- Comparative Cultural Economics
- Dr. J. F. García III
- Developed by Adam Smith and the Classical
Economists David Ricardo, John Locke. - Economic institutions are the building blocks
from which the economic system is construed. - All factors of production are privately owned and
control instead of just capital. In Canada the
government (Queen) owns the land. - Right of individuals to employ their talents and
energies in the time they feel best. - Non economic institutions and culture have
significant bearing freedom of religion and
speech, press, democracy, abortion, merge, etc.
- a system of economic organization in which
individual persons, singly or in groups,
privately own the factors of production and
possesses the right to use and dispose those
economic resources generally in whatever matter
they choose - economic activities will be conducted by
managers of firms instead of entrepreneurs
(Joseph Schumpeter) - freedom of enterprise
- Capital is tangible things which are not directly
use for consumption, but instead, assist in the
production of goods. - Distinguishing feature is the use in which it is
put. - capitalism is not distinguish by the mere
physical presence of capital nor relatively
capital intensity methods of production. - Capitalism is not just the use of capital but
also other FOP.
5Institutions of Capitalism
- 1. Competition.
- 2. Protestant work ethic.
- 3. Private property.
- 4. Freedom of Enterprise and choice
- 5. Competitive market.
- 6. Individualism (what about Japan
collectivism?). - 7. Government with regulatory measures.
- Requirements
- Competition.
- Unlimited use of wants .
- non-economic institutions and culture have
significant bearing in capitalism in its
development. - there should be some economic institutions in
capitalism - private property - freedom of
enterprise and choice - competitive markets -
limited government - competition - individualism
- Protestant work ethic. - Private Property - right of individual to control
property and the right to enjoy the economic
rewards that result - government protects owners
- benefits are
- (1) allow prices to reflect supply and demand
(willingness, ableness, opportunity costs, and
utility maximization), - (2) will show prices and costs to be efficient,
- (3) encourages innovation, invention,
flexibility, and decrease in the long run cost,
- (4) encourages equitable distribution of
income, - (5) provides a variety of goods and services.
- functions
- (1) does not refer to only tangible things
(intellectual rights), - (2) encourage accumulation of private property -
encourages the private savings of private and
corporate income - (3) inheritance - generational transfer of wealth
- separate from but attached to private property
- not based on merit
- Economic Institutions
- private property
- Freedom of enterprise
- competitive markets - circular flow (factor
market supply and product market demand) -
owners of FOP and demanders of FOP and how they
interact - to be competitive, nobody is coerced -
free interaction - . - government with regulatory matters.
10Conditions of Capitalism (perfect competition)
- Product Market.
- Factor Market.
- Distribution of Income.
- Consumers maximize total utilities or
satisfaction instantaneously and without cost,
firms likewise, maximize their total profits and
factor owners maximize their income. - Consumers, firms, and FOP can enter and exit the
market without costs or penalties. - There are sufficient number of firms, costumers,
and owners of FOP in each market so everyone is
a price taker.
11American Capitalism
- Capitalism as an existing system.
- - it has imperfections originated in the
private sector or attributable to the
government. - - it is not pure capitalism.
- - Largest system of production in the
world. - - Endowed with variety and quantity of
factors of production.
12American Capitalism
- There are two sources of market failure
- Private transaction costs, economies of
scale/scope, corporate business organizations,
and labor unions. - Public public goods, public utilities and
natural monopolies, indirect controls and
subsidiaries, and regulations and regulatory
13American Capitalism
- Private sources of failure
- Transaction costs search, negotiation,
litigation, advertising, distribution, and
transaction costs. - Economies of scale and scope decrease in per
unit cost achieve by producing large volumes
gives monopoly conditions to a firm. - Corporate business organization or legal business
organizations market prices and entrepreneurial
planning determine all decisions for profit
maximization. It also allows for mergers. - Labor unions monopsony power and therefore, can
charge higher price than otherwise.
14American Capitalism
- Public sources of cost failure (government) -
violations of pure capitalist systems -
government distorts prices instead of allow the
price to be determined through equilibrium - Provision of Public goods free rider and
externalities. - Public utilities and natural monopolies
(antitrust laws) regulation of economic
activities because monopolies create consumer
convenience and decreases costs. . - Indirect controls and subsidies government
activities which depart from competition such as
fiscal and monetary policies (Fed) and grants. - Regulations and regulatory agencies government
intervention through quasi organizations.
