Ephesians - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ephesians. The glories of the Church, the eternal purpose of God for the ... things from the wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to babes' (Matt 11:25) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ephesians

  • The glories of the Church, the eternal purpose of
    God for the people of God

Where does Ephesians fit in the NT?
New Testament Books
Letters to the churches
First Imprisonment Colossians Ephesians Philemon P
Release 1 Timothy Titus
Second Imprison-ment 2 Timothy
Chronological Order of the NT books
Book Date (A.D.) James 45-49 Galatians 49 12
Thessalonians 51 Mark 50-60 Matthew 50-60 1
Corinthians 55 2 Corinthians 56 Romans 57-68 Luke
60 Acts 61
Colossians, Ephesians 61
Philippians, Philemon 63 1 Peter 63-64 1
Timothy 63-66 Titus 63-66 Hebrews 64-68 2
Peter 66 2 Timothy 67 Jude 68-80 John, 1,2,3
John 85-90 Revelation 90-95
Map and pictures of Ephesus
The Trip to a Roman Imprisonment
  • On to Rome (Paul's Fourth Journey, Acts
  • In Jerusalem Paul struggled with Jews who accused
    him of profaning the temple (Acts 212634).
  • Placed in Roman custody in Caesarea for two
    years, but after appealing to Caesar, was sent by
    ship to Rome.
  • After departing the island of Crete, Paul's party
    was shipwrecked on Malta by a great storm. Three
    months later he finally arrived at the imperial
    city, Rome

Introduction to the letter
  • Paul,
  • an apostle of Jesus Christ
  • by the will of God,
  • to the saints which are at Ephesus,
  • and to the faithful in Christ Jesus
  • 2 Grace be to you, and peace,
  • from God our Father,
  • and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Eph 13-14-Ten reasons to Praise God1. Because
of Spiritual Blessing given (13)
  • Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
  • who hath blessed us with all spiritual
  • in heavenly places in Christ

Vs. 36 describe eternity past reference to God
the Father
Heavens Blessings
  • 1 Peter 17 so that the proof of your faith,
    being more precious than gold which is
    perishable, even though tested by fire, may be
    found to result in praise and glory and honor at
    the revelation of Jesus Christ
  • Ephesians 118 The eyes of your understanding
    being enlightened that ye may know what is the
    hope of his calling, and what the riches of the
    glory of his inheritance in the saints
  • Ephesians 27 so that in the ages to come He
    might show the surpassing riches of His grace in
    kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

2. Because He has chosen us (14)
  • According as he hath chosen us
  • in him
  • before the foundation of the world,
  • that we should be holy
  • and without blame
  • before him in love

Destination---- Timing---- Purpose----
Early MSS
3. He Predestinate us to be Adopted(15)
  • In love Having predestinated us
  • unto the adoption of children
  • by Jesus Christ to himself,
  • according to the good pleasure of his will,

Acts 1348 When the Gentiles heard this, they
began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the
Lord and as many as had been appointed to
eternal life believed. Romans 828 And we know
that God causes all things to work together for
good to those who love God, to those who are
called according to His purpose.
Finite Limitations
Steps of Divine-Human Encounter
Foreknew, prognosis, Ro 829
Determined counsel, horizo boule, Acts 223
Someone sent, Ro 1015
Elect (chose), eklektos, 1 Pet 12
Someone preached, announced gospel, Ro 1015
Predestinate, proorizo, text
Call, kaleo, Rom 830
Illuminate, photizo, Heb 1032
Draw, helkuo, Jn 644
Regenerate, paliggenesia, Tit 35 and Seal,
Justify, dikaioo, Ro 324
Lead (Isa 4817), empower (Ro 1513), and gift (1
Co 124-7)
Glorify (Ro 830)
Proper perspective
  • I sought the Lord,
  • And afterwards I knew He moved my soul to seek
  • Seeking me!
  • It was not that I found, O Savior true
  • No, I was found by Thee.
  • John Chadwick

4. Because He has redeemed us (16)
  • To the praise of the glory
  • of his grace,
  • wherein he hath made us accepted in the

A poets expression
  • Near, so very near to God,
  • Nearer I could not be
  • For in the person of His Son,
  • Im just as near as He.
  • Dear, so very dear to God,
  • Dearer I could not be
  • For in the person of His Son,
  • Im just as dear as He.

