Title: FPCP2004, Daegu Andrei Nomerotski Fermilab 1
1Heavy B Hadrons at Tevatron
Andrei Nomerotski (Fermilab)
- Tevatron produces B hadrons inaccessible at
B-factories - Previous results mostly from LEP and Run I
Tevatron - Cross sections are large but so are the
backgrounds - ?(bb) ?100?b at 2 TeV (?(bb) ? 1nb at B
factories) - Mostly soft Pt processes Triggers are very
important - In Run II, Tevatron has two experiments doing
B-physics CDF and DZero - Take data the third year
- Both had major upgrades for Run II
- With magnetic field and Tracker DZero is much
better suited for B-physics than before - With 0.5 fb-1 per experiment on tape Tevatron
has world largest samples of heavy B hadrons
3DZero Detector
- Excellent coverage of Tracking and Muon Systems
- 2 T Solenoid, polarity inversed weekly
- Quiet Muon Trigger with muon Pt measurement at
Level1 by toroids - Fine segmentation Calorimeter and Preshower
4CDF Detector
- Large Tracking volume in magnetic field
excellent mass resolution - Particle ID capabilities TOF, dE/dx in drift
chamber - Large bandwidth (50 kHz) Level1 Trigger and
Displaced Track Silicon Trigger at Level2 - Access to purely hadronic B samples
- Tevatron performance progressed very well in 2004
- 0.5 fb-1 per experiment by September 2004
- Typical analyses use ½ of total luminosity
6Will talk about
- Bs and Lb Mass Measurements at CDF
- Observation of narrow B mesons at DZero
- Observation of Bc at DZero
- Branching Fractions of hadronic modes Bs and Lb
(CDF) - Semileptonic samples of Bs and Lb (DZero)
- Bs oscillations (DZero)
- Lifetimes (DZero/CDF)
- Summary
7Bs and Lb Masses (1)
- Taking advantage of good mass resolution CDF
greatly improved mass accuracy for Bs and Lb - Possible after careful calibration of the mass
scale of the tracker - Material
- Field
- Track errors
8Bs and Lb Masses (2)
- Worlds best single measurements
- In agreement with previous results
9B Spectroscopy Theory
- B are orbitally (L1) exited states of B meson
- In general there are two wide states and two
narrow states - Narrow states decay through D-wave
- Wide states decay through S-wave
- Properties of B are very similar to D mesons
- For charm mesons, M(D)-M(D) 140-145 MeV
- For bottom, M(B)-M(B) 46 MeV
- Theory Splitting within a doublet has 1/m_Q
corrections - For non-strange charm, M(D)-M(D) 550-600 MeV
- Expect similar behavior for B mesons
- M( D2)-M(D1) 32-37 MeV
- Expect this to be 10-15 MeV for M(B2)-M(B1)
10DZero D in Semileptonic B Decays
- Observed merged D10(2420) and D20(2460)
wrong-sign combinations
D- ? mass
Preliminary result on product branching ratio
Br(B ? D10,D20 ? ? X) ? Br(D10,D20 ? D
?-) 0.280 ? 0.021 (stat) ? 0.088 (syst)
11B Spectroscopy Experiment
- B have been observed before at LEP and CDF in
Run I but the narrow states havent been resolved - DZero observed B in Bp modes using exclusive B
decay channels
12DZero B analysis (1)
L 350 pb-1
Used large exclusive B meson samples with J/psi
in final state
13DZero B analysis (2)
- Add charged pion coming from the Primary Vertex
to exclusively reconstructed B - Since ?M between B and B0 is expected to be
small compared to resolution all channels are
combined - Dominant decay modes
- B2 ? B p or Bp
- B1 ? Bp
- B ? B g
- Since photon is not reconstructed two narrow B
states produce three peaks in ?M - In addition there are wide states which cannot be
distinguished from non-resonant background -
14First Observation of Separated States
From fit N All B 536114 events
7s signif.