15Strengths of US Capitalism
- Flexibility.
- Raising standard of living.
- Individual opportunity.
- Technical progress.
- Economic development not just growth but also
happiness, standard of living, health, education
mortality rate and variety.
16Weakness of American Capitalism
- Shortcomings of institutions when promoting human
welfare - Pecuniary vs. human values (monetary vs.
non-monetary values). - Unemployed resources.
- Inequality.
17Future of American Capitalism
- Continue preservation of rights and freedoms.
- Democratic political institutions prevail.
- Long run economic growth of real national income
(4 or higher). - Advance production technology and full employment
of all productive resources. - Application of wage labor regulation.
- Relative price stability.
- Control of inflation, unemployment, budget
deficits. - Can give long range goals despite not being a
planning system. - country has to big of a size of production to
make predictions. - In reality oligopolies and administrative prices
exist. - Fiscal and monetary policies are avenues through
which capitalism may acquire its goals. - Increase and constant government regulations may
seriously impair the system in the long term. - Difficult to preserve each private individuals
interest rights. - Automatic competition of large firms and large
capital investment.
- Best example of capitalist welfare system with
Social Democratic Government. - is a market system dominated by a Social
Democratic Party. - socialism through gradual reform to socialism,
rather than revolutionary change (most European
have gone through gradual but revolutionary
changes). - democracy is a route to the establishment of
socialism in Sweden - transformation from
old-style capitalism to contemporary managed
capitalism. - democratic socialism meant, traditionally,
government ownership of industries (Nazi
- Six policies used in Sweden
- monetary and fiscal policies.
- private ownership and price system.
- means associated with socialism - planning
(rejected in 1994). - equality - reduction in inequalities of income,
wealth, and occupation. - allocation of resources between private and
public sectors. - power and participation of private associations
L.O. (confederation of trade unions) and S.A.F.
(employers association).
- Four types of government Economic Planning
- 1. provision of government services
education, medicine, housing, national
defense. - 2. macroeconomic aggregate plans.
- 3. government owned enterprises.
- 4. guidance of private sector and
stabilization of income.
21Swedens environment Culture
- Geography has been kind to Sweden, relatively
isolated in the Scandinavian peninsula. - The Swedes had not participated in major war save
for the fight against Napoleon. - Spare the economic and human devastation of WWI
WWII. - Neutrality has allow them to devote only a small
share of the national income to military and
military related expenses (23). - Rich in natural resources timber, wood pulp,
iron, gold, fishery, services.
- Social democracy socialism through gradual
reform of capitalism rather than violent
revolutions. - Unlike USA, Russia, and Germany but very similar
to Japan. - Population has a high degree of ethnic and
religion homogeneity. - 96 of population are Germanic Scandinavian of
the Lutheran faith. - Serf-lord never took place because servants
maintained their freedom. - Heavy welfare state where the income is
redistributed from one cultural group to another
and the haves can not be distinguish from the
have nots.
- Solidarity of Swedish workers and welfare state
policies have provided stable prices, low
inflation, low unemployment (2) and economic
growth. - Like Japan, Sweden has penchant cooperation and
consensus rather than conflict and litigation. - Fiscal stabilization methods with tax advantages
during economic stagnation. - Institutional form of income policies with wage
policies, trade unions, and association of
24Swedens Democratic Socialism
- Democracy as a route to the establishment of a
socialist economy and extension of democracy from
politics into the economy, industry, and society
at large. - It is part of the transformation from the old
style capitalism to contemporary managed
capitalism. - Traditional democratic socialism meant government
ownership at least of strategic and basic
industries, and government planning on means
beyond the market to values establish as basis to
control private, public, and economic power.
25Managed Capitalism in Sweden
- Monetary and fiscal policies.
- Private ownership and market prices.
- State polices control industry and comprehensive
planning. - Equality reduction of inequality of income,
wealth, and position (occupation). - Allocation of resources between private and
public sectors. - Power and participation of private organizations.
26Great Britain Declining Capitalism
- Reasons for declining capitalism
- Failure to maintain a technological lead.
