YES Summit, Nairobi 2006
2TOURISMa Potential Development Driver
- Why Tourism
- Sustainable Livelihood
- Poverty Alleviation
- Uplift of Rural Artists
- Uplift of Rural Artisans
- Empowerment of Women
- Improvement in Urban and Rural Infrastructure
- Better Image, Quality of Life and Attitude of
People - Revival of Traditional Crafts
- Heritage Conservation
- Conservation of Natural Resources
3 TOURISM a Potential Development Driver
- Significant multiplier effect on the economy
- Every dollar spent by a tourist changes hands 13
times - Every hotel room generates direct employment to 3
and indirect employment to 8 persons
4TOURISMa Potential Development Driver
- Reducing absolute dependence on agriculture
- Revival of traditional arts crafts, building
art, etc. - Providing ready marketing opportunities for rural
artisans - Employment generation during entire year
- About half a million of artisans employed in
Handicraft sector in only one State of Rajasthan - Handicraft Exports from one of the States,
Rajasthan - 1991-92 Rs. 2800 mn.
- 2000-01 Rs.43,000 mn.
- 2004-03 Rs. 100,000 mn.
5TOURISMa Potential Development Driver
- TOURISM creates
- Jobs in situ-wild life sanctuaries, historical
places, beaches, mountains etc. Does not result
in migration - Creates a large number of semi-skilled jobs for
local population - Contributes to overall economic development of
areas that would otherwise be deprived
6TOURISMIndia Case Study
- Every Rs.1 million (25,000) invested creates
- Tourism (directly) 47.5 Jobs
- Tourism (indirectly) 89 Jobs
- (sub-sector of hotels and restaurants,
transportation etc.) - Agriculture 44.6 Jobs
- Manufacturing 12.6 Jobs
7TOURISMIndia Case Study
- (2001-02)
- Gem Jewelry US 7.40 Bn.
- Readymade Garments US 5.50 Bn.
- Tourism US 3.30 Bn.
- FDI 2.4 bn
- Tourism 2.9 bn
- 2001-02 2003-03 figures are not used due to
the effect of Sept 11 2001
- Image/Visibility
- Infrastructure
- Tourism enabled services
- Heritage conservation and management
- Tourism friendly environment (non-intrusive,
facilitating, safe and secure) - Tourism products
- Deepening tourist experience (repeat
visits/longer stay)
9Tourism Circuit Approach
- Integrated
- Tourist, the focal point
- Circuit development involves creating a circular
route to be taken by tourists - Based on features of tourist interest throughout
the circuit route - Driven by infrastructure development
- FDI can play a major role in inducting capital,
technology, managerial skills and marketing
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Augments investible resources
- Improves technological standards
- Improves efficiency of the domestic industry
- Increases competitiveness
- Introduces latest technology
- Improves allocative efficiency
- Introduces higher level of technical or X
efficiency - Results in diffusion of technology and knowledge
to local firms - Leads to labour turnover or reverse engineering
- Results in income multiplying effect
- Could result in cutting into the market of local
firms (reduce productivity) - Could result in financial leakages
- Repatriation of profits
- Direct channeling of tourists expenditure to the
home country - Remittances by expatriate workers
- Imports on account of weak host country supply
chain - In international tourism, cross-border
anti-competitive practices may adversely affect
smaller tourism service suppliers from developing
and least developed countries particularly
vulnerable to anti-competitive policies - Employment opportunities may not increase for
local population because of absence of skilled
- Policy/Regulatory Framework
- Facilitating Institutions
- Decision-support structure
- Facilitating organizations
- HRD institutions
- Infrastructure
- Physical
- Social
- Investment Products (Opportunities)
- Public Private Partnership mode
13INITIATIVE Policy/Regulatory Framework Tourism
Development Mission/Tourism Policy
- Mission for Tourism Development
- Efforts to raise tourist arrivals
- Aggressive domestic and international marketing
- Organizing international tourism events
- Awareness about and professional management of
heritage and raising resources for it - Ensuring hassle-free and pleasant stay of
tourists - Tourism promotion through Internet
- Encourage Public Private Partnerships
- Rural tourism for generating employment in rural
areas - Eco-tourism
- Tourism Policy
- Comprehensive Tourism Master Plan
- Promoting Private sector investment
- Enhancing quality and diversifying tourism
products - Development of tourism infrastructure
- Aggressive marketing publicity
- Tourism as Industry
- Tourism Trade Regulation Act to prevent
possible exploitation of tourists - HRD for Tourism Sector
- Upgrading Tourism Support Services
- Improved Connectivity
- Preservation of historical and cultural heritage
and promoting Heritage Tourism - Promoting Adventure, Wildlife, Eco-Tourism (as
14INITIATIVE Policy/Regulatory Framework Tourism
(Facilitation) Law
- To make the country/region Tourist Friendly
- Security for tourist, i.e.
