Title: Marketing Research
1Marketing Research
SESSION 10 Reports and their Presentation
2Session Objectives
- Understand what needs to be included in the
report - Consider the importance of layout
- Appreciate good use of graphics
- Differentiate between what is of interest and
what is interesting - Know the features of a good, commercially
credible marketing research report
3Presenting Market Research
- Written Report
- Title page
- Contents
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Situation analysis and problem definition
- Research Proposal
- Research methodology and limitations
- Findings and analysis
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Appendices
- Questionnaire
- Technical
4Features of a good Marketing Research report
- Provides answers to the Brief
- Contains recommended courses of action
- Interpretations and conclusions are fully stated
- Executive Summary is well written
- Relevant graphical illustrations are included
- Concisely written and presented
- Clearly structured
Proctor the Essentials of Marketing Research
4th Edn
5Presenting Results
- Clear Structure
- Graphical explanations
- Variety in presentation techniques
- Labelling
- Objective diction
- Use words which convey openness. Avoid slanted
words which might reflect a bias on your subject.
Avoid hostile and provocative words.
6Good and Bad examples
7Tables are not always good for Data
Tufte, E The Visual Display of Quantitative
information, 1983
8Tufte, E The Visual Display of Quantitative
information, 1983
9What you show is not what they see!
Tufte, E The Visual Display of Quantitative
information, 1983
10Sometimes Data are Distorted!
Tufte, E The Visual Display of Quantitative
information, 1983 from Pravda Truth!
11(No Transcript)
12Tufte, E The Visual Display of Quantitative
information, 1983
13Powerpoint Charts !!!
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Books to read
- Edward Tufte
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
- Visual Explanations
- Beautiful Evidence
- Stephen Few
- Show me the Numbers
- Robert Gentle
- Read This! Business Writing that Works!
18(No Transcript)
19Forward Plan
- Week 11 27th April no lecture go straight
to 209 I can review submissions for pass/fail - Week 12 4th May Bank Holiday no
lecture/workshops - Week 13 Tuesday 12th May Hand-in date (check