Title: Project Support for Quality and Sustainability
1Project Support for Quality and Sustainability
Suzanne Jenner, Swedish National Agency
2- The original idea
- 4 nation network, National Agencies of CZ, FR,
SE, UK - Supported and financed by the European Commission
(Restricted Call for Proposals EAC 13/06) - Comenius and Grundtvig partnerships (Leonardo da
3QAS has identified that monitoring is necessary
- Ensure success
- Share experience
- Evaluate progress
- Stay on track
- Discover new ways to improve the project
- Avoid problems
4QAS time-line
September 07
Final products and conferences
May 07
Interactive seminar Piloting stage, part 2, NAs
April 07
Piloting stage, part 1
February 07
December 06
October 06
Inventory and brain-storm
- Webmanual for partnerships and for National
6Basic quality monitoring
Interim quality monitoring
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Secret page for National Agencies
Ideas for competition
Introduction to the concept of monitoring
Time line for monitoring
Agendas for meetings
Guidelines for handling partnerships that are
likely to fail
Valorisation kit including e.g. Being a good
ambassador and Suggestions on how to create
11 Inter-active seminar Paris May 2007
Understand the general frame of QAS and the links
with other tools (Navigator, AFCOM, M-Tool, Mice)
- Are the documents
- easy to understand?
- attractive?
- useful?
Should we add extra documents/references?
Suzanne Jenner, Swedish NA