27359 events
Interpreting the peaks as
13130 events
15DZero B analysis (4)
- Fitting DM distribution
- Three relativistic Breit-Wigner functions
convoluted with Gaussian resolution - Theory motivated assumptions G1 G2 and equal
Br for two B2 decay modes - Results
- M(B1) 5724 4(stat) 7(syst) MeV
- M(B2-B1) 23.6 7.7(stat) 3.9(syst) MeV
- G 23 12(stat) 9(syst) MeV
- f1 0.51 0.11(stat) 0.21(syst)
- f1 is relative yield of B1 meson
- Systematic errors are dominated by fit
assumptions and for G by uncertainty of mass
resolution -
16DZero B analysis (5)
- Consistency checks
- Separate fits for neutral and charged B
- No signal if charged pion is not coming from
Primary Vertex
Neutral B
Charged B
17DZero Bc Meson (1)
- Last of ground state mesons to be definitively
observed - Theory
- Lifetime 0.3 - 0.5 ps
- Mass 6.4 0.3 GeV
- Only previous evidence CDF Run I result
mass 6.4 0.39 0.13 GeV
18DZero Bc Meson (2)
- Use tri-muon final state
- J/y?mm and tight third m form a good vertex
- Select 231 J/y m X candidates
- Bc is not fully reconstructed ? backgrounds are
very important - Bkg with fake muon estimated with J/ytrack data
control sample separated into prompt and
non-prompt components - bb/cc backgrounds are small due to vertex
requirement - Include contributions to signal from
- Feed-down from Bc ? y(2S) m p0 X
- Bc ? J/ y m p0 X
19Dzero Bc Meson (3)
- Plot invariant mass of three muons
- Not exclusive reconstruction
- Use MC to get mass template shapes
- Do combined likelihood fit to invariant mass and
pseudo-proper time distribution - Number of Bc candidates 951211
20 DZero Bc Meson (4)
Mass log likelihood
Results of the fit
- Main systematics
- Mass signal sample composition, MC signal
modeling, fraction of prompt bkg - Lifetime Bias from vertexing algorithm,
fraction of prompt bkg - Both can be improved
Mass, GeV
21Bc Other Properties
- Fragmentation process b ?Bc c dominated
production - Charm quark should form weakly decaying charmed
hadron in vicinity of Bc - Measured probability to have muon within f 90o
of Bc candidate - 5 2 for signal sample
- 1 for background sample
22Branching Rates for Bs and Lb
- Poorly known see PDG summary below
23CDF Br for hadronic modes
- CDF collected excellent hadronic samples of Bs
and Lb decays using Track Trigger - Measured Br of several decay modes
- Earlier results
- Br(Bs?Dsp)/Br(B0?Dp)1.40.2(stat)0.5(syst)
- Br(Lb?Lcp) 6.01.0(stat)0.8(syst)2.1(Br)
24CDF Br (Bs ? ff)
- Charmless B?VV decay
- Track Trigger
- Two oppositely charged tracks with Pt gt 2 GeV at
Level 1 - Impact Parameter gt 0.12 mm at Level 2
- Normalized to Bs ?J/y f decay
- Br(Bs ? ff) (1.4-0.6(stat)-0.2(syst)-0.5(Br))
25 CDF Charmless Lbgpp and LbgpK decays
- Charmless Lb decays may have large direct CPV
- Proceeds via CKM suppressed and/or penguin
(QCD,EW) - Expected Br (1-2) 10-6
- Normalized to B ? hh process
- Search window in M(pp) optimizes separation from
B ? hh - 772 13 events expected
- 767 observed
- Br(Lb ? hh) lt 22 x 10-6
26DZero Bs semileptonic modes
- Excellent yield for all semileptonic modes
- Collected by Single Muon Triggers without online
lifetime cuts - Used for Bs oscillations and lifetime measurements
27Oscillated BS candidate
- Opposite Side Muon tagging applied to
semileptonic BS sample - Re performance of taggers see G.Borissovs talk
- Example of tagged BS candidate
- Two same sign muons are detected
- MKK1.019 GeV, MKKp1.94 GeV
- PT(µBs)3.4 GeV PT(µtag)3.5 GeV
28DZero Bs Mixing Projections
- Plan to use both semileptonic and hadronic Bs
samples - More statistics in semileptonics
- Better proper decay time resolution in hadronics
(no n) - Have access to hadronic Bs sampe triggering on
opposite side muon - Muon is used as high purity tag
- Work in progress - see signals
- Also hardware upgrades in 2005
- L3 bandwidth will be increased from 50 to 100 Hz
in 2005 - Semileptonic sample limited by L3 and offline CPU
expect large gain in yield - Upgrade to 250 Hz under review
- Partial silicon upgrade
- New beampipe with smaller diameter
- Add another innermost layer of silicon (Layer0)
with analog cable readout
Layer0 L3 BW upgrades
No upgrades
29DZero Lb ? Lc mn sample
- Reconstructs Lb ? Lc mn in two Lc decay modes
- Lc ? Ks p
- Lc ? L p
- Samples will be used for lifetime
- ratio measurements
350 pb-1
350 pb-1
Lc mass agrees with PDG
Second peak interpreted as Lc ? S p S ? L g
30B Hadron Lifetimes
- Naive quark spectator model predicts equal
lifetimes for all B hadrons (but Bc) - (NLO) QCD ? Heavy Quark Expansion predicts
deviations in rough agreement with data - Experimental and theoretical uncertainties are
comparable - Lifetime differences probe the HQE to 3rd order
in LQCD / mb - Goal measure the ratios accurately
Dzero Recent result from semileptonic
modes ?(B)/?(B0) 1.093 ? 0.021 (stat) ? 0.022
31Exclusive modes Bs Lifetime
- J/? modes are golden at the Tevatron since they
allow for simple di-lepton trigger with low Pt
threshold -
- CDF Bs?J/? ? (? KK) based on 240 pb-1
- 12 parameter maximum likelihood fit
32DZero Exclusive Bs Sample
- DZero accumulated the world largest sample of
exclusive Bs ? J/y f decays - J/y ? mm
- f ? KK
33 DZero Bs Lifetime
- Use two similar topologies Bs?J/? ? and Bd?J/?
Ks0 to measure lifetime ratio - Simultaneous Likelihood fit to mass and lifetime
250 pb-1
250 pb-1
Bd?J/? Ks0
Bs?J/? ?
34DZero Lb Lifetime
- Reconstruct Lb ?J/y L
- Use process with similar topology Bd0 ? J/y Ks to
measure the ratio - Result is statistically limited
- So far Tevatron experiments were doubling samples
every year that may continue - Exciting prospects for heavy B hadrons
- Expect great improvement in accuracy of lifetime
and Br measurements - Measurement of DGs, Dms within reach
- There are still particles to discover in this
sector Xb, Sb, Wb , doubly heavy baryons - Be ready for new results