Title: Enlargement, borders and Schengenacquis
1Enlargement, borders and Schengen-acquis
- Wouter van de Rijt
- Paris, 13 May 2004
- Lauteur sexprime en son nom personnel sans
engager lInstitution à laquelle il appartient
2Schengen map changes on 1 May 2004 in 2005
in 2007 (?)
3A few figures to show the differences of
situations where the Schengen acquis shall apply
(pop./ per y.)
Soon no landborder anymore
18.000 kilometers of coast
Only 1 external border the airport
4- New Member states borders- Turkeys borders
- Poland s borders Belarus 407 km, Czech Republic
658 km, Germany 456 km, Lithuania 91 km, Russia
(Kaliningrad Oblast) 206 km, Slovakia 444 km,
Ukraine 526 km
- Czech republic border countries
- one external border, the airport of Prague
- Slovenia border countries Austria 330 km,
Croatia 670 km, Italy 232 km, Hungary 102 km
- Turkey border countries Armenia 268 km,
Azerbaijan 9 km, Bulgaria 240 km, Georgia 252 km,
Greece 206 km, Iran 499 km, Iraq 352 km, Syria
822 km
5The example of FinlandSource René Nyberg,
Finlands Ambassador to Russia
- 6.1 million crossings of the Finnish section of
the Schengen frontier. - Over 60 per cent were Russian citizens. 1.6
million Russians visited Finland last year.
About 3 of visa applications were rejected and
only 3,444 persons were turned back at the border
in the whole of last year. The most common
reasons were alcohol smuggling or suspected
prostitution. - the equipment and techniques applied are a mix of
traditional and high tech. To our great surprise
the sophisticated methods of detecting forgeries
have been less in use than anticipated. - Instead of clumsy attempts to forge visas or
passports, Russian have come up with an ingenious
and telling solution - change of identity. If Mr.
Ivanov is denied entry he comes back as Mr.
Petrov. The photo is genuine, the other data
likewise, but the man is new, at least to the
visa bank computer. The champion so-far had seven
different identities, all documented in genuine
Russian passports issued by different
authorities. - The signing of a readmission treaty with the
Community is evidently the key to any
liberalisation of visa policies
6Enlarging the Schengen-acquis
- Specific procedure of reinforced cooperation,
like for the - refer to Accession Treaties, art 3
- split into two categories (2004 - 2007?)
- distinguish between nMS and UK/IRL
- Switzerland
- voting rules, ...
7The Decision making proceduretowards full
Schengen implementation
- evaluations
- inspections
- recommendations
- follow up
- Council Decisions (different phases, individual
nMS or Big Bang)
8How to check the acquis ?
- Fundamentals,
- non-binding provisions (Catalogue),
- inspection reports,
- developments of the acquis,
- European Border Agency
- Schengen facility - 969.000.000
9European Border Agency
- As of 1 January 2005
- Operational cooperation between MS
- Assistance in training
- Risk analyses
- Research
- Joint return operations
- EBA will include Norway/Iceland and more or less
UK and IRL
10SIS I - II
- Political and technologic choices
- Hit-no hit or investigation system ?
- DNA database
- Counterfeit money,
- Stolen art
- Link with Europol ?
- Political masters and the mastering of choices
(Minister Dankert and User Agents 4.0 et 4.1)
11Other relevant issues
- document security
- passenger data
- Enhanced security dialogue
12And what about the other side of the borders ?
- External relations, border management, passengers
data etc. - Liaison officers
- data protection, professionalism etc
- New Neighbourhood policy
- Western Balkans
13Javier Solanas Security strategy
- Adopted by the European Council on 12 December
2003 - linking internal to external threats
- perceiving new threats
- suggesting new means
- link between CFSP and JHA
14More than 40 years after John Kennedy
Where is the last frontier ?