Title: Business Impacts of Flexibility: An Imperative for Expansion
1Business Impacts of FlexibilityAn Imperative
for Expansion
Business and Professional Womens Foundation
Audio Conference May 23,2006
2Corporate Voices
- 52 company coalition
- Founded in 2001
- Created to bridge the gap between private and
public sector regarding working family policies. - Non-partisan, non-profit 501c3
3Corporate Partners
4What Is Flexibility?
- Flexibility is the ability of the manager and the
employee to determine when and where work gets
done. - Workplace flexibility is about how work gets
done. Its the 21st Centurys response to a
one-size-fits-all way of working.
5Overview of the Project
- The Challenge
- Not an accommodation
- Not a womens solution
- Objective
- Measure and define the business benefit of
flexibility - Expand flexibility as a core business practice
- The Findings
- There is a compelling business case to expand
6The Weight of Evidence
- The body of data about flexibilitys positive
impacts is substantial more than generally
realized - Sophisticated measurement and analytic tools
going beyond self-report - Positive business impact
- demonstrated independently
- by research in many companies
7Cumulative Findings
- Three kinds of business impact have been
documented - Human capital outcomes
- Talent management
- Financial performance and operational outcomes
8The Power of Human Capital Outcomes
- Employee Satisfaction
- Validated research construct that predicts
performance behaviors - Employee Engagement/Commitment
- Every 10 improvement in commitment can increase
level of discretionary effort by 6 and
performance by 2 - Corporate Leadership Council - Double-digit growth companies have 39 more high
engaged employees, 45 fewer disengaged employess
Hewitt Associates - Stress
- Stress is responsible for 19 of absenteeism, 40
of turnover, 55 of EAP cost, 30 of short-term
and long-term disability costs, 10 of
psychotherapeutic drugs, 60 of cost of workplace
accidents and 100 of workers compensation and
lawsuits due to stress
9Impact of Flexibility onHuman Capital Outcomes
- Increased Satisfaction
- Higher flexibility score related to job
satisfaction, rating of company, sense of
accomplishment, rating of workplace as healthy
IBM - Access to flexibility, both formal and informal,
affects overall satisfaction and perception of
the company JP Morgan Chase - Increased Level of Engagement/Commitment
- Commitment scores 28 - 32 higher for employees
with flexibility AstraZeneca, Deloitte - Reduced Levels of Stress
- Employees with flexibility able to work more
hours before feeling work-life stress IBM - Employees with flexibility scored 30 lower on
stress and burnout
10Impact on Talent Management
- Improved Employee Retention
- Flexibility a top three choice Accenture
- Flexibility issues second leading for considering
leaving the company number one issue for mothers
IBM - 96 say flexibility influences decision to stay
AstraZeneca - 41.5 million savings in turnover-related costs
in 2003 - Deloitte - Improved Talent Recruitment
- Unacceptable levels of turnover addressed through
implementing flexibility - Deloitte - 95 report that availability of flexible work
arrangement is a critical factor in taking a job
- Discovery
11Flexibility AffectsRecruitment
Of Employees Hired in the Last 3 Years, Who
Were Influenced by Flexible Work Arrangements to
Join the Company
Source Bristol-Myers Squibb work-life survey
12Impact on Financial Performance and Operations
- Increased Productivity,
- Increased Revenue,
- Business Process Improvement,
- Client Service Improvement.
- Robust research techniques have produced multiple
data points - Positive people effects are proven
- Flexibility has direct effect on business
outcomes - Impact is widespread and diverse across
industries - More than a business case
- A BUSINESS IMPERATIVE to expand flexibility
- to
- Stay competitive
- Get the best from peopleand get the best people
- Improve business results