Title: Carbon Sequestration A Report to the Idaho Legislature
1Carbon Sequestration - A Report to the Idaho
- As directed by SB 1379
- New chapter 22-5106
- To be prepared by the Idaho Soil Conservation
2Global Warming Issue
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) concentrations are
increasing in our atmosphere, which, seems to be
causing increased global temperatures, climatic
variability, changes in precipitation patterns
and magnitudes. - Three important GHGs are carbon dioxide (CO2),
nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4). - Internationally, numerous industrial sources are
contributing high quantities of GHGs. - Some amount is also coming from landuse
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5Global Warming Issue
- Greenhouse Gas Impacts
- Sea levels raising by 15 centimeters by year
2050, 34 centimeters by 2100, - Loss of coastal dry land due to rising ocean
levels - Loss of wetland, wildlife habitat,
- Increased coastal erosion, flooding,
- Increased salinity of rivers, bays and aquifers,
- Impact sewage disposal capabilities along coastal
areas, - Affect drinking water aquifers along coastal
areas - Increased precipitation and evaporation, altering
existing local climates, - Decline of freshwater quantities,
- Wetter winter, drier summers, increase frequency
of intense rainstorms, - Insufficient water for navigation lower
production of hydroelectric power impaired
recreational opportunities along rivers and
lakes, - Poorer water quality and decreased availability
of water for agriculture, residential, and
industrial uses., - And so on
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7SCC Report to the Legislature
- Agriculture (cropland, forest, etc.) is not a
large source of these GHGs, but has a great
potential to offset CO2, N2O, and CH4. Thus.. - By February 1, 2003, the SCC is to prepare a
report for the Legislature, which
8SCC Report to the Legislature
- Describes the potential for carbon (GHG)
market(s) in Idaho, where agricultural and forest
lands are involved. - Characterizes the agricultural forest BMPs
which sequester carbon (other GHGs) - Describes existing methods for measuring
modeling carbon (GHG) sequestration (baseline
quantification, cycling, etc.) - Discusses any necessary legislation as related to
private property rights and sequestration
activities - Identifies scientific uncertainty in quantifying
sequestration (GHG emissions, etc.) - Discusses other committee recommendations.
9Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee
The committee created by SB 1379, to consist of
16 members
- Chairman or designee of ISCC
- Director or designee of ISDA
- Director or designee of DEQ
- Director or designee of IDL
- Representative of U of I
- Representative of electrical producer
- 2 Representatives of crop producers
- 2 Representatives of livestock producers
- Representative of carbon sequestration expert
- Representative of Soil Conservation Districts
- Representative of biofuels industry
- Representative of transportation industry
- Representative of environmental organization
- Representative of nonindustrial private forest
10Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee
- Advise and assist the SCC in preparing the
report(s) - Recommend policies/programs to enhance
agriculture and nonindustrial private forest
landowners participation in carbon markets - Recommend and encourage the production of
educational and advisory material regarding
carbon sequestration ( other GHGs) on
agricultural and forest lands
11Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee
- Recommend carbon (GHG) related research
activities - Review carbon sequestration programs policies
of other states. - First Advisory Committee meeting in Moscow on
July 9 10, at the Federal Building - Advisory Committee meeting to coincide with IASCD
annual meeting in Idaho Falls, November 13. - Other meetings likely to occur in January/February
12Potential Carbon Sequestration Practices
- Forest/Timber Practices
- New Forest Plantings Convert back to Timber
- Improved Forest management
- Plantations Hybrid poplars, etc.
- Cropland Practices
- Residue Management No-till, etc.
- Land Conversion Crop to pasture, Hay Land, etc.
- Agroforesty Buffers strips, hybrid poplars
13Potential Carbon Sequestration Practices
- Riparian/Rangeland Practices
- Resource Management Crossing thresholds
(bluegrass to willows, cheatgrass to
sage/grass/forbs community, etc. - Other Farm, Ranch, Forest Related Greenhouse Gas
Reductions (GHG) - Livestock methane reductions
- Fuel use reduction through alternative cropping
system reduced-till, etc. - Newly constructed wetlands, existing wetland
restoration - Biofuel production Ethanol from corn,
biodiesel, - Electric generation Animal wastes, grasses,
trees, etc.
14Carbon Sequestration in General
- There must be a net GHG reduction (expressed in
Carbon Equivalents). There is some concern that,
for example, increasing nitrogen water to
increase carbon fixing (sequestration) may cause
a net increase of GHG losses, such as N2O. - Whether or not global warming is actually
occurring because of increased GHG emissions,
there are benefits of applying practices that
have multiple benefits to Idahos natural
resources. - In summary
- How can farm, ranch, forest landowners/managers
and the Idaho public benefit from a carbon (GHG)
market that pays for the installation and
maintenance of practices on private lands? - What are the risks involved with entering into
long-term contracts with an industry seeking to
offset GHG emissions?
15Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
- Villach and Bellagio Workshops - assessed the
role of carbon dioxide - The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete
the Ozone Layer - 47 nations reached agreement on
a set of CFC control measures in September 1987. - Toronto Conference - focused on the implications
of climate change for world security - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -
was formed in 1988 to conduct studies on global
warming. - The International Geosphere/Biosphere Program -
facilitate understanding the present state of the
earth and the potential impacts of global climate
change. - Nordwijk Conference on Atmospheric Pollution and
Climate Change - encouraged the IPCC to include
in its First Assessment Report an analysis of
quantitative targets to limit or reduce CO2
emissions, and urged all industrialized countries
to investigate the feasibility of achieving such
targets - Hague Declaration - This conference and
Declaration (signed by 23 nations) established
support for new principles of international law.
16Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
- Cairo Compact - calls on affluent nations to
provide developing countries with the technical
and financial assistance to address global
climate change. - United Nations World Climate Conference The IPCC
reported the findings of the IPCC Working Groups
to the United Nations (Scientific Assessment,
Impacts Assessment, and Response). - Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) -
the U.N. General Assembly established the INC to
prepare an effective framework convention on
climate change - United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) - On June 12, 1992 signed
the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate
Change... commits the world's governments to
voluntary reductions of greenhouse gases - Bilateral Sustainable Development Accord Between
Costa Rica and the U.S. - the U.S. and Costa Rica
signed a bilateral accord intended to facilitate
developing joint implementation projects. - 1995 First Conference of the Parties (COP) -
delegates agreed on a mandate to establish
appropriate action for the period beyond the year
2000More COPs have followed.
17Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
Types of State Programs Home Energy Rating
System Energy Efficiency Audits Energy-efficient
Mortgage Programs Model Energy Codes (MEC)
Tax Incentives for Fuel Switching,
Cogeneration Renewable Portfolio
Standards Emissions Trading Methane Reclamation
Source EPA
Recycling Programs State Alternative Fuel Fleets
Truck to Train Mode Shift Revenue Neutral Tax
Incentives Afforestation
18Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
- Portland, Oregon proposes to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions from the Portland metropolitan
area to 20 percent below the 1988 level by the
year 2010. - The Iowa State Energy Bureau's Building Energy
Management Program promotes cost-effective energy
management improvements in state buildings,
schools, hospitals non-profit organizations, and
local government facilities. - In Minnesota, more stringent energy standards
have been adopted for the new construction of
residential dwellings and government offices. - Oregon has increased the weatherization standards
in the construction of low income homes. - New York has recently established a
public-private partnership to encourage and
support schools in making their facilities more
energy efficient (Energy Smart Schools). - Colorado has established the Colorado Green
Program, which assists builders and honors
residents who construct homes that conserve
natural resources and increase energy efficiency. - Mecklenberg County, North Carolina all school
buses have been converted to CNG vehicles. - Maryland, the Department of Transportation has
replaced its fleet of diesel fuel shuttle buses
at BWI with 20 new CNG vehicles.
19Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
- The Georgia Governor's Office of Energy Resources
is increasing energy and agricultural efficiency
by facilitating six programs targeted to crop,
poultry, and livestock producers. These programs
conserve energy and save money in addition to
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has
created a reforestation program designed to
reduce heating and cooling needs with strategic
landscaping, to arrest soil erosion, enhance
natural water filtration, and remove carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere. The program
coordinator of this multifaceted project, called
Operation TREE, must work to involve every
division of the Department of Resources and
encourage cooperation among other state agencies. - The Alabama Broiler Litter Program, co-sponsored
by the Science, Technology and Energy Division of
the Alabama Department of Economic and Community
Affairs and the USDA's Tennessee Valley Resource
Conservation and Development Council, addresses
energy conservation, reduces the landfill waste
stream, promotes recycling, and improves
agricultural productivity. In this program
newspaper is shredded and blown over the poultry
house floor, where it becomes matted and slick
from droppings and moisture content. When the
litter and paper is gathered from the floor, it
is spread on crops as fertilizer, or is mixed
with feed and is fed to livestock. The paper also
acts as an insulator for the poultry house,
thereby reducing energy needs.
20Greenhouse Gas Emission Carbon Sequestration
Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association
Agreement (PNDSA) with ENTERGY Tramway Carbon
Sequestration and CRP Project Carbon Research
Activities at U of I, ARS, etc. INEEL GHG
Inventory Climate Coupled Energy
System Existing and Proposed Ethanol Plants in
Idaho J. R. Simplot Biofuels (Ethanol
Production) Others?