Title: Student
1 Student Youth Travel Cultural Exchange and
International Education Experiment in
International Living 75th Annual Meeting Berlin,
May 03, 2007 David Jones
Director General World Youth Student
Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederationwww.aboutw
2to build world peace, one person at a time EIL
founding principle
to increase international understanding through
the promotion of travel and educational
opportunities for students and youth
WYSE Travel Confederation mission
3A youth-led global demand for international
- An important personal ambition for most young
people - Students travel for adventure, learning, fun and
interaction with others - Student Travel is increasingly accepted and
supported by family and society as a valuable,
personal development experience - A process of self-discovery, they learn more
about themselves than the countries they visit
4Important to the travel industry
- Youth tourism is the fastest growing sector of
the travel industry - 20 of all International travellers
- 168 Million in 2006 (UNWTO)
- High value to the agenda of the tourism
industry - Set travel trends
- Contribution to sustainable tourism
- Contribution to poverty alleviation
- Promote responsible travel habits
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
5Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one
less traveled by - and that has made all the
Robert Frost
6Who are they?
Unique Travellers, Unique Value
Self-identified as Not a Tourist
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
7What do they do?
Unique Travellers, Unique Value
- Why do they travel?
- To explore other cultures 83
- Experience excitement 74
- Increase their knowledge 69
- Experienced travellers
- Majority have visited 11 countries or more
- 15 have visited 20 countries or more
- Diverse travel experiences.
- Travel to study, work, volunteer, learn a
language, adventure, and fun - Social travellers
New Horizons in Independent Youth and Student
Travel (ISTC and ATLAS, Richards and Wilson,
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
8The Student Travel Experience Respect and
Socially aware and interested in the cultures
they visit - the experiences of young independent
travellers creates an awareness, cultural
sensitivity and involvement that leads to mutual
education of the traveller and the host
community Interest and interaction with the local
culture creates a personal stake in the heritage,
culture and economic welfare of their host
communities These experiences contribute to
respect and responsibility within travellers
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
9The Value of Student and Youth Travel
Economic contribution to host communities
- Students travel and live close to their host
communities - thus creating less economic
leakage, greater financial benefit to their host
community - They stay longer and spend more in total
- Backpackers US 6,130
- Mainstream Travellers US 4,000
- Source Tourism Australia
- The student traveller infrastructure is local and
can be less intrusive to the community - We must also be aware of the risk of negative
impact from student traveller enclaves promote
Responsible travel habits and the UNWTO
sustainability guidelines
10- The ISTC Responsible Travel Campaign
- Travel 2Explore Travel 2Live Travel 2Respect
Travel 4Peace -
- To put the power of our global brandsbehind a
message of responsible travel values - To encourage young people to identifythemselves
as responsible travellers
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
11- ''More than any other market segment, youth and
student tourism can pave the way to more
responsible tourism, helping to achieve a more
equitable distribution of tourism development on
a world scale, making it more sustainable and
contributing to reducing poverty' - Francesco Frangialli
- Secretary General
12Travel is fatal to prejudice,bigotry and
Mark Twain
13Government Policy on Student and Youth Travel
The value to Governments and Tourism Authorities
(UNWTO/ISTC survey 2005)
- Youth and Student Travel Theme for the 2005
World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) annual survey
of tourism authorities - To assess Government and tourism authorities
awareness of youth and student travel - Response from 135 countries representing all
major UNWTO regions (42 European) - Results will be published as an official UNWTO
publication on the youth travel sector
World Youth Student Educational Travel
14Government Policy on Student and Youth Travel
The value to Tourism Authorities and Governments
(UNWTO/ISTC survey 2005)
Less than 40 of countries surveyed
- Have a definition for Youth and Student Travel
- Collect statistics on Youth and Student Travel
- Have specific policy relating to Youth and
Student Travel
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
15Government Policy on Student and Youth Travel
UNWTO/ISTC survey 2005
