Title: The methods of the Frame studies 1
1The methods of the Frame studies 1 2
Kyungil, Andrew, Brian, and Patrick
Project Boss Arthur B. Markman
Project Manager Leora Orent
2Common methods (Frame manipulation)
- Procedure
- Materials 8 activities
- 4 exciting activities video game, solitaire,
blackjack, and dart game - 4 unexciting activities alphabetizing,
proofreading, transcribing video/audio tapes, and
surveying by phone, - Choice tasks
- Task 1 Which is the one you would most like to
do? - Task 2 Which activity is the one you are most
interested in not doing? - Frame manipulation (see instruction used below)
- A subtraction task (5 minutes)
- Instructions for frame manipulation
- If you do well on the subtraction task,
- Promotion you will be allowed to do the task
you chose as you most would like to do for 15
minutes, otherwise you will not. - Prevention you will not have to do the task you
chose as you most would not like to do, otherwise
you will for 15 minutes.
3Common methods
- Manipulation of Need to smoke (NTS) imagery task
(CepedaBenito Tiffany, 1996) - Materials 6 different stories
- For High need to smoke (HNS) group each story
described smoking cravings (urge). - For Low need to smoke (LNS) group each story
described smoking unrelated things (no-urge). - Except for the above difference, stories are the
same between conditions. (see the two examples in
the last page) - Procedure (after each story)
- Imagery task after reading each story (8 sec)
- Please imagine the situation described in the
sentence. - Self-description task
- Please write down the sentence that we asked you
to imagine - Others vividness rating / positive experience
rating / negative experience rating
4Common methods
- Coffee Manipulation
- Ask subjects to drink a cup of coffee
- High Need to Smoke (HNS) group just coffee
- Low Need to Smoke (LNS) group coffee smoked a
cigarette - We controlled even cigarette brand ?
5Common methods (Scales)
- Manipulation check
- Scale (Cox, Tiffany, Christen, 2001)
- The brief questionnaire of smoking urges
(QSU-brief) - 10 questions ex) I have a desire for a
cigarette right now. - 7-point scale
- Cigarette length
- 14 different lengths (real length between 7th
and 8th) - UWIST mood adjective checklist
- 24 adjectives / 4 subscales
- We measured three subscales
- Hedonic Tone e.g., happy and sad
- General Arousal e.g., vigorous and
unenterprising - Tense arousal e.g., tense and calm
- Citation Matthews, G., Jones, D. M.,
Chamberlain, A. G. (1990). Refining the
Measurement of Mood - the Uwist Mood Adjective
Checklist. British Journal of Psychology, 81,
- Experiment 1
- Frame manipulation ? Coffee manipulation ? NTS
manipulation ? manipulation check ? Item rating - Experiment 2
- Frame manipulation ? Coffee manipulation ? NTS
manipulation ? manipulation check ? Concern rating
7Rating materials
- Experiment 1 5 item categories
- Cigarette brands
- Instrumental items / affiliated items / related
beverages - Smoking unrelated items
- Experiment 2 4 concern categories
- Smoking related health concerns e.g., lung
cancer - Unrelated health concerns e.g., skin rash
- Unrelated non-health concerns e.g., tax reporting
8Legend for SPSS outputs
- Conditions
- Frame condition CD1_FRM (1 Promotion / 2
Prevention) - Need condition CD2_NEED (1 High / 2 Low)
- Categories in Experiment 1
- Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Categories in Experiment 2 (z-score)
- Smoking related health concern Z-SRHC
- Smoking unrelated health concern Z-SURHC
- Smoking unrelated non-health concern Z-SURNHC
9Experiment 1
10Descriptive data Scales others
QSU Length
11Experiment 2
12Descriptive data scales others
13Descriptive data age gender
14Manipulation check - QSU
- Significant effect of Need manipulation
(CD2_NEED) - No effect of frame (CD1_FRM) manipulation
15Manipulation checks QSU (cont.)
- No systematic difference in subscales
- Hedonic Tone
- Tense Arousal
- General Arousal
17(No Transcript)
183-way interaction
- Significant 3-way interaction frame, need, and
concern category - No systematic effect of Age or Gender
- Age F(1,149)0.46, p .831 / Gender
F(1,149).927, p.337
19Promotion condition
- No significant difference in ratings for each
concern category between the two Need conditions
20Promotion condition (cont.)
21Prevention condition
- Significant differences in smoking related health
concerns (valuation) and unrelated health
concerns (devaluation) between the two Need
conditions ? center-surround?
22Prevention condition (cont.)
23Others individuals total concern ratings
- No effect of the two conditions on overall
concern ratings (e.g., mean of total ratings)
24Others correlations (Total data)
- Overall, smoking need is weakly related to
ratings for concern categories
25Others correlation (Promotion)
- No significant correlations between Need and
concern ratings
26Others correlation (Prevention)
- Smoking need has a significantly positive
relationship with smoking unrelated health concern
28Length Data (collapsed data)
- Surprisingly, there is a significant difference
in participants length rating between conditions.
- But this result comes from a data set of Exp1
Exp2 Exp3. Only with Exp 1 and 2, the t-value
is a little smaller than needed. - Further we do have a significant correlation
between QSU scale value and this length rating.
29Length data only with data from Exp 12
30Example of stories in NTS manipulation
- I am with my friends and we are laughing and
having a good time. As I watch some of them
lighting up I think about joining them, knowing
that smoking would make things even better. (for
HNS group) - I am with my friends and we are laughing and
having a good time. As I watch some of them
playing cards I think about joining them, knowing
that it would make things even better. (for LNS
31Subject Analysis With a collapsed data of Exp 1
32Test of interaction
- No interaction between condition (high vs. low)
and Experiment (1 and 2)
33Test of Exp (2)X Condition (2) X Item Type (5)
34Collapsed data of Exp 1 2 (Subject Analysis)
- Manipulation check
- High gt Low
35Collapsed data of Exp 1 2 (Subject Analysis)
- Comparison of preference scores (z-score) between
conditions - For detail, see the next page.
36(No Transcript)
37Collapsed data of Exp 1 2 (Subject Analysis)
- Individual ANOVAs
- For detail, see the next page.
- The last item is of collapsed data (Cigarette
Brands Instrumental items)
38Individual t-tests
39Item Analysis With a collapsed data of Exp 1 2
40Individual ANOVAs
- Clearer pattern (z-score data)
- For post-hoc analysis, see the next page
41(No Transcript)