- Slow in capacity to produce energy, chemicals,
steel, and other major and integral industries. - Government laissez faire policies in advance
technology and production. - Financial power was attributed to the spirit of
middle class but the third generation declined
symptoms (apathy). - Government encouragement of mergers.
- Labor legislation and union growth.
- Fraud, negligence, and monopolistic banking
practices and financial regulations.
27Great Britain
- Not a socialistic state but a mixed capitalism
with failures such a social reforms and
nationalization. - Government discretionary policies have allowed
socially owned industries. - Social security system, unemployment
compensation, welfare and retirement programs are
less comprehensive than other developed countries
such as Japan, Germany, and Scandinavia.
28Great Britain
- Power resides in different degrees with the
consumer, the firm or some social collective
(local, regional or national) government. - Private firms are free to determine their output
and input mixed in pursuit of profit
maximization. - Individuals have the right to freely choose
employment and what he/she wishes to consume. - Firms are small in most industries.
- Nationalized industries are market oriented.
- Government intervenes in the economy but it is
limited to changing the environment of doing
business and induced people to do things rather
than forcing them.
29Great Britain
- Capitalist economy with a strategic sector of
socially owned industries. - The locus of decision making is principally
private and decentralized with a number of social
programs running directly by a subsidized levels
of the government. - The market signals and directs the activities of
most economic actors with even the socially owned
industries responding to the market forces and
dealing thorough markets with the private sector.
- Great exporter of ideas through the physiocrats,
natural economic order, policy of laissez-faire,
circular flow model, national economic planning,
and indicative planning. - Indicative planning was established after WWII to
improve the operations of the market mechanism
through cooperation and exchange of information
among all sectors of the circular flow.
31France Indicative Planning
- Compliance with plan is voluntary but it is
encourage by government financial and regulatory
actions and by relatively new system of plan
contracts. - Modern mixed economy with a unique blend of
economic institutions.
32Frances criteria of Mixed Economy
- Private vs. Public sectors
- Private ownership is predominant but the public
sector by US standards is quite large, the state
owned public utilities, energy industry,
airlines, railroads, control interest on
petroleum, autos, aircrafts, banks, large sector
of insurance industry, and other major
industries. - Approximately 40 of GDP flows through the
central government including goods and services
and transfer payments.
33Frances criteria of Mixed Economy
- Power
- Economic power (market and circular flow) in
France resides both in the individual consumer
and private firms as well as the state. - The private decision maker is free to choose
his/her employment and consumption patterns. - The private firm is free to determine its output
and input mixed. - Collective decision making has a powerful
influence in the nature of private decisions.
34Frances criteria of Mixed Economy
- The state is able to modify many parameters
entering into the private decision making and
thus able to modify the decisions themselves by
using the following techniques - Indicative planning.
- Planning organizations.
- Planning cycles.
- Monetary and credit controls.
- Taxes and tax policies.
- Wage controls.
- Development of income policies.
- Social welfare.
- Regional planning.
35Frances criteria of Mixed Economy
- Resource allocation among competing uses
- signals of resource allocation is done by the
market. - despite extensive government influence in the
economy and national plans, few economic actions
are the result of the direct order of the
government. - government intervene in the market by altering
the demand and supply conditions but this
intervention is reflected in the changing costs
of doing business and influence the profitability
of the private sector.
- Mixed capitalism characterize by social market
economy, neoliberalism, and codetermination. - Private property predominates but the government
owns and runs wide variety of enterprises. - Although the great majority of economic decisions
are made by individual consumers and firms,
collective decision making has a significant
impact on the structure and direction of the
economy. - Government influences the economy through the
operation of a large budget.
- The market carriers the economic decisions,
public as well as private. - Although the state sector is large, most state
owned enterprises act independently and are
concerned with their profitability.
38Germans Neoliberalism
- Luidwig Erhart and Walter Ericken.
- Alternative philosophy to laissez faire, total
planning of China, or partial planning of France
and Sweden. - The efficiency of the price system combined with
competition and monetary stability and the need
of the government interference. - The government primary responsibility is to
promote competition by removing trade and market
barriers, state controls, and by dissolving
economic groups. - Price stability is ensure only by the government
responsibilities to conduct monetary policies.
