Visual Studio .NET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Visual Studio .NET


Then, change the caption property to the text you want displayed. The Button ... Change the Number property of the edit control to True to prevent the user from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET
  • Introduction to Visual Studio .NET

Creating a project
  • At the Start screen, select New Project
  • Select Visual C Projects on the left
  • Select MFC Application on the right
  • Enter a Name for the project and click OK
  • Select Application Type on the left
  • Select Dialog Based
  • Click Finish to create the project

Creating a Console application
  • Select Win32 project from the New Project dialog
  • Name the project and click OK
  • Select Application Type and choose consol
  • Click Finish to create the project
  • Dont forget to include ltiostreamgt, using
    namespace std etc
  • To create a new .cpp or .h file to use in the
    program, go to File -gt Add New Item to add it to
    the solution

.NET Interface
Resource/Solution Pane
  • The .NET Interface consists of a main window
    pane, with a toolbox on the left, resource
    view/solution explorer on the top right, output
    window on the bottom, and a property pane to the
    bottom right. The interface also has the usual
    menus and toolbars at the top. The top of the
    main pane has tabs which allow you to navigate
    through the files youre using.

Output Window
Main Pane
Properties Pane
Resource View
  • To enable the resource view, press CTRLShiftE,
    or select it from the view menu at the top
  • Once the resource view is enabled, you can view
    it by selecting its tab on the bottom of the top
    right pane
  • Upon opening an existing project, you can open
    the main dialog screen by navigating to
    example-gtexample.rc-gtDialog -gtIDD_EXAMPLE_DIALOG,
    where example is the name of your project

  • These tabs are located above the main pane
    which normally contains code.
  • Each tab represents a different file that you
    have open within the project.
  • To switch between files, merely select a
    different tab. If you desire to close a certain
    file. Select the tab and then the x on the far
    right of the toolbar.
  • These buttons allow you to scroll horizontally
    when you have enough files open.

Solution Explorer
  • To enable the solution explorer, press
    CtrlAltL, or select it from the view menu at
    the top
  • The solution explorer allows you to navigate
    through files associated with your project-- .cpp
    files will be under the Source Files folder and
    .h files will be under the Header Files folder
  • Upon opening an existing project, you can use the
    solution explorer to open files associated with a
    class youve created for the project

Solution Explorer
  • To add a file to your solution
  • Select File from the menu at the top
  • Select Add New Item to create a new file and
    add it to your project
  • Select the type of File you wish to add (.cpp or
  • Name the file and click Open to add the file
  • Select Add Existing Item to add a file you
    have already created
  • It is best to copy the file you wish to add to
    your solutions folder
  • Find the file you wish to add and click Open
  • The files you add to your project will appear in
    the appropriate section in the solution explorer
  • The files that you add will still need to be
    included as they did in CS53 include
    myNewFile.h remember that you only need to
    include .h files and not .cpp files

Properties Pane
  • To enable the Properties pane, press F4 or select
    it from the view menu
  • The properties pane shows the properties for the
    currently selected control. The property name
    appears on the left and the value appears on the
  • Notable Properties
  • Caption changes the text displayed on static
    text, buttons, and the dialog box title bar
  • ID changes the ID of a button so that event
    handler function names are more meaningful

  • To enable the Toolbox, press CtrlAltX, or
    select it from the view menu at the top
  • The Toolbox contains all of the controls that we
    can add to our dialog box the controls we will
    use in this class are the button, static text,
    edit control, and the listbox
  • To add a control to the dialog, click, hold, and
    drag the desired control to the proper location,
    or select the desired control and drag a box in
    the dialog box where you want the control to

Static Text
  • The static text control is a control that simply
    displays text on your Dialog
  • Static text can simply be used to label other
    controls, so the user understands their purpose
  • To Create Static text, drag the Static Text
    tool onto your dialog resource screen. Then,
    change the caption property to the text you want

The Button Control
  • The Button control is a simple clickable button.
    Its most common use is to perform a function when
    the user clicks the button.
  • To add a button to your dialog, find the button
    control in the toolbox and drag it to the dialog
  • To change the ID of your button, select the
    button and find the ID property in the properties
  • It is best to leave the IDC_Button portion of the
    ID and simply add the name that you want to the
    end, so for an OK button we name it IDC_Button_OK
  • To change the Text that appears on a button,
    change the Caption property

Button Control (cont)
  • To create a function that executes when the
    button is clicked, just double click the button
    in the dialog box and Visual Studio will create
    and display the OnBnClicked function
  • Any code added to this function will execute when
    the button is clicked
  • The above code will pop up a message box that
    says Button OK Clicked when the OK button is
  • To make a button whose OnBnClicked function is
    executed whenever the Enter key is pressed,
    change the Default Button property to True

Edit Control
  • The Edit control is a simple text box that can be
    manipulated by either the program or the user
  • In order to retrieve data entered into the edit
    control, associate a variable with it and use the
    UpdateData(TRUE) function
  • In order to change the data displayed in an edit
    control, associate a variable with it and use the
    UpdateData(FALSE) function
  • Add a CString variable to an edit control that
    will accept letters and number
  • To create an edit control that the can only be
    changed from within the program (inaccessible by
    the user) change the Read Only property of the
    edit control to True

