Title: Vaccine Safety Evaluation: Postmarketing Surveillance Conference
1Vaccine Safety Evaluation Post-marketing
Surveillance Conference
- New Zealand Experience with Meningococcal Vaccine
Post-marketing Surveillance - Stewart Reid
- 11th April 2007
2Population 4M Maori 14 Pacific
7 Asian 9 European 70 Location
South Pacific Australia 3 hours West LA 12
hours North East
3Meningococcal disease isolate serogroup and
dominant subtype 1990 -2005not including PCR
positive cases
Epidemiology of meningococcal disease in New
Zealand 2005 ESR May 2006
4The problem
- Major epidemic
- Strain specific outer membrane vesicle (OMV)
vaccine - MeNZB - Clinical trials in Auckland
5The Problem (cont)
- Licensure application - 1100 recipients 3300
doses - Substantial experience with other OMV vaccines
Norway, Cuba and Walter Reed outer membrane
protein vaccine
Vaccine 23 (2005) 2191 -2196.
6The Problem (cont)
- Intention to vaccinate 1,000,000 New Zealanders
aged 6m -19y - No National Immunisation Register (NIR)
- Only monitoring - Centre for Adverse Reaction
Monitoring (CARM) - passive reporting
7The Solution Safety Monitoring System
- National Immunisation Register (NIR)
- - with same patient identifier used in hospitals
- Several data sources
8Several data sources
- Passive reporting system Intensive Vaccine
Monitoring Programme (IVMP) - Hospital based monitoring
- All event
- Rare event
9(No Transcript)
10Several data sources
- Passive reporting system Intensive Vaccine
Monitoring Programme (IVMP) - Hospital based monitoring
- All event
- Rare event
11Rare events to be monitored
- Anaphylaxis
- Encephalopathy/encephalitis
- Flaccid paralysis
- Thrombocytopenia
- Hypotonic hypo-reponsive episodes
- Seizures
- Petechial rashes
- catch all categories e.g. all intensive care
admissions within 7 days/ unusual events thought
to be related to immunisation/deaths
12Hospital Based MonitoringRare Event
- Events of interest
- A priori determined case definitions
- Independent case ascertainment Clinical Review
Committee (CRC)
13Hospital Based MonitoringRare Event (cont)
- Background disease rates
- Thresholds stop/go points
- Minimum data sets
14(No Transcript)
15Under 5 ThresholdMinimum dataset
- All 4 Northern District Health Boards to rest of
country - 16 months 4 years 30,000 1st doses
- 6-16 months 7,500 1st doses
- 6 weeks 5 months 4,000 1st doses
- At each of these points substantial data was
available on those vaccinated in Counties Manukau
16Independent Safety Monitoring Board
- Separation of data collection and analysis from
assessment - Independent assessment - Independent safety
Monitoring Board (ISMB)
17Safety Monitoring Plan
- Discussed with Chair ISMB during development
- Reviewed and approved by ISMB
- Included
- monitoring methods,
- case definitions,
- background disease rates,
- cluster investigation protocol and
- causality assessment discussion
- AS of June 2006 gt 3,000,000 doses given
- ISMB review concluded
- outstanding programme of sensitive and
objective safety monitoring - no evidence of any significant adverse health
event associated with the vaccine
- Meningococcal Management Team (MMT) and Advisors
- Professor Diana Lennon, Dr Jane OHallahan, Dr
Philipp Oster, Professor Kim Mulholland. - Sue Crengle, Diana Martin, Liane Penney, Teuila
Percival, Stewart Reid, Joanna Stewart - MVS Trial Team, Auckland University
- Laboratory staff, Institute of Environmental
Science and Research - Independent Safety Monitoring Board and Clinical
Review Committee - MVS Safety Team, Ministry of Health
- Anne McNicholas, Yvonne Galloway, Paul
Stehr-Green et al, - Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) Dr
Michael Tatley et al - Safety monitoring teams at participating
hospitals - Rest of MVS team, Ministry of Health
- Strategy -
- Sexton K, Lennon D, et al. 2 articles
- NZMJ 20 August 2004, Vol 117 No 1200
- http//www.nzma.org.nz/journal/117-1200/1026/
- http//www.immunise.moh.govt.nz/documents/nzmj-vac
cinestrategy.pdf - Safety Monitoring Plan NZ Ministry of Health
- http//www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/pagesmh/5220/File/
21Back up slides
22Observed vs expected cases
- Total population e.g. Acute flaccid paralysis
23Observed vs expected cases
- Vaccinees only e.g. seizures
24Immunisation Safety Surveillance
- A system that comprehensively monitors vaccine
safety - Should identify events caused by vaccination
- Enable causality assessment for events which may
be caused by vaccination, - Increase public confidence in vaccine programs
helping to avoid reductions in coverage caused by
unsubstantiated fears of vaccine reactions.