39Germans Neoliberalism
- Neoliberalism is compatible with government
redistribution of income, social welfare programs
and measures, and environmental control. - Market equilibrium may be government manipulated
including changing in technology and demand
conditions, and countercyclical policies.
40German codetermination
- Workers are given a voice in the management of
their companies. - Employees are able to participate in management
through work councils and through representation
on corporate supervising boards. - Work councils are in charge of job evaluations,
overtime, breaks, holiday schedules, recruitment
selection, dismissal, training, and safety of
41Germany social market economy
- Social Market Economy (SME) created after WWII
with one of the most extensive welfare systems in
the world which combines market system efficiency
with the decency of the welfare state. - SME is based on a rejection to central planning
and an affirmation of the market system with an
active effort to abolish cartels and establish
competition, a supply side fiscal policies, a
monetary policy dedicated to price stability, and
extensive social welfare system.
- Modern economic growth was launched in 1868, when
the Meiji restoration abolished feudal controls
and opened the nation to foreign trade and
technology. - Market economy based on the feudal Samurai
system. - After the devastation of World War II, rapid
economic growth resumed in the 1950's and 1960's,
caused first by the growth of the capital stock
and then by the contributions of knowledge and
technology, the growth of the size and quality of
the labor force, economies of scale, and the
shift of laborers from primary production to
industry. - The Japanese economy was shaken by the oil shocks
of the 1970's, the bubble economy of the late
1980's, and the collapse of the bubble during the
early 1990's. Now it is passing through a
difficult process of administrative reform and
- The business community is organized in a dual
market structure very large businesses and very
small businesses with few in the middle. - Many of the big companies are members of zaibatsu
and keiretsu conglomerates, which provide
protected markets and financing for their members
and exert considerable influence over
governmental policies. - The small companies are centered in distribution
and subcontracting they serve to reduce labor
and inventory costs and to absorb the effects of
business cycles for the larger firms.
- The labor market, which is credited with much of
Japan's success, is organized around a relatively
docile network of company unions that participate
in a semi-decentralized system of collective
bargaining known as the Spring Labor Offensive. - The lifetime employment system, which applies to
more than one-quarter of the work force,
strengthens the family spirit of enterprises and
may encourage technological innovation, but it
reduces labor mobility and may impose a burden on
employees who are not covered by the system. - Support for lifetime employment seems to be
waning among both employers and employees. - Pay is strongly influenced by seniority and a
relatively large proportion is paid in bonuses.
The latter may help to explain the high savings
rate and the low unemployment rate in Japan.
- Led by the Ministry of International Trade and
Technology (MITT) and centered on the large city
banks, the Japanese financial system played a
pivotal role in the growth miracle and in the
rise and fall of the bubble economy. - Individual families were encouraged to save by
the convenience and tax advantages of the postal
savings system. - Today, Japan is passing through a "Big Bang"
program of financial reforms, designed to
strengthen the efficiency and competitiveness of
the system. - The government plays a limited role in the
economy in direct taxation, expenditure, and
nationalization. It plays an important role,
however, in regulation lending, and the
formulation of indicative plans and industrial
- The Japanese culture is influence by three values
of Confucianism ethics which are of particular
interest loyalty, reciprocal obligations, and
honesty in dealing with others. This creates
ethics of hard work and cooperation between
management and labor for the good of the company.
- Reciprocal obligations and honesty fosters trust
between companies and sellers in Japan, and
therefore, long-term relationships which help
with inventory reductions, quality control and
joint designs to improve organizational
competitiveness. - Individual entrepreneurial lacks because it is a
product of individual mind-set and not groups. On
the other hand, the United States values
individualism and innovation, e.g., biotechnology
and computers.
47Japans indicative planning
- Uses the market to coordinate short run decisions
in combination with plan to coordinate long run
decisions. - Includes broad goals for the entire industries
over a long time horizon. - Private companies are not legally required to
comply with plan targets, but the government may
use fiscal and monetary policy instruments to
encourage voluntary compliance. - The government plays a limited role in direct
taxation, expenditure, and nationalization. - It plays an important role, however, in
regulation, lending, and formulation of
indicative plans and industrial policies. - Japan uses quality control circles.
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