4. Because He has Redeemed us(17)
  • 17a In whom we have redemption
  • through his blood

We were not redeemed with perishable things like
silver or gold but with precious blood, as of a
lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of
Christ 1Peter 118-19
What we were like We were dead in our
trespasses and sins we walked according to the
course of this world, according to the prince of
the power of the air we lived in the lusts of
our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and
of the mind, and were by nature children of
wrath and we were without hope and without God
in the world. (21-3, 12)These are the only
kinds of people God has choose to redeem!!
Christ gave Himself for us, that He might
redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for
Himself a people for His own possession, zealous
for good deeds (Tit 214)
The intrinsic value of an item is directly
related to the price someone is willing to pay
for itGod values every man so highly that He was
willing to pay the blood of His Son to cancel any
offense, so we could fellowship with Him.
5. Because He has forgiven us (17b)
No reason for depression Behaviorists want us to
blame our genes, our environment, our parents,
etc. but sin is our own fault, guilt is wholly
oursbut God deals with our sin fully Psalm
10312 As far as the east is from the west, So
far has He removed our transgressions from us.
  • the forgiveness of sins,

Micah proclaimed,Who is a God like Thee, who
pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious
act of the remnant of His possession? He does
not retain His anger forever, because He delights
in unchanging love. He will again have
compassion on us He will tred our iniquities
under foot. Yes, Thou wilt cast all their sins
into the depths of the sea Mic 718-19
As we have received so much, we are expected to
give in kind to those who offend or hurt us Col
313, Forgive whatever grievances you may have
against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave
Sad state of natural man
  • Shakespeares King Richard III (5.3.194) the king
  • My conscience hath a thousand several tongues,
  • And every tongue brings in a several tale,
  • And every tale condemns me for a villain.

Is the Christian fully forgiven?
  • Do not need the continued forgiveness of
    redemption. Jesus told Peter, He who has bathed
    needs only to wash his feet, but is completely
    clean (John 1310).
  • Even though we continue to sin, Jesus is
    faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and
    to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John
  • Sin has profound effect on our growth, joy,
    peace, usefulness, and ability to have intimate
    and rich communion with the Father. It no longer
    has any effect on our relationship
  • Thus the believer is called on to ask for
    forgiveness daily which results in oneness,
    dependency and openness to filling
  • Since God accepts every believer as He accepts
    His own Son, every believer ought to accept
    himself in the same way, not for what we are in
    ourselves any more than God accepts us for that
    reason. We accept ourselves as forgiven and as
    righteous because that is what God Himself
    declares us to be.

6. Because He Lavished His Grace on us (17c-8a)
  • according to the riches of his grace
  • Wherein he hath abounded toward us

Where sin increased, Paul assures us, grace
abounded all the more Rom 520
  • Eph 13-14-Ten reasons to Praise God
  • Because of Spiritual Blessing given (13)
  • Because He has chosen us (14)
  • Because He predestinated up to be adopted (15)
  • Because He redeemed us (16)
  • Because He has forgiven us (17)
  • Because He lavished His grace on us (17-8)
  • Because He revealed to us His plan (18-10)
  • Because He has provided an eternal inheritance
  • Because He has sealed us in Christ (113)
  • Because He has guaranteed our inheritance (114)

7. Because He revealed to us His Plan
  • 18 in all wisdom and prudence

French philosopher André Maurois said, The
universe is indifferent. Who created it? Why are
we on this puny mudheap, spinning in infinite
space? I have not the slightest idea, and I am
convinced that no one has the least idea.
I praise Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the
wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to
babes (Matt 1125) If any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God, who gives to all men
generously and without reproach, and it will be
given to him (James 15)
Insider information
  • 19 Having made known unto us the mystery of his
    will, according to his good pleasure
  • which he hath purposed in himself

Paul was excited about knowing what Gods design
for history and mankind was all about and he was
a part of the plan!!
His timing is perfect for teaching us what we
need to know to play our role in His perfect plan
Historical perspective
  • 110 That in the dispensation of the fullness of
    times he might gather together in one
  • all things in Christ,
  • both which are in heaven,
  • and which are on earth
  • even in him

In the Millennium everything will be restored and
brought together under Christ, the one Head. This
does not suggest that everyone will be saved
instead, sins disorder will be removed and
universal peace will be established (Isa. 22-4
111-10). History belongs to God and will
fulfill His purpose exactly, thus you can trust
Him for your future too
Macbeth pessimisticaly declared that history is
a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing (Shakespeare, Macbeth, 5.5.19)
8. Because He has provided an Eternal Inheritance
  • 111 In whom also we have obtained an
  • being predestinated
  • according to the purpose of him
  • who worketh all things
  • after the counsel
  • of his own will

Trophies of His Grace
  • 112 That we should be to the praise of his
  • who first trusted in Christ.