Edit Control (cont)
  • For an edit control that will only accept an
  • Change the Number property of the edit control to
    True to prevent the user from entering anything
    other than 0-9.
  • Add an int variable to the edit control with the
    category of value. To limit the numbers a user
    can enter into an edit control, set a Min and Max
  • The above will display an error popup when
    UpdateData(TRUE) is called, and UpdateData(TRUE)
    will return FALSE.
  • To limit the amount of text that an edit box will
    accept, change the Auto HScroll property to
    false, so that the edit control will not scroll
    to accept more input

Listbox Control
  • The Clistbox control is a control that displays
    text line by line, allows users to select lines,
    and will allow the user to scroll through lines
    when the listbox contains too many lines to be
    displayed at once.
  • To add a Listbox, simply click List Box in the
    toolbox on the left and drag to the desired
    loaction on the dialog
  • Certain properties of the Clistbox are
    automatically set such as the sort property. So
    if you want the information to display in the
    order it was added to the listbox, you should
    change the sort property to false.
  • To manipulate the data in a list box, see
    Controls with variables and Using the CListbox

Event Handlers
  • Event Handlers allow you to create a function
    that is called when certain actions are performed
    on controls such as mouse clicks
  • In Visual Studio, there is no main loop that is
    executed from top to bottom. Instead, Visual
    Studio uses event handlers to call functions that
    perform the necessary operations a program will
    execute until a button is clicked that tells the
    program to exit
  • To add an event handler, right click a control
    and select Add Event Handler

Event Handlers (cont.)
  • Select the event you want to handle for a mouse
    click, select BN_CLICKED
  • For this class, it is unnecessary to change the
    other options
  • Click Add and Edit
  • Visual Studio will create necessary Function
    declarations and take you to the Function
    definition the name of the function will
    reflect the controls ID property
  • Any code in the function will be executed when
    the event (ie mouse click) occurs

Controls with Variables
  • In order to get information from controls or
    display information using controls, we associate
    variables with them
  • To add a variable to a control, right-click the
    control and select Add Variable
  • Selecting Value creates a variable whose value
    is link to the control
  • Selecting Control creates a object whose
    functions give access to the control from the
  • For an edit control, change the category to
    Value and the Variable type to CString
  • For a listbox, the category should be Control
    and variable type CListBox
  • Name the variable and click finish to associate
    it with the control

  • To update a control so that it reflects the value
    in its associated variable, we call the function
    UpdateData(FALSE). Ex
  • We have an edit control with the CString myEdit
    associated with it. The pictures show the state
    of the control after the lines of code to their
    left have executed.
  • myEditfoo
  • UpdateData(FALSE)
  • myEditbar
  • UpdateData(FALSE)
  • myEdit
  • UpdateData(FALSE)

  • To update the variable associated with a control
    so that the variable reflects the data in the
    control, we call UpdateData(TRUE) For instance
    we have an edit box with the CString variable
    myEdit associated with it
  • Control Code myEdit
  • myEditfoo
  • UpdateData(TRUE)
  • UpdateData(TRUE)
  • myEditbar
  • UpdateData(TRUE)

Using CStrings
  • CStrings are similar to the String object in
    CS53, but CStrings are specific to Visual C.
    In many cases it is more convenient to use a
    CString than a character array.
  • CStrings do not need to be initialized with a
    null terminator like a character array does
  • CStrings do not need to be assigned a length and
    have no maximum length other than physical
    limitations of the machine
  • To convert from a CString to a character array,
    you can use strcpy() or strncpy()
  • CString c1foo char a10
  • strncpy(a,c,10) //foo
  • The CString and operator can used with other
    CStrings, a double quote enclosed string, or a
    null terminated string
  • CString c1,c2 char a20
  • strcpy(a, 456)
  • c1a //456 Note there is no special method
    needed to convert character array to CString
  • c2123 //123
  • c2c1 //123456

Using CStrings (cont)
  • You can access a specific character in a CString
    using brackets the same way you would with a
    character array
  • c2153 //153
  • c212 //123
  • To avoid errors, do not add different string
    types together to create a CString
  • //This does not work because the operation
    (123a) is performed first, this is not legal
  • c2123ac1
  • //Instead, do the following
  • c2123
  • c2a
  • c2c1
  • To find the length of a CString, we can use the
    GetLength() function. Ex c1.GetLength() This
    makes it easy to iterate through all of the
    characters of a CString
  • for(int i0 iltc1.GetLength() i)
  • //perform operation using each character in the
    string c1i