25Independent Safety Monitoring Board
- Reviewed all safety data during the period of
hospital based monitoring - Independent with Australian chair and four other
members, one from USA - Advise on cessation of vaccination because of
safety risk - Advise on further investigation of possible
safety risks
26Target population
- Reside in Counties Manukau, Auckland, Waitemata
and Northland DHBs. - Target Cohorts
- 100,000 aged 5 19 years in CMDHB and Auckland
DHBs -
- 100,000 aged 0 - 4 years in all 4 DHBs
27Consent for MeNZB
- 08 July 2004 consent for individuals aged 6
months or older valid for 2 years - 03 February 2005
- consent for individuals aged 6 weeks or older.
- 12 January 2006
- consent for 4th dose of the vaccine to infants
who received the first dose when aged less than
6 months of age. - 21 July 2006
- renewal of Provisional Consent under Section 23
of the - Medicines Act 1981, valid for 2 years from 8 July
28Medicines Act 1981 section 23
- The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, in
accordance with this section, give his
provisional consent to the sale or supply or use
of a new medicine where s/he is of the opinion
that it is desirable that the medicine be sold,
supplied, or used on a restricted basis for the
treatment of a limited number of patients.
29Intensive Vaccine Monitoring Programme
- Prospective observational cohort study of MeNZB
Immunisation (s)
All health care visit details
Sentinel Practices across NZ (primary health
care providers)
30IVMP sentinel practice monitoring
- Monitoring cohort
- Infants lt 19 months who have an immunisation in
the practice - All Immunisations
31IVMP sentinel practice monitoring
- Monitoring cohort
- Selection of practices
- 35 large medical centres (known as sentinel group
practices) - MedTech32 Practice Management Software
- Population geographically socio-demographically
32IVMP sentinel practice monitoring
- Monitoring cohort
- Selection of practices
- Data collection
- Software extraction from existing PMS data fields
- All immunisations (MeNZB other)
- All health consultation details for the six weeks
following an immunisation - Secure electronic transfer from PMS
- Background mode
- no additional work required at practice !!
33IVMP sentinel practice monitoring
- Monitoring cohort
- Selection of practices
- Data collection
- Events assessment
- Events assessed as unrelated (incidents) or
related (reactions) - Standardised coding and entry into IVMP database
- WHO National Centres causal relationship (after
Karch Lasagna) - WHOART (event terminology)
- Grouped by related event terms (modified for
clinical AEFIs)
3452,754 Vac-visits (17,921 vaccinees)
10 vaccinees opted out
19 July 2004 30 Sept 2005
22,385 Vac-visits not yet assessed
IVMP Cohort groups
30,369 Vac-visits assessed
11,112 Vac-visits excluded1
19,257 Vac-visits (10,308 vaccinees) analysed
lt 6 month olds 6, 749 vac-visits (3,156 vaccinees)
6-lt19 month olds 4,474 vac-visits (2,368
19 month 5 year olds 8,034 vac-visits (4,784
MeNZB Vac-visit 1,166
Hybrid Vac-visit 2,452
Routine Vac-visit 3,131
MeNZB Vac-visit 3,540
Hybrid Vac-visit 441
Routine Vac-visit 493
Routine Vac-visit 209
Hybrid Vac-visit 304
MeNZB Vac-visit 7521
- 1 Outside of defined time periods
- lt 6 month olds, 03 Feb. 2005 - 30 Sep. 2005
- 6 month olds, 19 Jul. 2004 - 15 Nov. 2004
35Key Findings
- Low opt-out rate (10/17921)
- No unexpected AEFIs identified
- Low rate of reactogenicity
- Reaction profile similar to Routine immunisations
36ConclusionIVMP is a novel valuable
Pharmacovigilance tool
- Source of representative unbiased data
- Minimal participant compliance burden
- EDT technologies result in resource savings and
efficiencies - Real life real time vaccine campaign monitoring
- Feedback in real time to Programme leaders
- Reassurance to public
- Database available for long term follow-up