- But, the value of youth and student travel is
recognised by Governments and Tourism
Authorities -
- How important will youth tourism be in the next 5
years? - More Important 60 (Europe 55)
- Equally important 30
- Less important 10
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
16Limited Tourism Authority Attention
- www visiteurope.com
- 47 of visitors to the site are 15-26 yrs. (home
page poll) - links to backpacking guide
- And YET
- Out of 34 Member Country Sites Only 6 - Britain,
Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Austria, Slovenia -
have information for youth travellers (other than
hostel listings) - Visit Britain leads with web presence
World Youth Student Educational Travel
17Government Policy on Student and Youth Travel
- The Paradox
- Youth Travel is recognised as important to the
future of tourism BUT few governments pay
attention to this market. - Governments with awareness of this niche market
have highly developed policies that recognise
youth and student travel for - Economic value
- Ambassadors and future travellers
- Travel trend setters
- Education exports
- Generating international understanding
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
18- The gap between the growing potential of
student and youth tourism and the lack of action
on the part of many governments shows how much
scope there is for cooperation between UNWTO and
the Confederation as an Affiliate Member. - Francesco Frangialli
- Secretary General
19 Dont tell me how educated you are,tell me how
much youve traveled
20Our Niche industry
- A specialised market niche created by, and for,
students and youth over 75 years ago - The most successful niche in the travel industry
- A victim of our own success little recognition
by governments and tourism bodies. - WYSE Travel Confederation 560 members in 118
countries serve over 10 million travellers per
21The WYSE Travel Confederation Challenge
Understanding of the Market Integrated education,
culture and tourism policies Promotion for local
youth travel providers To get the message out
through virtual (web) and real world
networks Education to encourage responsible
travel habits and concern for travel ethics
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
22 Australia, a Best Practice example.
- Recognise and understand the market - a billion
incoming - niche market
- Integrated tourism, culture, work, visa and
education policies - Support for organisations and programmes
- working holiday visas over 100,000/yr, (NZ
40,000/yr) - education as an export industry
- international students create 31 visitor days
each - NZ increased education visitors by 59 2000
2005 - Study abroad in Europe increased 34 1998 2002
(OECD) - youth industry advisory groups hostels,
universities, adventure travel operators - Language study demand to grow to 2.6m places
by 2020
Richards G, (2005) ISTC/UNWTO study, Tourism
Market Trends 2005 Edition
World Youth Student Educational Travel
23Communicate an understanding of the market The
message and the medium
Tourism Websites
- Youth content on tourism websites will create
links from web 2.0 (youth oriented) web sites
that creates access to user generated content - Social Networks
- tagging, wikis, blogs, mash - ups
- (Check out www.statravel.com, www.hostelworld.com
www.wayn.com, www.traveladvisor.com,
www.virtualtourism.com) - Real (non virtual) Networks
- Hostelling International - 4,500 hostels
- WYSE Travel Confederation 350 orgs, 5000
offices - International Student Identity card - 4 million
- European Youth Card 3 million
World Youth Student Educational Travel
24Other Challenges in 2007
- Meeting the growing demand for International
Education - Response to Climate Change
- Promoting Responsible travel and the UNWTO Global
Code of Ethics - Continue to build WYSTC as a vital forum for
industry knowledge sharing, networking and trade
WYSTC 2007 October 01 05 Istanbul - Build a global Youth Accommodation sector
association to unite the diverse sectors of that
7.5 Billion industry
25The Value of Student and Youth Travel
For many, the most valuable experience of a
lifetime If you have travelled as a young
independent traveller (backpacker, study or work
abroad, exchange student, volunteer work), what
impact has this had on your perception of the
following? Your respect for other
cultures 92 Your career choice 80 Tendency
to travel independently 83 Developing positive
personal values and ethics 82 Responsible
travel habits 78 Your interest in issues of
social justice, poverty, world
peace 73 Your overall lifestyle 72
Travellers Pulse, Lonely Planet 2005
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
26 David JonesDirector General World Youth Student
Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederationwww.abou
twysetc.org Youth and Student Travel Research
Data and Market Intelligence at
World Youth Student Educational (WYSE) Travel
27 I havent been everywhere, but its on my list
Susan Sontag