9. Because He has Sealed us in Christ
  • 113 In whom ye also trusted,
  • after that ye heard the word of truth,
  • the gospel of your salvation
  • in whom also after that ye believed,
  • ye were sealed
  • with that holy Spirit
  • of promise,

Eph 430, And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy
Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he is the
one who has identified you as his own,
guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of
10. Because He has Guaranteed our Inheritance
  • 114 Which is the earnest of our inheritance
    until the redemption
  • of the purchased possession,
  • unto the praise of his glory.

The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give
us everything he promised and that he has
purchased us to be his own people. This is just
one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.
Reasons for praise to God
  • 115 Wherefore I also,
  • after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus,
  • and love unto all the saints,

The Ministry of Prayer
  • 116 Cease not to give thanks for you,
  • making mention of you in my prayers

The Request of Prayer
  • 117
  • That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
  • the Father of glory, may give unto you
  • the spirit of wisdom and revelation
  • in the knowledge of him

What is Christ doing now and why?Eph 118-23
  • Before WWII a school in Itasca, Texas caught fire
    and 263 students were killed. After the war the
    school was rebuilt installing the finest
    sprinkler system of the day. Seven years later,
    in an expansion project, a startling discovery
    was made.

Eph 118I pray that the eyes of your heart may
be enlightened, so that you may know what is
the hope of His calling, what are the
riches of the glory of His
inheritance in the saints
  • 2 of the 3 keys to daily victory To know
  • Our Hope
  • Our Riches awaiting us

Eph 11920 And (so that you may know)what is
the surpassing greatness of His power toward us
who believe. These(hope of calling, riches of
glory and His internal power) are in accordance
with the working of the strength of His might
which He brought about in Christ, when
He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him
at His right hand in the heavenly places,
  • Introduction of Four Proofs to Build our Trust
  • He raised Christ from the Dead
  • He seated Him at His right hand
  • 3rd Key to victory to know the power working in

Eph 121-23far above all rule and authority and
power and dominion, and every name
that is named, not only in this age but also
in the one to come. And He put all things in
subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head
over all things to the church, which is
His body, the fullness of Him
who fills all in all.
  • Final Two Proofs to Build our Trust
  • 3 He put all things in Subjection under His feet
  • 4 He gave Him as Head over All Things to the

Why do we need to tap into this power?
Ephesians 612 For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly realms.they are warring against
Christ through us!!
  • Our enemies battle against us struggle, pale,
    means to wrestle
  • Our enemies have a method 611 calls them
    schemes, methodia, strategies as a military
    battle plan to weaken, divide, destroy Gods
  • Our enemies are formidableHighly organized,
    efficient, experienced and supernatural

Why dont we live consistently in His unmatched
  • Wrong thinking
  • Wrong values and priorities
  • Distractions
  • Self-confidence (we can do it)
  • But we are no match for Satanic forces
  • How can we tell if we are connected to Gods
  • Are we changing, growing to be like Christ (Gal
  • Bad times, difficult times, crisis, times of
    weakness and doubt. Thats when Paul learned,
    My grace is sufficient
  • Pauls theme the greater our acknowledged
    weakness, the more evident Christs enabling
  • 2 Chronicles 169 For the eyes of the LORD range
    throughout the earth to strengthen those whose
    hearts are fully committed to him.

Charles Spurgeons exhortation
  • Dear brothers and sisters, go home and never ask
    the Lord to make you strong in yourselves, never
    ask Him to make you anybody or anything, but be
    content to be nothing and nobody.
  • Next ask that His power may have room in you, and
    that all those who come near you may see what God
    can do by nothings and nobodies
  • Live with this desire, to glorify God
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