Title: Agents Guide for Online Bookings
1Agents Guide for Online Bookings
2Agents Guide for Online Bookings
- This presentation was designed for Travel Agents
in order to learn how to use the easy online
booking software to sell Bamba Experience. - After you read this presentation and you are
ready to book, please send an email to
info_at_bambaexperience.com so we can send you the
username, login password and a manager password,
for your specific Travel Agency. - Please go through the presentation and dont
hesitate to call or email us if you have any
doubts or questions.
3Log-in to www.bambaexperience.com Bamba
Experience Home Page
Agents Log-in Space
4Step 1 Agent Log-in
- Choose the Agent tab, type your personalized
username and the login password
5Step 1 Agent Log-in
- Notice how the bar now has the Agents Name and
three tabsGo to PanelView Orders Logout - Go to Panel- Allows you to choose a product for
easy Agent bookings - View Orders- Allows you to see all the orders and
commissions earned per Agency - Logout- Allows you to Log-out as an Agent and
return to the normal Home Page
6Choose the product you want to book for your
customer by clicking on the Logo!
Panel for booking
Bar with links to Panel, Orders and Logout Links
- Lets see how we book a RealLife Adventure!
7STEP 1 Choosing the package, date, availability
and number of passengers.
- Step 1 Choose the Agents Sales Representative
(you can add the name for each sales
representative in your travel agency) - Step 2 Choose the package you want to sell (You
can see the name and the price) - Step 3 Choose the desired departure date and
check availability (5 means there are more than
5 spaces available for that Adventure) - Step 4 Choose how many people are travelling
and click NEXT.
8STEP 2 Insert passenger Information, Name, Last
Name, Email, City and Country of origin. Then
click Next to continue.
9STEP 3 Detail Confirmation to verify Package
information, inclusions, terms and conditions and
departure date. If you agree, accept the Terms
and Conditions, and click NEXT to continue.
Verify Departure City and Date
Click to Accept terms and conditions
10STEP 4 Press the Issue an Agent Voucher button
to mark as paid by the customer to your Travel
Press button to mark as paid
STEP 5 View the Bamba Voucher and print a copy
for the customer and one for your records.
Note the 6 digit Booking Reference number
The RealLife Adventures passenger cant modify
his itinerary so there is no password
11You have completed the RealLife Adventures
booking process!
12Now lets book a Bus Pass!
Click the Go to Panel in order to choose the
product you want to book for your customer by
clicking on the Logo!
Bus Pass Logo
13- STEP 1 You have two options for booking a Bus
Pass1) Set date booking and 2) Open date
booking - Lets take a look at the Set date booking first
Choose a sales representative
Choose your departure city and arrival city
Choose departure date
Before continuing to the next step, lets see how
its done for the Open Date booking option!
Choose number of passengers
Choose days in each destination. All changes are
free of charge after booking.
14- 2) Open Date booking Choose the sales
representative, click on the open date tab,
number of passengers, an approximate departure
date, Departure City and Arrival City
Click on the Open Date tab
Choose an approximate departure date
Now lets move on to the passenger information
15- STEP 2 Insert passenger Information, Name, Last
Name, Email, City and Country of origin. Click
the NEXT button to continue.
16- STEP 3 Detail Confirmation to verify pass
purchased, departure dates, and terms and
conditions - STEP 4 Click the Issue an Agent Voucher button
to mark as paid by the customer
17- STEP 5 View the Bamba Voucher and print a copy
for the customer and one for your records.
Note the 6 digit Booking Reference number
Note the passengers username and password
18You have completed the Bus Pass booking process!
19Click on the View Orders Link
- Once a booking is made you can View, Modify
or Cancel Orders
- STEP 1 Click the View Orders link and enter the
manager password. Click OK to continue
NOTE for security reasons, this password is
different than the login password.
20- STEP 2 Choose between the RealLife or Bus Pass
Tab, first lets see the RealLife tab.
Commission rate
Cash earned so far is USD
Debt to Bamba Experience (Once paid, Bamba
Experience will mark as paid)
ACTIONS Modify Order View Order Cancel
Order View Voucher
- STEP 3 Modify, View, Cancel your Orders, and
View passengers Vouchers, using the following
Action Tools.
21- STEP 4 Now lets see the Bus Pass Tab
- STEP 5 Modify, View, Cancel your Orders, and
View your Vouchers, using the same Action Tools.
22Its time for you to try the Bamba Experience
online booking program!
- Log-in to www.bambaexperience.com
- Use the trial username and password
- Username test_at_bambaexperience.com
- Login Password 1234
- Manager Password 7890
- Step 1 Create a New Booking for Reallife
Adventures - Step 2 Create a New Booking for Bus Pass
- Step 3 Log-in to View orders
- Step 4 Modify, View and Cancel the Reallife
Adventures Pass you have just booked - Step 5 Modify and view the Bus Pass order you
have just made - Step 6 Play with the system and log-out
- Now that you are an expert with our Online
Booking Engine, please send us an email to
info_at_bambaexperience.com with the name, location,
address and sales representatives of your Travel
Agency so we can send you your username, log-in
password and manager password. - Please contact Paul Sarfati at paul_at_bambaexperienc
e.com if you have any questions. - Thanks for following this presentation, we hope
your customers will love our products as much as
we do so you can sell our products and earn a
great commission by making many bookings for
Bamba Experience!