- Not to be mobbed by beggars, touts, taxi drivers
etc. - Not to be cheated-cost / quality
- Accessible/reliable Information
- Good amenities reliable services
- Cleanliness hygiene
- Heritage conservation
- Definitions
- Regulatory
- Anti-begging
- Special attention to tourists by Police
- Voluntary Adoption of law
- Bench-marking
- Certification
- Third Party Inspections
- Penalties
- Exit Clause
- Heritage
- Declaring building/area/township protected
heritage - Construction to be strictly regulated
15INITIATIVE InstitutionsDecision-support
- Single Window Clearance System
- A. Investment Proposals
- B. Visa applications
- C. Concessions to commercially use state assets
- D. Licenses to operate tourism related activities
16INITIATIVE InstitutionsDecision-support
- Tourism Advisory Council
- Top political and bureaucratic executives
- Membership to include tourism trade and industry
representatives, experts - To deliberates upon policy initiatives, demands
of the industry, problems with the government
institutions, development plans - Tourism Regulatory Authority
- Accreditation
- Benchmarking services
- Grievance redress
- Adjudication
17INITIATIVE InstitutionsHuman Resource
Development (Indicative)
- Institute of Crafts for the handicrafts sector
- Design input
- Professional degree/diploma in craft
design-techno-design managers - Facilitating marketing and marketing linkage
intervention - Technology intervention and product and process
standardization - Capacity building at artisan level
- Documentation and resource centre
- IPR issues related to the handicrafts sector
- Entrepreneurship Management Institutes
- Entrepreneurship development for SMEs
- Tourism specific entrepreneurship programmers for
tourism enabled services
18INITIATIVE InstitutionsHuman Resource
Development (Indicative)
- Institutes of Hotel Management
- HRD in hospitality industry
- Managerial level courses
- Language skills
- Food Crafts Institutes
- Shop floor level skill development courses
- Language skills
- Centre for Heritage Management
- Capacity building amongst officials in the local
governments, town planners, urban and civic
bodies, government functionaries about heritage
conservation and management issues
19INITIATIVE Infrastructure
20INITIATIVE InfrastructurePublic Finance
- Several key sectors like water supply, sewerage,
roads, capacity building and public awareness,
and heritage conservation can be covered -
assistance from multilateral and bilateral
funding agencies - Separate budgetary provisions for tourism related
activities in Forest, PWD and other related
departments - Public finance and assistance from organizations
such as the UNESCO and the World Monument Watch
for restoration of heritage monuments - TOURISM Infrastructure (Illustrative)
- Civil Aviation (Airports)
- Roads Up-gradation Project
- Urban Infrastructure
- Public facilities
- Information Kiosks
21PPP Project Development Process
- Tourism is the main driver of economic
growth/employment generation in more than 80
countries - It has the potential of addressing issues such as
rural poverty, empowerment of women,
strengthening the economic status of the rural
artisans, earning forex etc. - It is necessary to create the right environment
to attract FDI by establishing progressive
legal-institutional framework and facilitating
organizations - Circuit development approach yields fastest
results - HR is the key
- Presenting bankable projects to the investors not
only increases the possibility of attracting
forex but also establishes benchmarks for the
23Thank You