Using the CListBox Object
  • In order to manipulate the data stored by a
    listbox, you must use a CListBox object
    associated with it
  • To clear the data stored in a listbox, we call
    the Reset() function, so if we have a CListBox
    variable named myListBox, we use the code
    myListBox.Reset() to clear its data
  • To add a line to display in a listbox, we call
    the function AddString(String) where String is a
    String we want to add to the listbox. If the
    listbox has the sort property set to false, the
    new string will appear as the last line in the
    listbox. Example myListBox.AddString(Add this
  • To delete a string from a listbox, we call the
    DeleteString() function. The only parameter
    DeleteString takes is the index of the string to
    delete the indexes start at 0 for the top
    element of the listbox.
  • myListBox.Reset()
  • myListBox.AddString(a)
  • myListBox.AddString(b)
  • myListBox.DeleteString(0)

Using the CListBox Object
  • In some cases, we want to update a listbox to
    reflect a change in a Bag or other data
    structure. To do this, it is best to reset the
    entire content of the listbox and then iterate
    through all contents of the data structure,
    adding them to the listbox one by one. This
    ensures that the data in the listbox will always
    represent exactly the data in the data structure.
  • When using the CListBox, the listbox displays the
    results of any function calls automatically it
    is unnecessary to call UpdateData(FALSE) to
    refresh the listbox display

Working with the CDialog Class
  • When you create an MFC Application, .NET creates
    a program that just runs a CDialog class, so to
    change the functionality of our programs, we just
    edit this class to make it do what we want.
    Programs no longer execute from the top of a main
    loop to the bottom instead, certain functions
    are called when events like mouse clicks occur
  • The name of the class that windows creates for us
    is CProgramNameDlg where ProgramName is the name
    you specified when creating the project
  • The files for the class are appropriately named
    ProgramNameDlg.h and ProgramName.cpp, and we can
    open these files to edit them using the Solution
  • Below is code from the header file of the dialog
    class created for my program example3

CDialog Class (Cont.)
  • The CDialog class contains private, protected,
    and public variables and functions just like any
    other class. Some functions and variables are
    created automatically when the program is
    created. Others are created when you add event
    handlers and controls.
  • The code on the following page is for the dialog
    shown above. This dialog contains a button with
    the ID IDC_BUTTON_MYBUTTON with and OnBnClicked
    event handler added and an edit control with a
    CString named myEdit associated with it
  • To compile and run your program, go to
    Debug-gtStart or press F5. If the program
    compiles, he dialog screen should appear and you
    should be able to use the controls.

CDialog Class (Cont.)
The CDialog class has Public and Protected member
variables and functions
These portions of code were created by Microsoft
upon project creation
This portion of code contains the code add by
Microsoft for the variables and event handlers
added. Note that there is a public member
function named OnBnClickedMyButton which is the
function that will be called when the button with
the ID IDC_BUTTON_MYBUTTON is clicked. It also
contains a CString public member variable named
myEdit which is associated with the edit control
CDialog Class (Cont.)
  • You can add member variables and functions to the
    CDialog class just like any other class. The
    advantage of this is that member variables are
    accessible from all member functions which
    includes OnBnClicked functions. Also, a member
    function will have access to the member variables
    such as the variables associated with controls
    and functions inherited by the Dialog class such
    as the MessageBox function.
  • The following shows a portion of the header with
    an array of integers and a function named
    parseEditControl added to the class. The class
    also has a myBag object named m_bag that may
    allow us to keep track of a collection things
    such as multiple text inputs from the user.

MessageBox function
  • The MessageBox function is a function that
    creates a message box popup
  • The first parameter of the function is a string
    that is the text that will be displayed in the
    main part of the message box
  • The second parameter is a string for the caption
    which is the text that appears in the Title bar
    of the message box
  • The final parameter accepts predefined integer
    constants which determine the buttons and
    functionality of the message box for a message
    box with an ok button we use MB_OK
  • The MessageBox function is inherited by the
    Dialog CDialog class, so it is unavailable in any
    classes you create
  • MessageBox(This text appears in the body of the
    window, This text appears in the Title Bar,

Using The MSDN in .Net
  • To use the MSDN in .Net, select Help-gt Search,
    and you will get a search screen on the right
  • You may want to filter by Visual C to get more
    relevant results
  • Results for your inquiry will appear at the
  • Click on a result to view it in the main pane
  • The MSDN is a good way to get an answer about how
    a particular object or function works

Common Problems
  • Insufficient AFS drive space - If you are
    creating your program on your S drive, you are
    limited to 100MB of space. When you Run your
    program it creates a Debug folder which can take
    up as much as 10MB of space. It is a good idea
    to go to Build-gtClean Solution when you are
    finished with a program to clear this Debug
    folder and recover the space
  • The following error is a typical sign of low Disk
  • In some cases, you may see an error message that
    doesnt seem to make sense. It is possible that
    the error could be cleared up by selecting Build
    -gtRebuild Solution.
  • Another way to avoid errors is to disable
    Precompiled headers. To do this, go to Project
    on the top menu, Properties, navigate to
    Configuration-gtC/C-gtPrecompiled Headers on the
    right, and then select Not using precompiled
    Headers for Create/Use Precompiled Headers.
    This technique is useful when your error message
    says something about precompiled headers
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