Title: Native American Student Recognition Day
1Native American Student Recognition Day
Keynote Speaker Ruth L. RevelsGNA Art Gallery
Director, Greensboro, NCA Highly Respected
Native AmericanEducator Community Leader
Indian Education Office Held in the
Multi-Purpose Room
May 19, 2005 630 800 p.m. (Meal will be
Provided)Lees Chapel Road, Greensboro, North
Jean Conley, Indian Education Support Teacher ?
Guilford County Schools ? Indian Education Project
Lee's Chapel Road Facility, Greensboro, NC
27405 ? Title VII, Part A Ph (336) 621-4042,
Fax (336) 375-2626, Email conleys_at_guilford.k12.
nc.us 5-13-2005 SJC/rmh
2The Homework Hotline... Telephone numbers when
calling from Greensboro - 333-6888 High Point -
884-6888 Colfax - 724-1362 Gibsonville -
449-5504 The Homework HotlineDo Your
Best.Doing homework and studying pays
off! Hours open 430 pm - 930 pm Monday
through Thursday ( ...when school is in
session) Other Questions about the Hotline call
Mr. Richard Tuck at (336) 370-2327.
3 Contact List Jean Conley, Indian Education
Support Teacher Guilford County Schools Phone
(336) 370-2327 Fax (336) 370-2320 e-mail
conleys_at_guilford.k12.nc.us Mr. Richard Tuck,
Parent Engagement Specialist Guilford County
Schools Phone (336) 370-2327 Fax (336)
370-2320 e-mail tuckr_at_guilford.k12.nc.us Mr.
Anthony Locklear, Chairman of NC State Advisory
Council on Indian Education The University of
North Carolina Academic Affairs Division (919)
843-5705 e-mail anthonyl_at_northcarolina.edu Dr.
Dwight Pearson, Ph. D., Section Chief for Closing
the Achievement Gap Division of School
Improvement State Department of Public
Instruction (919) 807-3607 dpearson_at_dpi.state.nc.u
s NCPublicSchools.org State Advisory Council on
Indian Education Web Page http//www.ncpublicschoo
ls.org/school_improvement/indianed.html Ms.
Frances Stewart-Lowry, Chairperson of GNAA Board
of Directors and GNAA Representative to the State
Advisory Council on Indian Education francesstewar