Title: Points of Impact FMS Retail Operations Survey 20042005
1Points of Impact FMS Retail Operations
2Survey Overview
- Survey conducted Oct/Nov/Dec 2004
- Store Names removed
- Results compiled by FMS
- Responses represent 250 stores
- Major categories single/multi
- Four Formats
- Conventional/Discount/Upscale/LAS
- Four Focus areas
- Sales / Margins / Expenses / Competition
4Retailer Insights
- Competition ranking
- Impact on operation
- Competitive Actions and review
- What did work?
- What didnt?
- Specifics and averages requested
- Nearly all respondents from Single Store
operations were owners, Multi-Store Respondents
were - Owners 54
- CFO/Controller 27
- Executive Management 19
6Number of Years in Business
7Points of Impactin Your Retail
OperationFMS/NGA Operations PerformanceIndepen
dents Supermarkets Survey2004-2005
8Survey Participation
- Thanks Goes to
- Retailer respondents
- Retailers taking my calls
- All of you here today
9Points of ImpactAreas of Focus
- General Trends
- Competitive Climate
- Departmental Margins/Expenses
- Total Store Expenses
- Shrink
- Employee expenses
10Points of Impact
- Third Year at reviewing operations
- Nomenclature and definitions can vary
- Perceptions vs. Reality of respondents
- Survey based on response vs. statistic
11Points of Impact
- Primary purpose- spur thought and questions have
ability to benchmark your company to others
around the country
12Store Formats
13Stores Represented by Region
14Stores Represented
15Weekly Sales Volume Single vs. Multi Operator
Up 2.55
Up 3.96
16Sales Trend by FormatMulti Store Operator
17Business Climate
18Percentage of Single-Stores Remodeled Last Year
Over 100,000 Expenditure
19Percentage of Multi-Stores Remodeled Last Year
Over 100,000 Expenditure
20Percentage of Multi-Store Owners Anticipated
Change in Store Count
21Competitive Direct Impact Single Store
Scale of 1-5, 5 Most Direct Impact
22Competitive Direct Impact Multiple Store
Scale of 1-5, 5 Most Direct Impact
23Major Reason for Shopping Primary Store
24Major Reason for Shopping SuperCenter
25Wal-Mart Supercenter Impact
- 192 Supercenters opened in 2002
- 1258 Supercenters nationwide
- Conversion experience 20 to 50 lift in G.M.
- 86 increase in profitability
- Supercenters will outnumber Discount stores in
26Most Typical Response to Supercenters
- Establish strategies and objectives
- Remodel/Refresh
- Improve Customer Service
- Special Promotions
- Improve overall signage
- Advertise unique items and themes
- GM/HBC/Pharmacy emphasis
27U.S. Census Bureau1996 - Nov 2002 Monthly
Retail Trade SurveySector Services Statistics
28Grocery StoresAnnual Percentage Change
29Grocery vs. DrugAnnual Percentage Change
30Grocery vs. SupercentersAnnual Percentage Change
31(No Transcript)
32Gross Margins
33Total Net Gross MarginSingle v Multi Operators
34Total Net Gross Margin by Format
35Net Grocery Margin
36Net Meat Margin
37Net General Merchandise Margin
38Net HBC Margin
39Net Produce Margin
40Net Bakery Margin
41Net Deli Margin
42Net Seafood Margin
43Net Dairy Margin
44Net Frozen Foods Margin
45Average Net Gross Profitby Department
46Average Net Gross Profitby Department contd
47Average Sales Distributionby Department
48Average Sales Distributionby Department contd
49Average Wage by Department
50Average Wage by Department
51Retail Gross MarginsUS Census Bureau
52(No Transcript)
53Employee Costs
54Sales per Labor Hour
55Wages as a of Total Sales
56Full Time vs. Part Time Employees
57Percentage of Health Care Cost Increase in 2004
58Average Cost of Health Care Per Employee in 2003
59Health care costs listed as one of the top
concerns by respondents nearly listed as
often as the concern of competing with Wal Mart
60(No Transcript)
61Store Expenses
62Advertising Cost as a of Total Sales
63Rent as a of Total Sales
64Depreciation as a to Total Sales
65Interest as a to Total Sales
66Average Store Inventory by Format
67Average Square Footage
68Average Inventory Per Sq. Foot
69Inventory Turns
70Net Profit Pre-Taxas a of Total Sales
71Economic Outlook
72Survey General FindingsSales
- Grocery Sales are flat
- S/C and Drug out-performing
- Discounters leading increases
- Capital investments pay dividends
- Focus on primary shoppers
- Find new things to sell
- Treat customers as individuals
73Survey General FindingsMargins
- Grocery store margins are rising
- S/C margins are declining
- Drug store margins are flat
- Single operator stores tend to have higher
margins throughout - Retailers focus on improving mix
- Opportunity lies in new categories
74Survey General FindingsStore Expenses
- Health Care -largest cost increase
- Single stores tend to cover more employees and at
a higher rate - Health Care Costs up 14 -17
- Pension/ 401 K available in 58-63
- Advertising costs lower for multi
- Single stores 67 more profitable
Jon McCormick President, FMS