Title: Research tells us
1Research tells us
- the wise, targeted use of technology does result
in higher test scores
2A Roadmap
3The Research
4Leading Titles for Grades 3-5
Kid Pix BroderbundReader Rabbit The Learning
Co./RiverdeepPrintshop Broderbund/Lrn
Co/RiverdeepHyperstudio Vivendi Univ./Knowledge
Adv.Math Blaster Vivendi Univ./Knowledge
Adv.AppleWorks/ClarisW Apple/ClarisOregon
Trail MECC/Lrn Co/RiverdeepMillies Math
House Edmark/RiverdeepAccelerated
Reader Advantage Learning SystemBaileys Book
House Edmark/Riverdeep
Source Education Market Research the Complete
K-12 Report. 2001
5A Tale of Two Software Packages
DevelopmentalParticipatory, In context,
Intrinsically MotivatingIncreases in IQ,
problem solving, abstract thinking and long-term
50 loss of Creativity over a year
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9Research on Authentic Learning
10How will I ever use this? is actually a very
good question!
11Assign Intellectually Stimulating Work
- Relevance beyond school
- Disciplined Inquiry
- Knowledge Construction
12Quality of Assignment Counts