Title: Thank you Lord for this new day,
1- Thank you Lord for this new day,
- Thank you Lord for this new day,
- Thank you Lord for this new day,
- Right where we are.
- Thank you Lord for food to eat,
- Thank you Lord for food to eat,
- Thank you Lord for food to eat,
- Right where we are.
- Thank you Lord for all your gifts,
- Thank you Lord for all your gifts,
- Thank you Lord for all your gifts,
- Right where we are.
De La Salle Excellent Work Certificate Well Done!
3First, a question
- If we want to read, then we must have
- a) workers
- b) writers
- c) wrestlers?
4Whose signature is this?
Clue He wrote brilliant plays and poetry.
William Shakespeare
5Whose writing is this?
Clue Its in French
Saint John Baptist De La Salle
6Here is his signature!
7A piece of some of the earliest known writing in
the world! How old do you think it is?
8Which famous book is this from?
- Once there were four children whose names were
Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S.
9Now its your writing we want to see!
10Let us remember we are in the holy presence of
- Dear God,
- Teach me to treasure the gifts of reading and
writing that you have given to me. Help me to use
them to bring joy and happiness to everyone.
Amen -
- Live, Jesus, in our hearts forever.
111. May God bless our teachers, And all our
helpers. May God show His goodness in all that
they do. We ask for His children That Gods hand
be on them, And may we find His love in this
school. 2. (as above) And may we find His peace
in this school. 3. (as above) And may we find
His joy in this school.