-3HE 33 5/8 Meter 5/8 Female Meter
Swivel Nut ¾ Female Iron Pipe
Thread 212-3HE 43 5/8 x ¾ of ¾ Meter ¾
¾ Female Meter Swivel Nut ¾ Female Iron Pipe
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25Instruction Sheet
26A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. www.aymcdonald.com 1