Title: Concurrency Control
1Concurrency Control
- Chapters 22.2, 22.3, 22.5 and 7.5
2Concurrency Control Techniques
- Pessimistic (conservative) - transactions are
delayed or aborted to avoid conflicts - Locking methods
- Time stamping
- Optimistic
- Conflicts are rare
- Conflicts are determined at the end of concurrent
execution of transactions
3Locking Methods
- Locking
- Shared lock on object A - Si(A)
- Exclusive lock on object A - Xi(A)
- Locking mechanism
- A transaction must first lock an object
requesting appropriate access. - If the object is not locked yet, the lock is
granted - Otherwise, the shared lock may be granted or the
transaction must wait until the existing lock is
4Lock Granularity
- Database-level
- Table-level
- Page-level
- Record-level
- Field-level
5Example 5
6Rigorous Two-Phase Locking Protocol
- First rule
- If a T reads an object, it first requests a
shared lock on the object. - If a T writes an object, it first requests an
exclusive lock on the object - Second rule
- All locks held by a transaction are released
when transaction is completed.
7Example 6
8Two-Phase Locking Protocol
- To read an object, T requests a shared lock. To
write an object, T requests an exclusive lock - A transaction cannot request additional locks
once it releases any lock. - Unlock operation is required
- A transaction is divided into 2 phases
- Growing phase
- Shrinking phase
9Cascading Rollback (Example 7)
10Lock Management
- Lock manager
- Lock table holds
- The number of transactions holding a lock on the
object - The lock type
- A pointer to a queue of lock requests
- Transaction table holds
- list of locks held by a transaction
11Lock Properties
- Atomicity of locking
- Lock upgrade
- Lock downgrade
- Convoy situation
12Deadlocks (Example 8)
A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions
are each waiting for locks to be released by the
13Deadlock Prevention
- Timeout
- Assigning priorities
- Timestamp
- Wait-die strategy T is allowed to wait for only
if it has a higher priority - Wound-wait strategy T is allowed to wait for
only if it has a lower priority - Priority for aborted transaction
14Example 9
- What are the actions according to wait-die
strategy? - What are the actions according to wound-wait
15Deadlock Detection
- Waits-for graph
- Each node corresponds to an active transaction
- There is an arc (edge) from Tk to Tl currently
holding a lock if and only if Tk is waiting for
Tl to release the lock. - If a waits-for graph is cyclic, then the schedule
contains a deadlock
16Example 9
Does the schedule contain a deadlock?
17Frequency of Deadlock Detection
- Assign initial time step ?t, ?tmin, and ?tmax
- If during ?t no deadlock is detected
- ?t 2 ?t
- If during ?t a deadlock is detected
- ?t ?t/2
18Recovery after Deadlock Detection
- Choice of a victim
- A transaction that has just started
- How far to roll a transaction back
- Starvation problem
19Database Performance
- Deadlock prevention
- Aborted transactions
- Suspended transactions
- Too strong conditions
- Deadlock detection
- Analysis of schedules
20Concurrency Control with Timestamping Methods
- Timestamp unique identifier indicates starting
time of the transaction - Each data item has read and write timestamps
timestamps of last transactions operating with
the data item - Methods
- Basic timestamp ordering
- Thomass write rule
21Basic Timestamp Ordering - Read Rule
- Let T1 and T2 transactions with timestamps
ts(T1) lt ts(T2) - T1 issues a R(A) and A is modified by T2
- T1 is aborted and restarted with a new timestamp
- T2 issues a R(B) and B is modified by T1
- T2 reads B
22Basic Timestamp Ordering Write Rule
- T1 issues a W(B) and B is read by T2
- T1 is aborted and restarted with a new timestamp
- T1 issues a W(C) and C is modified by T2
- T1 is aborted and restarted with a new timestamp
- T2 issues a W(D) and D is read or modified by T1
- T2 modifies D
23Thomass Write Rule
- Let T1 and T2 transactions with timestamps
ts(T1) lt ts(T2) - T1 issues a W(B) and B is read by T2
- T1 is aborted and restarted with a new timestamp
- T1 issues a W(C) and C is modified by T2
- W1(C) is ignored
- T2 issues a W(D) and D is modified by T1
- T2 modifies D
24Multiversion Schemes
- Each W(O) from the schedule creates a new version
of O - When a transaction issues R(O), the system
selects the version that ensures serializability - Versions that are no longer needed are deleted
25Multiversion Timestamping Method
- Each transaction receives a static timestamp
ts(Ti) - For each data item used the system maintains
versions O1, O2,,Om - Each version Ok consists of
- Content
- W-timestamp
- R-timestamp
26Multiversion Timestamp Ordering
- Possible version for any transaction T
- Om - version with maximal W-timestamp which is
less or equal to ts(T) - If T requests R(O), the content of Om is returned
and - R-ts(Om) ts(T), if ts(T)R-ts(Om)
- R-ts(Om) stays the same, ts(T)ltR-ts(Om)
- If T requests W(O)
- If ts(T)ltR-ts(Om), T is aborted
- If ts(T)gtR-ts(Om), a new version Om1 is created
- If ts(T)R-ts(Om), the contents Om of is updated
27Implementation Issues
- Control for schedule recoverability
- Version withdrawal
- Determine the timestamp of the oldest active
transaction ts(T) - Find all versions with W-timestamp less than
ts(T) - Delete all versions except the youngest one
28Concurrency Control with Optimistic Methods
- Most database operations do not conflict
- Transaction is executed without restrictions
until commits - Phases
- Read Phase
- Validation Phase
- Write Phase
29Transaction Phases
- Read-only transaction
- Read from the start until the commit point
- Validation possible conflicts are checked
- Update transaction
- Read
- Validation
- Write updates made to the local copy are stored
to the database
- Each transaction is assigned three timestamps
start, validation, and finish - Test for transaction T
- For all S such that start(S)ltstart(T),
finish(S)ltstart(T) - For any S such that start(S)ltstart(T), but
finish(S)start(T) - T doesnt read data modified by S
- start(T)ltfinish(S)ltvalidation(T)
31Rollback with Optimistic Method
- If the schedule contains a conflict, T is aborted
and restarted - Rollback affects only local copy
- No cascading rollbacks
32Phantom Problem
- Two transactions are concurrently executed and
one of them implements INSERT or DELETE statement - Phantom the possibility that a transaction
retrieves a set of objects twice and receives
different sets
33Transaction Support in SQL
- The beginning of a transaction
- Ending of the transaction
- Explicit
- Implicit
- Successful end of the program
- Abnormal program termination (Transaction is
34Transaction Characteristics
- Access mode
- Isolation level
- Diagnostics size
35Isolation Levels
- Serializable
- T reads only committed data
- No value read or written by T is modified by T
until T is complete - Phantom is not allowed
- Repeatable read
- T reads only committed data
- No value read or written by T is modified by T
until T is complete - Phantom is allowed
36Isolation Levels (cont)
- Read committed
- T reads only committed data
- No value written by T is modified by T until T
is complete - Phantom is allowed
- Read uncommitted
- T reads changes of active transactions, values
read can be further modified - Is allowed for READ ONLY access mode
37Transaction Configuration
38Transaction Support in Oracle